1. United States, 27 stars
U. S. legislature approved annexation
of Texas on December 29, 1845. Texas joined the Union February
19, 1846 as the 28 th state. The first U. S. flag had 27
stars and the 28 th star for Texas was added July 4, 1946. When
the state flag is displayed on a staff, the staff should be at
least 2 ½ times as long as the flags hoist, and the
state flag should be attached to the staffs peak.
The staffs finial should be either a lone star or a spearhead.
2. United States, 28 stars
a. version 1
b. version 2
Stewarts National flag, Jan. 25, 1839:
Dr. George B. Stewarts flag designated official flag of the Republic
on 1839. January 25, 1836 by act of congress as the
national Standard. Bill submitted by Senator Jones. Flag
drawn by P. Krag, an artist, and used as exhibit to the bill.
Subsequently adopted as the State flag of Texas after
it joined the Union. <2>
Smithsonian; Vernon's, Art.6139a
<2> Southwestern, Vol. 59, p. 490; Vernon's, Art.
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