Roster of the Texas Army: "F-G"
- Farewell - see Farwell
- Faris, Hezekiah [SJ]
- Farish - see Farrish
- Farley, Massillon [HB]
- Farley, Thomas M. [SJ]
- Farmer, James [SJ]
- Farnsworth, Oliver [HB]
- Farrish (Farish), Oscar [SJ]
- Farwell (Farewell), Joseph [SJ]
- Fennell, George [SJ]
- Ferrell (Ferrill), John P. [SJ]
- Ferrill (Ferrell), William L.
- Fertilan, William [SJ]
- Fields, Henry [SJ]
- Finch, Matthew [SJ]
- Finch, William [SJ]
- Finley, Benjamin C. [HB]
- Fisher, William [SJ]
- Fisher, William S. [SJ]
- Fisk, Greenleaf [HB]
- Fitch, Benjamin Franklin [SJ]
- Fitzgerald, Longford (Lankford)
- Fitzhugh, John T. P. (P. T.),
Dr. [SJ]
- Flick, John [SJ]
- Flores, Manuel [SB] [SJ]
- Flores, Manuel Maria [SJ]
- Flores, Martin [SJ]
- Flores, Nepomuceno (Nep., Neph)
- Floyd, Joseph [SJ]
- Flynn, Thomas Jefferson [SJ]
- Foard, Charles A. [SJ]
- Fogle, Andrew [SJ]
- Foley, Steven Tucker [SJ]
- Forbes, George Washington [SJ]
- Forbes, John [SJ]
- Ford, Simon Peter [SJ]
- Forrester (Forrister), Charles
- Foster, Anthony [SJ]
- Foster, John Ray [SJ]
- Fowle (Fowl), Thomas Patton [SJ]
- Fowler, Andrew Jackson [SJ]
- Fowler, John H. [SJ]
- Fowler, Styles J. [SJ]
- Fowler, Thomas M. [SJ]
- Fraley, Morrison [HB]
- Francis, Miller [HB]
- Francis, William [SJ]
- Franklin, Benjamin Cromwell [SJ]
- Frazer (Frazler), Hugh [SJ]
- Freed, Henry [HB]
- Freele (Friel), James [SJ]
- Freeman, Thomas [HB]
- Fry, Benjamin Franklin [SB] [SJ]
- Fullerton, William [SJ]
- Fulton, James [SJ]
- Gafford, John [SJ]
- Gage, Calvin [SJ]
- Gainer, John N. [SJ]
- Gallaher (Gallagher), Edward
(Edward A.) [SJ]
- Gallatin (Gallitin), Albert
Edward [SB] [SJ]
- Galsaspy - see Gillaspie
- Gamble, William [SJ]
- Gammmell, William [SJ]
- Gant, William W. [SJ]
- Gardner, George Washington [SJ]
- Garner, John [SJ]
- Garwood, S. Joseph [SJ]
- Gay, Thomas [SJ]
- Gedry (Gedrie), Lefroy (Lafray)
- Gentry, Frederick Browder [SJ]
- Gians, Bazil G. [SJ]
- Giddings, Giles Albert [SJ]
- Gilbert, John Floyd [SJ]
- Gill, John Porter [SB] [SJ]
- Gill, William C.
- Gillaspie (Galsaspy), James[SJ]
- Gillespie, Luke John [SJ]
- Gillett, Samuel S. [HB]
- Glidwell, Abner [SJ]
- Goheen, Michael R. [SJ]
- Goodloe, Robert Kemp, Dr. [SJ]
- Goodwin, Lewis [SJ]
- Goodwin - see Goodloe
- Goosley (Goolsey), William G.
- Gordon, James [HB]
- Gorham, Isaac [HB]
- Gorham, William [HB]
- Grady, W. A. [HB]
- Graham, John [SJ]
- Granville, Benjamin [HB]
- Graves, Alexander S. [SJ]
- Graves, David [SJ]
- Graves, Thomas A. [SJ]
- Gravis, John A. F. [HB]
- Gray, James [SJ]
- Gray, Mabry (Mayberry) B. [SJ]
- Green, Benjamin [SJ]
- Green, George [SJ]
- Green, James [SJ]
- Green, Thomas
- Greenlaw, Augus [GN] [SB] [SJ]
- Greenwood, James [SJ]
- Greer, Thomas N. B. [SJ]
- Grice, James B. [SJ]
- Grieves, David [SJ]
- Griffin, William [SJ]
- Grigsby, John Crawford [SJ]
- Grimes, Frederick Miller [HB]
- Grimes, George W. [HB]
- Grimes, Jesse [SJ]
- Grimes, John [SJ]
- Gross (Groce), Jacob [SJ]
- Grover, J. A. F. [HB]
- Gustine, Lemuel, Dr. [SJ]
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queries are welcome.
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