Roster of the Texas Army: "S"
- Sadler, John [SJ]
- Sadler, William Turner [SJ]
- Salinas, Francisco [SJ]
- Sam, Garrett [HB]
- Samirer, Euduado [SJ]
- Samuel, Samuel Gillette [HB]
- Sanders (Saunders), John [SJ]
- Sanders (Saunders), Uriah [SJ]
- Sanett, D. Andrew [SJ]
- Sargeant, W. [SJ]
- Saunders - see Sanders
- Savery, Ashbel [HB]
- Sayers, John [SJ]
- Scaggs, John H. [HB]
- Scallorn, John Wesley [SJ]
- Scarborough, Paul [SJ]
- Scates, William Bennett [SB] [SJ]
- Scheston - see Shesten
- Scolling, J. W. [SJ]
- Scott, David [SJ]
- Scott, Robert [HB]
- Scott, William P. [SJ]
- Scraggs, J. H. [HB]
- Scurry, Richardson A. [SJ]
- Seaton, George Washington [HB]-?-[SJ]
- Secrest, Fielding Grundy [SJ]
- Secrest, Washington Hampton [SJ]
- Seguin, Juan Nepomuceno [GL]
[A] [SJ]
- Self, George [SJ]
- Sennatt, Andrew [SJ]
- Sergeant, William L. [SJ]
- Sevey, Manasseh [SJ]
- Sevey, Ralph E. [SJ]
- Shain, Charles B. [GL] [SJ]
- Sharp, John [HB]
- Sharpe, Sam [SJ]
- Sharp (Sharper), John (J.) [SJ]
- Shaw, James [SJ]
- Sherman, Sidney [SJ]
- Shesten (Scheston), Henry [SJ]
- Short, Michael [SJ]
- Shreve, John Milton [SJ]
- Shroud, J. W. [SJ]
- Shupe, Samuel [SJ]
- Sigmond (Sigmon), Abel [SJ]
- Simmons, William [SJ]
- Simpson, Jeremiah W. [HB]
- Slack, Joseph H. [SJ]
- Slayton, John [SJ]
- Sleighston, John [SJ]
- Smith, Benjamin Fort [GN] [SB] [SJ]
- Smith, Erastus "Deaf" [SB] [SJ]
- Smith, George Washington [SJ]
- Smith, I. G. [HB]
- Smith, James [SJ]
- Smith, James Monroe [SJ]
- Smith, John [SJ]
- Smith, John [SJ]
- Smith, John G. [HB]
- Smith, John H. [SJ]
- Smith, John N. O. [SJ]
- Smith, John T. [SJ]
- Smith, John William [SB] [A] [SJ]
- Smith, Leander [SJ]
- Smith, Mack [SJ]
- Smith, Maxlin [SJ]
- Smith, Robert W. [SJ]
- Smith, William [SJ]
- Smith, William [SJ]
- Smith, William A. [HB]
- Smith, William C. [SJ]
- Smith, William H. [SJ]
- Smith, William M. [SJ]
- Smith, William P. [HB]
- Smith, William W. [HB]
- Snell, Martin Kingsley [SB] [SJ]
- Snively, Jacob [HB]
- Snodgrass, J. G. [HB]
- Snyder, Asberry McKendree [SJ]
- Somervell, Alexander [SJ]
- Sovereign, Joseph [SJ]
- Sparks (Spanks), Stephen Franklin
[SB] [SJ]
- Spicer, Joseph A. [SJ]
- Spillman, James H. [SJ]
- Splane, Peyton R. [HB]
- Splane, Thomas [HB]
- Splane, Thomas M. [HB]
- Stancell, John F. [SJ]
- Standerford, Jacob [SJ]
- Standerford, William [SJ]
- Standifer, Jacob Littleton [SJ]
- Standifer, William Bailey [SJ]
- Starkley, Benjamin F. [SJ]
- Stebbins, Charles C. [SJ]
- Steele (Steel), Maxwell [SJ]
- Steele (Steel), Alphonso [SJ]
- Steele, William H. [SJ]
- Stephanes, Charles [SJ]
- Stephens, John [HB]
- Stephens (Stevens), Ashley R.
- Stevenson, John [SJ]
- Stevenson, R. [SJ]
- Stevenson, Robert M.[SJ]
- Stevenson, Thomas B. [HB]
- Stewart, Charles [SJ]
- Stewart, James [SJ]
- Stibbins, Ch. [SJ]
- Stilwell, William Shaler [SJ]
- Stouffer (Stonfer), Henry S.
(H.) [SJ]
- Stout, William B. [SJ]
- Stroh, Phillip [SJ]
- Strode (Stroud), John W. [SJ]
- Stump, John S. [SJ]
- Sullivan, Dennis [SJ]
- Summers, William W. [SJ]
- Sutherland, George [SJ]
- Swain, William L. [SJ]
- Swearengen, Elemeleck [SJ]
- Swearingen, Valentine Wesley
[SB] [SJ]
- Swearingen, William C. [SJ]
- Sweeny, Thomas Jefferson [SJ]
- Sweeny (Sweeney), William
Burrell [SJ]
- Swift, Hugh Montgomery [SJ]
- Swisher, Harvey H. (Henry
H.) [SB] [SJ]
- Swisher, John Milton [SJ]
- Swoap, Benjamin Franklin [HB]
- Sylvester, James Austin [SJ]
- Symth, W. A. [SJ]
Contributions and
queries are welcome.
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