Roster of the Texas Army: "N-P"
- Nabers, Robert [SJ]
- Nabors, William [SJ]
- Nash, John D. (J. H.) [SB] [SJ]
- Navarro, Nepomuceno [SJ]
- Neal, John C. [SJ]
- Nealis, Francis [SJ]
- Neill, James Clinton [GN] [SB] [A] [SJ]
- Neill, Sanuel C. [SJ]
- Nelson, David S. [SJ]
- Nelson, James [SJ]
- Newman, William P. [SJ]
- Newton, John [HB]
- Nixon, N. [SJ]
- Noland, Elijah (Eli) [SJ]
- Norment, Thomas [HB]
- O'Banion, Jennings [SJ]
- O'Connor, Patrick B. [SJ]
- O'Connor, Thomas (S.) [SJ]
- O'Driscoll, Daniel [SJ]
- O'Neill (O'Neil), William (John)
- Oden (Odem), David [SJ]
- Olfin - see Allphin
- Orr, Thomas [SJ]
- Osburn (Osborne), Benjamin Franklin
(S.) [SJ]
- Osborn, John Lyle [GL] [SJ]
- Owen, J. D. [HB]
- Owen, James D. [HB]
- Owen, T. D. [SJ]
- Ownsby, James P. [SJ]
- Pace, Dempsey Council [SB] [SJ]
- Pace, James Robert [SB] [SJ]
- Pace, Wesley Walker [SJ]
- Pace, William Carroll [SJ]
- Page, Soloman Calvin [HB]
- Park, Joseph Belton [SJ]
- Park, William A. [SJ]
- Parker, Dickinson (Dickerson)
- Parker, Wiley [HB]
- Parrott, C. W. [SJ]
- Paschall, Samuel [SJ]
- Passe, William [SJ]
- Pate, William H. [SJ]
- Pattan, William H. [SJ]
- Patterson, James S. [SJ]
- Patton, Columbus R. [SJ]
- Patton, St. Clair [SJ]
- Patton, William [SJ]
- Patton, William Hester [SJ]
- Pearce, Edward [SJ]
- Pearce, William J. C. [SJ]
- Peck, Nathaniel [SJ]
- Peck, Nicholas [SJ]
- Peebles, Richard Rodgers,
Dr. [HB]
- Peebles, Samuel W. [SJ]
- Peerman, George B. [HB]
- Pena, Jacinto [SJ]
- Pennington, J. M. [HB]
- Pentecost (Penticost), George
Washington [SJ]
- Perch - see Pruett
- Perry, Daniel [SJ]
- Perry, James Hazard [SJ]
- Perry, Sion W. [HB]
- Perry, William M. [HB]
- Peterson, John [SJ]
- Peterson, William [SJ]
- Pettus, Edward Cratic [SB] [SJ]
- Pettus, John Freeman [SJ]
- Pettus, William [HB]
- Petty, George Washington [SJ]
- Pevehouse, Preston [HB]
- Peveto, Michael, Jr. [SJ]
- Phelps, James A. E. [SJ]
- Phillips, Elijah (Eli) [SJ]
- Phillips, Samuel [SJ]
- Phillips, Sydney [SB] [SJ]
- Pickering, John [SB] [SJ]
- Pier, James B. [HB]
- Pierce, William J. C. [SJ]
- Pierce, Edward [SJ]
- Pinchback, James R. [SJ]
- Plaster, Thomas Phiney (Pliney) [SJ]
- Pleasants, George Washington [HB]
- Pleasants, John [SJ]
- Plunkett, John [SJ]
- Poe, George Washington [SJ]
- Polk, William P. [HB]
- Polk, Thomas [HB]
- Potter, Robert [SJ]
- Potts, R. [HB]
- Poveto, Michael [SJ]
- Powell, James [SJ]
- Pratt, Thomas P. (Thomas A. S.)
- Prewitt, Elisha [HB]
- Price, Hardy William Brown [SJ]
- Price, Perry [HB]
- Price, Robert [HB]
- Price, William [HB]
- Proctor, Joseph W. [SJ]
- Pruett (Perch, Pruitt), Leroy
(Levi, Levy) [SJ]
- Pruett (Pruitt), Martin [SJ]
- Pruitt, Elisha [HB]
- Putnam, Michael (Mitchell) [SJ]
Contributions and
queries are welcome.
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