Roster of the Texas Army: "I-K"
- Ijams, Basil G. [SB] [SJ]
- Ingraham - see Ingram
- Ingram, Seth [HB]
- Ingram , Allen [SB] [GL] [SJ]
- Ingram (Ingraham), John [SB] [SJ]
- Irvine, James Thomas Patton [SJ]
- Irvine, Josephus Somerville
- Isbell, James H. [SJ]
- Isbell, William [SB] [SJ]
- Jack, William Houston [SJ]
- Jackson, Joseph [HB]
- Jackson, Thomas R. (W. R.)
- James, Denward [SJ]
- James, W. F. [SJ]
- Jaques, Isaac L. [SJ]
- Jennings, J. D., Dr. [HB]
- Jennings, James D. [SJ]
- Jett, James Matthew [SJ]
- Jett, Stephen [SJ]
- Johnson, Benjamin [SJ]
- Johnson, George [SJ]
- Johnson, George J. [SJ]
- Johnson, James [SJ]
- Johnson, John [HB]
- Johnson, John R. [SJ]
- Johnson, Joseph Ranson [HB]
- Johnson, Nathan B. [HB]
- Johnston, Thomas D. (F.) [SJ]
- Jones, Allen B. [SJ]
- Jones, D. P. [HB]
- Jones, David J. [GL] [SJ]
- Jones, Anson, Dr. [SJ]
- Jones, Edward S. [SJ]
- Jones, George Washington [SJ]
- Jones, Keeton McLemore [HB]
- Jordan, Alfred S. [SJ]
- Joslin, James [SJ]
- Joslyn, Joseph [SJ]
- Karner, John [SJ]
- Karnes, Henry Wax [SB] [SJ]
- Keeland - see Killeen
- Kelly, Connell O'Donnell [SJ]
- Kelso, Alfred [SJ]
- Kemp, Thomas [GL] [HB]
- Kenkennon, William P. [SJ]
- Kennard, William Everett [HB]
- Kennard, William Stephens [SJ]
- Kennedy, W. [HB]
- Kenney, William H. [HB]
- Kent, Joseph [SJ]
- Kenyon, Amos D. [GL] [SJ]
- Kerr, William P. [HB]
- Kibbe, William [SJ]
- Killeen (Keeland), William [SJ]
- Kimbro, William [SJ]
- Kincannon, William P. [SJ]
- Kincheloe Daniel R. [SJ]
- King, William P. [SJ]
- Kleburg (Kleberg), Robert
Justus [SJ]
- Knoland, E. [SJ]
- Kokernot, David L. [HB]
- Kornegay, David Smith [SJ]
- Kraatz, Lewis [SJ]
- Kuykendall, Adam [HB]
- Kuykendall, Brazilla [HB]
- Kuykendall, Gibson [HB]
- Kuykendall, H. A. [HB]
- Kuykendall, James Hampton
- Kuykendall, John [HB]
- Kuykendall, Matthew [SJ]
- Kuykendall, Thornton S. [HB]
Contributions and
queries are welcome.
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