Roster of the Texas Army: "R"
- Rainey, Clement [SB] [SJ]
- Rainwater, Edwin R. [SJ]
- Ramey, Lawrence [SJ]
- Ramerez (Ramirez), Eduardo (Edwardo)
- Rankin, David [HB]
- Raper, Daniel [HB]
- Raymond, Samuel B. [SJ]
- Reamos, Sherwood Y. [HB]
- Reaves, Dimer W. [SJ]
- Rector, Claiborne [SJ]
- Rector, Elbridge Gerry [SJ]
- Rector, Pendleton [SB] [SJ]
- Redd, William Davis [SJ]
- Redfield, Henry P. [SJ]
- Reed, Henry [SJ]
- Reed, Nathaniel [SJ]
- Reel, Robert J. W. [SJ]
- Reese, Charles Keller [SB] [SJ]
- Reese, Washington Perry [SJ]
- Rheinhart, Asa [SJ]
- Rhodes, John B. [HB]
- Rhodes, Joseph [SJ]
- Rhorer - see Rohrer
- Rial, John W. [SJ]
- Richardson, Daniel Long [SJ]
- Richardson, John [SJ]
- Richardson, Lewis [SJ]
- Richardson, Scurry [SJ]
- Richardson, William [SJ]
- Ricks, George Washington [HB]
- Ripley, Phineas [SJ]
- Roark, Leo A. Elijah [SB] [SJ]
- Robbins, Early [HB]
- Robbins, John [SJ]
- Robbins, Thomas [SJ]
- Roberts, David [SJ]
- Roberts, Sion (Sim, Zion) [SJ]
- Roberts, Stephen R. [HB]
- Robertson, Jesse [SJ]
- Robertson, Sterling Clack [HB]
- Robertson, William [SJ]
- Robinett, Enoch [HB]
- Robinett, James M. [HB]
- Robinson, Benjamin W. [HB]
Robinson, George Washington [SJ]
- Robinson, J. [SJ]
- Robinson, James [HB]
- Robinson, James [HB]
- Robinson, James W. [SJ]
- Robinson, Jesse [SJ]
- Robinson, Thomas Jefferson [SJ]
- Robinson, William [SJ]
- Robison, Joel Walter [SB] [SJ]
- Rockwell, Chester B. [SJ]
- Rodriquez (Rodengues, Rodrige),
Ambrosio (Ambro) [SJ]
- Roeder, Louis von [SB] [SJ]
- Rohrer (Rhorer, Roarer), Conrad
- Roman, Richard [SJ]
- Rounds, Lyman Frank [SJ]
- Rowe, James [SJ]
- Rowlett, Alexander W. [HB]
- Ruddell, John [SJ]
- Rudder, Nathaniel [SJ]
- Rusk, David [SJ]
- Rusk, Thomas Jefferson [SJ]
- Russell, Robert Benedict [SJ]
- Ryons (Ryans), Thomas [SJ]
Contributions and
queries are welcome.
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