Roster of the Texas Army: "H"
- Hagans, Josiah [SJ]
- Hager, Nat. [SJ]
- Haggard, Henry H. [HB]
- Halderman, Jesse [SJ]
- Hale, Jonas [HB]
- Hale, William [SJ]
- Hale, John C. [SJ]
- Hall, James S. [SJ]
- Hall, John W. [SJ]
- Hallet, John, Jr. [SJ]
- Hallmark, Alfred M. [HB]
- Hallmark, William Calvert (W.E.)
- Halstead, E. B. [SJ]
- Hamilton, Elias E. [SJ]
- Hancock, George Duncan [SJ]
- Handy, Robert Eden [SJ]
- Hanson, Thomas [SJ]
- Harbour, John Monroe [HB]
- Harbour, T. J. [HB]
- Hardaway, Samuel G. [SJ]
- Hardeman, Francis K. [SJ]
- Hardeman, Thomas Monroe [GN] [SJ]
- Hardin, Benjamin Franklin [SB] [SJ]
- Hardin, Ennis [HB]
- Harmon, Clark M. [SJ]
- Harmon, John A. [SJ]
- Harness, William [SJ]
- Harper, Benjamin J. [SJ]
- Harper, John [SJ]
- Harper, Peter [SJ]
- Harris, Andrew Jackson [SJ]
- Harris, Hez. [SJ]
- Harris, Isaac [HB]
- Harris, James [SJ]
- Harris, Temple Overton [SJ]
- Harrison, A. L. [SJ]
- Harrison, Elzy [SJ]
- Harvey, David [SJ]
- Harvey, John [SJ]
- Haskins, Thomas A. [SJ]
- Hassell, John W. [SJ]
- Hatfield, Basil Muse [HB]
- Hawkins, William J. [SJ]
- Hawkins, William Washington [SJ]
- Hayr (Hays), James [SJ]
- Hays (Hayes), William C. [SJ]
- Hazen, Nathaniel C. [GL] [SJ]
- Head, Wiley M. [HB]
- Heard, William Jones Elliot [SJ]
- Heck, Charles F. [SJ]
- Henderson, Francis K. [SJ]
- Henderson, Hugh [SJ]
- Henderson, Robert [SJ]
- Henderstrom, Augustus [SJ]
- Henry, Charles M. [SJ]
- Henry, Robert [SJ]
- Hensley, John M. [HB]
- Herrera, Pedro [SJ]
- Herring, John [SJ]
- Herron, John Harvey [SJ]
- Hick (Hicks), Charles Frederick
[GL] [SJ]
- Hickox, Franklin B. [SJ]
- Highland, Joseph [SJ]
- Highsmith, Ahijah M. [SJ]
- Hill, Abraham Webb (Asa) [SJ]
- Hill, Abram Wiley [SJ]
- Hill, David [HB]
- Hill, Hardy (H.) [SJ]
- Hill, Isaac Lafayette [SJ]
- Hill, J. W. [SJ]
- Hill, James Monroe [SJ]
- Hill, William Warner [HB]
- Hinds, James B. [GN] [HB]
- Hitchcock, Franklin [SJ]
- Hobson, John [SJ]
- Hockley, George Washington [SJ]
- Hodge, Archibald "Archie"
- Hodge, James [HB]
- Hodge, Robert [HB]
- Hodge , William [HB]
- Hogan, James B. [SJ]
- Hogan, Josiah [SJ]
- Hogan, Thomas [SJ]
- Hogg, W. C. [SJ]
- Holcombe, James J. [HB]
- Holder, Prior A. [SJ]
- Hollingsworth, James [HB]
- Holman, William Sanford [SJ]
- Holmes, Peter W. [SJ]
- Homan, Harvey [SJ]
- Hood, Robert [SJ]
- Hope, Adolphus [SJ]
- Hope, Prosper [SJ]
- Hope, Richard [SJ]
- Hopkins, Thomas [SJ]
- Hopson, John [SJ]
- Hopson, Lucien [SJ]
- Horton,
Alexander [SJ]
- Hotchkiss, Richard (Rinaldo)
- Houston, Samuel (Sam) [SJ]
- Howard, Levi [SJ]
- Howard, William C. [SJ]
- Howell, Robert F. [SJ]
- Howlett, A. W. [HB]
- Hueser, John Abram [SJ]
- Hughes, James [HB]
- Hughes, Thomas M. [SJ]
- Hunt, John Campbell [SJ]
- Hunter, Robert Hancock [HB]
- Hyland, Joseph [SJ]
Contributions and
queries are welcome.
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