Roster of the Texas Army: "M"
- Magill, William Harrison [SJ]
- Maiden, Isaac [SB] [SJ]
- Maldonado, Juan [SJ]
- Maldonart (Maldona), Thomas (Tomas)
- Malina - see Molino
- Malone, Charles [SJ]
- Mancha (Mocha), Jose Maria [SJ]
- Manchaca - see Menchaca
- Manhue, E. [HB]
- Manning, James H. [HB]
- Mantin, L. [HB]
- Manuel, Albert C. [SJ]
- Marner, John [SJ]
- Marre, Achelle [SJ]
- Marritt, Moses [SJ]
- Marsh, Alonzo [SJ]
- Marshall, Elias J. [HB]
- Marshall, Hugh Lewis [SJ]
- Marshall, John Ligett [SJ]
- Marshall, John, Jr. [HB]
- Marshall, Joseph Taylor [HB]
- Marshall, Samuel B. [HB]
- Martin, Joseph [SJ]
- Martin, Philip C. [SJ]
- Marvey, John [SJ]
- Mason, Charles [GN] [SB] [SJ]
- Mason, George W. [GN] [SB] [SJ]
- Massey (Massie), William P. [SJ]
- Matchett, John [SJ]
- Mather, Elisha [HB]
- Matthews, Mansel Water, Dr. [SJ]
- Maury (Maurry), James [HB]
- Maxwell, Pierre (Peter) Menard
- Maxwell, Thomas [SJ]
- Maybee, Jacob [SJ]
- Mays, Thomas H. [SJ]
- Mays (Mayer), Ambrose [SJ]
- McAllister, Joseph [SJ]
- McCaskey (McCloskey), Robert
D. [SJ]
- McClelland, Samuel [SJ]
- McCloskey - see McCaskey
- McCorley (McCurdy), Placido B.
- McCormick (McCormack), Joseph
Manson (Manton) [SJ]
- McCoy, John [SJ]
- McCoy, William [SJ]
- McCrabb, John M. [SJ]
- McCrabb, Joseph [SJ]
- McCrocklin, Jesse Lindsay
(Lindsey) [SB] [SJ]
- McCulloch (McCullough), Benjamin [SJ]
- McCurdy - see McCorley
- McFaddin, Nathaniel A. [HB]
- McFaddin (McFadin), William M.
[SB] [HB]
- McFadin, David Hutcheson [SJ]
- McFall, Samuel [HB]
- McFarlane, John W. B. [SJ]
- McGary, Daniel H. [SJ]
- McGary, Isaac [SJ]
- McGay, Thomas [SJ]
- McGee, Thomas [SJ]
- McGown, Andrew Jackson [SJ]
- McGown, Samuel [HB]
- McHorse, John W. [SB] [SJ]
- McIntire, Thomas H. [SJ]
- McIntire, William [HB]
- McKay, Daniel [SJ]
- McKenzie (McKinza) (McKenza),
Alexander [SJ]
- McKinsey (McKenzie), Hugh [SJ]
- McKneely, Samuel M. [SJ]
- McLaughlin, James [HB]
- McLaughlin, Robert [SJ]
- McLaughlin, Stephen [SJ]
- McLaughlin, William [HB]
- McLean, Dugald (McDougald) [SJ]
- McLinn (McLin), Stephen [SJ]
- McManus, Robert Olson William
- McMaster, William [HB]
- McMillan, Andrew [HB]
- McMillan, Edward [SJ]
- McMillan, James [HB]
- McNeel, Pleasant D. [SJ]
- McNeely, Samuel M. [SJ]
- McNelly, Bennett [GL] [SJ]
- McNutt, Robert [HB]
- McStea, Andrew M. [SJ]
- Means, William [HB]
- Menchaca (Manchaca, Menchasen),
Jose Antonio [SB] [SJ]
- Menifee (Menefee), John Sutherland [SJ]
- Mercer, Eli [SJ]
- Mercer, Elijah G. [SJ]
- Mercer, George Richie [SJ]
- Mercer, Peter [GL] [SJ]
- Merritt, Robert [HB]
- Merwin, Joseph W. [SJ]
- Miles, Alfred H. [SJ]
- Miles, Edward [SJ]
- Millar - see Miller
- Millard (Millar), Henry [SJ]
- Miller, Francis [HB]
- Miller (Millen), William A. [SJ]
- Miller, Hugh [SJ]
- Miller, Joseph [SJ]
- Miller, William H. [SJ]
- Miller (Millar), Daniel [SJ]
- Millerman, Ira [SJ]
- Millett, Samuel [SJ]
- Mills, David (Andrew) Granville
- Mims, Benjamin Franklin [SJ]
- Minnett (Minnitt), Joshua [SJ]
- Mitchell, Asa (Alexander S.) [SJ]
- Mitchell, James [SJ]
- Mitchell, Nathaniel (Nathan) [SJ]
- Mitchell, Jones B. (S. B.) [SJ]
- Mixon, Noel [SJ]
- Mocha - see Mancha
- Mock, William N. [SJ]
- Molino (Malina Alexin), Jose
(Hosea) [SJ]
- Money, John Hamilton [SJ]
- Montgomery, Andrew Jackson
(M.) [SJ]
- Montgomery, John [SJ]
- Montgomery, McGready (Robert
W.) [SJ]
- Moore, Azariah G. [HB]
- Moore, John D. [HB]
- Moore, Lewis [HB]
- Moore, Morris [HB]
- Moore, Robert [SJ]
- Moore, Robert D. [SJ]
- Moore, Samuel [SJ]
- Moore, William A. (William P.)
- Mordorff, Henry [SJ]
- Moreland (Mourland), Isaac
N. (J.N.) [SJ]
- Morgan, Hugh [SJ]
- Morgan, John [SJ]
- Morris, Burrel [HB]
- Morris, George [HB]
- Morris, James H. [HB]
- Morris, Jonathan D. [SJ]
- Morris, Spencer [HB]
- Morton, John V. [SJ]
- Mosier, Adam [SB] [SJ]
- Moss, John [SJ]
- Moss, Matthew Mark [SJ]
- Mottley (Motley), Junius William,
Dr. [SJ]
- Mourland - see Moreland
- Murphree, David [SJ]
- Murphy, Daniel [GL] [SJ]
- Murray, William [SJ]
- Myers, E. G. [SJ]
- Myrick, Eliakin P. [SJ]
Contributions and
queries are welcome.
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