Roster of the Texas Army: "T-V"
- Tanner, Edward M. [SJ]
- Tarin (Turin), Manuel [SJ]
- Tarlton, James [SJ]
- Taylor, Abraham R. [SJ]
- Taylor, Campbell [SJ]
- Taylor, Edward W. [SJ]
- Taylor, James [SJ]
- Taylor, John B. [SB] [SJ]
- Taylor, John N. [SJ]
- Taylor, Josiah [HB]
- Taylor, Thomas [SJ]
- Taylor, William S. [SJ]
- Taylor, [SJ]
- Teal, Henry [SB] [HB]
- Tewister - see Tierwester
- Thomas - see Thompson
- Thomas, Benjamin, Jr. [SJ]
- Thomas, G. S. [SJ]
- Thomas, Taylor [SJ]
- Thompson (Thomas), Algernon
P. [SJ]
- Thompson, Charles P. [SJ]
- Thompson, Cyrus W. [SJ]
- Thompson, James B. [SJ]
- Thompson, Thomas [HB]
- Thompson (Thomson), Jesse G.
- Threadgill, Joshua [SJ]
- Tierwester, Henry H. [SJ]
- Tindale, Daniel [SJ]
- Tindall, William Pike (Wm. M.)
- Tinsley (Tinsely), James W. [SJ]
- Tippett, Robert [HB]
- Tollett, Wesley [HB]
- Tom, John Files [SJ]
- Tong, John B. [HB]
- Townsend, Moses [HB]
- Townsend, P. John [HB]
- Townsend, Spencer Burton [SJ]
- Townsend, Stephen [HB]
- Townsend, William [HB]
- Trask, Olwyn J. [SJ]
- Travinio, Antonio [SJ]
- Trenary (Trenay), John B. [SJ]
- Trud, M. [HB]
- Tumlinson, John James [SB] [SJ]
- Turnage, Shelby C. [SJ]
- Turner, Amasa [SB] [SJ]
- Turner, Winslow, Jr. [GN] [SJ]
- Tyler, Charles C. [SJ]
- Tyler, Robert D. T. [SJ]
- Usher, Patrick [SJ]
- Utley, Thomas C. [SJ]
- Van Winkle, John [SJ]
- Vandeveer (Vandever), Logan [SJ]
- Vardeman, Henry W. [HB]
- Varcines (Vareinas, Varcenas),
Andreas [SJ]
- Varner, Martin [HB]
- Vaughan, Richard [HB]
- Vermillion, Joseph D. [SJ]
- Vinator, James [SJ]
- Viven, John [SJ]
- Votaw, Elijah [SJ]
- Vovel, Andreas [SJ]
Contributions and
queries are welcome.
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