Roster of the Texas Army: "C"
- Caddell, Andrew [SJ]
- Cage, Benjamin Franklin [SJ]
- Calder, Roberts James [SJ]
- Caldwell, Pinckney (Pinkney)
Coatsworth [GN] [SB] [SJ]
- Call, James [SJ]
- Callicoatte, John B. [SJ]
- Callihan (Callahan), Thomas Jefferson
- Campbell, David Wilson [HB]
- Campbell, Heil Orton [HB]
- Campbell, John [HB]
- Campbell, Joseph [SJ]
- Campbell, Michael [SJ]
- Campbell, Rufus Easton [HB]
- Cannan (Cannon), William Jarvis
(J. W.) [SJ]
- Cannon, Thomas [HB]
- Carmona (Carmana, Carnonia),
Cesario (Caesario) [SJ]
- Carnal (Carnel) (Curneal), Patrick
(Patrick J.) [SJ]
- Carpenter, John [SJ]
- Carpenter, John W. [SJ]
- Carper, William M., Dr. [SJ]
- Carr, John [SJ]
- Carruthers - see Caruthers
- Carter, James (J.) [SB] [SJ]
- Carter, Robert W. P. (R. W.)
- Cartwright, Matthew Winston [SB]
- Cartwright, William P. [SJ]
- Caruthers, William [HB]
- Caruthers, Young [HB]
- Caruthers (Carruthers), Allen
- Casey, George M. [HB]
- Casillas, Gabriel [SJ]
- Cassidy (Cassady), John William
- Castleman, Jacob [HB]
- Cellum, James [SJ]
- Cepton, Cyrus [SJ]
- Chadduck, Richard H. [SJ]
- Chaffin, James A. [SJ]
- Chairs - see Cheairs
- Chamberlin (Chamberlain), Willard
[SB] [HB]
- Chance, Joseph Bell [HB]
- Chapman, Henry S. [SJ]
- Charencan, M. [SJ]
- Chavenoe, Michael [SJ]
- Cheairs (Chevis) (Chairs), John
F. (John, the 1st) [SJ]
- Cheevers (Chevis) (Chevers),
John (John, the 2nd.) [SJ]
- Chelaup, James K. [HB]
- Chenoweth, John [SB] [GL] [SJ]
- Chevers - see Cheevers
- Chevis - see Cheairs
- Childress, James R. [HB]
- Childs, Lewis L. (J. J.) [SJ]
- Chiles, Lewis L. [SJ]
- Choate (Choat), David, Jr. [SJ]
- Choderick, R. T. [SJ]
- Christie, John [SJ]
- Clapp, Elisha [SJ]
- Clark, William [SJ]
- Clark (Clarke), James [SJ]
- Clark (Clarke), John [SJ]
- Clarke (Clark), Charles A. [SB]
- Clarkson, Charles [SJ]
- Clayton, Joseph Alvey [SJ]
- Clelens (Clelland), Josh (John
J.) [SJ]
- Clemmons, William H. [SJ]
- Clemons (Clemmons, Clemins,
Clements), Lewis Chapman
- Cleveland, Horatio N. [SJ]
- Clopper, Andrew M. [SJ]
- Coble, Adam [SB] [SJ]
- Cochran, Jeremiah D. [SJ]
- Cockrell, John R. [HB]
- Coe, Philip Haddox [HB]
- Coffman, Elkin G. [SJ]
- Coker, John [SJ]
- Cole, James [HB]
- Cole, David [SJ]
- Cole (Coles), Benjamin L. (B.)
- Coleman, Robert M. [SB] [SJ]
- Coliant - see Colliant
- Collard, James Hillness [HB]
- Collard, Job Starks [SJ]
- Collard, Jonathan S. [HB]
- Colliant (Coliant), John B. (J.
B.) [SJ]
- Collins, Willis [SJ]
- Collinsworth, James [SJ]
- Colton, William [SJ]
- Common, Thomas [HB]
- Coney, Thomas F. [SJ]
- Conlee (Conly, Conless), Preston
- Conn, James S. [SB] [SJ]
- Connell, David C. [HB]
- Connell, Sampson [SJ]
- Conner, Evan [HB]
- Conner, S. [SJ]
- Connor (Conner), James [SJ]
- Cook, Octavious A. [HB]
- Cook (Cooke), A. W. [HB]
- Cooke, Francis Jarvis [SJ]
- Cooke, Thomas [SJ]
- Cooke, William Gordon [SB] [GL] [SJ]
- Cooke (Cook), James Russell [GL] [SJ]
- Cooper, James [SJ]
- Cooper, Mathias [SJ]
- Cormona, Cecarlo [SJ]
- Corner, Thomas [HB]
- Corry, Thomas F. [SJ]
- Corzine (Corsine), Hershel [SB]
- Cottle, Sylvanus [HB]
- Counly, James [SJ]
- Cox, Lewis [SJ]
- Cox, Thomas B. [SB] [GL] [SJ]
- Craddock, John Robert [SJ]
- Craft, James A. [SJ]
- Craft, Russell B. [SJ]
- Craig, Henry R. (Harry R.) (C.)
- Crain, Joel Burditt [SJ]
- Crain, Roden Taylor (Robert T.)
- Cravens, Robert M. [SJ]
- Crawford, John B. [HB]
- Crawford, Robert [SJ]
- Crier Andrew[HB]
- Criswell, William Vanoy [GN]
[SB] [SJ]
- Crittenden, Robert [SJ]
- Crittenden, William [SJ]
- Cronican, Michael [SB] [SJ]
- Crosby, Ganey (Garry) [SJ]
- Crownover, Arter [HB]
- Crunk, Nicholas S. [SJ]
- Cruz, Antonio [SJ]
- Cuevies - see Curbiere
- Cumba, James [SJ]
- Cumberland, George [SJ]
- Cunningham, Leander Calvin [SJ]
- Curbiere (Curbier, Cuevies, Curvier),
Antonio [SJ]
- Curbiere (Curbier, Curvis, Curvier),
Matias [SJ]
- Curtis, Hinton [SJ]
- Curtis, James, Sr. [SJ]
- Curvier - see Curbiere
- Curvis - see Curbiere
- Cuttle, Sylvannic [HB]
Contributions and
queries are welcome.
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