Roster of the Texas Army: "D-E"
- Dale, Elijah Valentine [SJ]
- Dallas, James Loraine, Jr. [SJ]
- Dallas, Walter Riddle [SJ]
- Dalrymple, John [SJ]
- Darling, John Socrates [SJ]
- Darr, George [SJ]
- Darst, Edmund (Edward) Calloway
- Darst, Emory Holman [HB]
- Darst, Patrick E. [SJ]
- Darst, Richard Brownfield [SJ]
- Davey (Davy), Thomas P. [SJ]
- Davidson, John F. [SJ]
- Davidson, William Francis H.
- Davis, Abner C. [SJ]
- Davis, George Washington [GN] [SB] [SJ]
- Davis, James P. [SJ]
- Davis, Jesse Kencheloe [SJ]
- Davis, John [HB]
- Davis, Moses H. [SJ]
- Davis, Samuel S. [SJ]
- Davis, Travis [SJ]
- Davis, Washington H. [SJ]
- Davis, William Francis H. (Wm.R.)
- Davy - see Davey
- Dawson,
Nicholas Mosby [SJ]
- Day, Henry S. [SJ]
- Day, William [SJ]
- Deadrick, David [SJ]
- Deadrick, George M. [SJ]
- Deadrick (Dedrick), Fielding
(Joel) [SJ]
- Denham, M. H. (W. K.) [SJ]
- Denman (Denmon), Colden (Holden)
- Dennis,
Thomas Mason [SJ]
- DeVore
(Devols), Cornelius [SJ]
- DeWitt (Deritt), James C. [SJ]
- Dexter, Peter B. [SJ]
- Dibble, Henry [SJ]
- Dick,
"The Drummer Boy" [SJ]
- Dickerman, E. [HB]
- Dickinson, Edward [HB]
- Dillard, Abraham [SJ]
- Dixon, James W. (J.H.T.) [SJ]
- Doan (Douane), Joseph [SJ]
- Doolittle, Berry [SJ]
- Doubt, Daniel L. [SJ]
- Douglass, Freeman Walker [HB]
- Douglass, Jonathan [HB]
- Douthet (Douthatt), James [SJ]
- Driscoll, Daniel O. [SJ]
- Druham, William Davis (Daniel) [SB] [SJ]
- Dubromer, Tobias, Dr. [SJ]
- Duff, James Carson [HB]
- Duffee, William [SJ]
- Dunbar, William [SJ]
- Duncan, Jacob [SJ]
- Duncan, John [GL] [SJ]
- Dunham, Daniel T. [SJ]
- Dunn, Josiah G. [HB]
- Dunn, Matthew [SJ]
- Durham (Dunham), William Davis
(Daniel) [SB] [SJ]
- Dutcher, Alfred [SJ]
- Dykes (Dyches), Q. (Lovick P.)
- Earl, William [SJ]
- Eastland, William Mosby [SJ]
- Edenburg (Edingburg), Christopher
Columbus [SJ]
- Edgar, Joseph Smith [SJ]
- Edson, Amos B. [SJ]
- Edwards, Isiah [SJ]
- Edwards, Tilford C. [SJ]
- Egbert, James D. [SJ]
- Eggleston, Horace [SJ]
- Ehlinger (Elinger), Joseph [SJ]
- Eiler, Jacob [SJ]
- Eldridge, James J. [SJ]
- Elinger - see Ehlinger
- Ellender (Ellenger, Ellinder),
Joseph [SJ]
- Elliot (Elliott), James D. [SJ]
- Elliot (Elliott), Peter S. (James
S per Dixon), [SJ]
- Ellis, Willis L. [SJ]
- Emmons, Calvin Brallery [HB]
- Emory, Edwin B. [HB]
- Enriquez (Enniques, Ennques),
Lucio (Lucin) [SJ]
- Erath, George Bernard (Bernhard) [SJ]
- Etheridge, Godfrey [HB]
- Evans, Moses [HB]
- Evans, Musgrove [SJ]
- Evetts, Samuel G., Jr. [SJ]
- Evetts (Everett), James Harrison
- Ewing, Alexander Wray, Dr. [SJ]
- Eyler, Jacob [SJ]
Contributions and
queries are welcome.
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