Roster of the Texas Army: "W-Z"
- Wade, John Marshall [SJ]
- Waldron, C. W. [SJ]
- Walker, James [SJ]
- Walker, John [HB]
- Walker, Joseph [HB]
- Walker, Josiah [HB]
- Walker, Martin [SJ]
- Walker, Philip [SJ]
- Walker, William S. [SJ]
- Walling, Jesse [SJ]
- Walling, John C. [HB]
- Walmsley, James [SJ]
- Walnut (Walneet), Francis [SJ]
- Wardzinski, Felix [SJ]
- Ware, William [SB] [SJ]
- Warner, Thomas Jefferson [SJ]
- Waters, George [SJ]
- Waters, William [SJ]
- Watkins, James E. [SJ]
- Watson, Dexter [SJ]
- Weaver, Calvin [SJ]
- Webb, George [SJ]
- Webb, James [SJ]
- Webb, Thomas H. [SJ]
- Weedon, George [SJ]
- Welch, James [SJ]
- Wells, James A. [SJ]
- Wells, Lysender (Lysander) [SJ]
- Weppler, Phillip [SJ]
- Wertzner, Christian Gotthelf [SJ]
- Westgate, Ezra C. [SJ]
- Wharton, James [SJ]
- Wharton, John Austin [SJ]
- Wheeler, Samuel L. [SJ]
- Whitaker, Madison G. [SJ]
- White, John Carey (Canby) [SJ]
- White, Joseph E. [SJ]
- White, Levi W. [SJ]
- Whitehead, Nicholas [HB ? SJ]
- Whitesides, Elisha S. [SJ]
- Whitlock, Robert [HB]
- Wilburn, Ransom [HB]
- Wilcox, Ozwin [SJ]
- Wilder, James [SJ]
- Wilder, Joseph [SJ]
- Wiley (Wildy), Samuel [SJ]
- Wilkinson, Freeman [SJ]
- Wilkerson (Wilkinson), James
- Wilkinson, James G.(, Jr.) [SJ]
- Wilkinson, John [SJ]
- Wilkinson, Leroy [SJ]
- Williams, Charles [SJ]
- Williams, Edward [HB]
- Williams, Francis F. [SJ]
- Williams, Hezekiah Reams [SJ]
- Williams, Hezekiah, Sr. [HB]
- Williams, Jesse [HB]
- Williams, Matthew R. (W. R.)
- Williams, William F. [SJ]
- Williamson, John W. [SJ]
- Williamson, Robert McAlpin (J. W.) [GN] [SJ]
- Willoughby, Leaper (Leiper) [SJ]
- Wilmouth, Louis [SJ]
- Wilson, James [SJ]
- Wilson, Thomas R. [SJ]
- Wilson, Walker B. [SB] [SJ]
- Wilson, William [SJ]
- Wilworth, Lewis [SJ]
- Winburn, McHenry [SJ]
- Winn, Walter [SJ]
- Winner, Christian [SJ]
- Winett, (Winnett) Robert [HB]
- Winters, Agabus [HB]
- Winters, James Washington,
Jr. [SJ]
- Winters, John Frelan [SJ]
- Winters, William Carvin [SJ]
- Wood, Edward B. [SJ]
- Wood, William [SJ]
- Wood, William Riley [HB]
- Woodlief, Deveraux Jerome [SJ]
- Woods, Samuel [SJ]
- Woods , Joseph H. [HB]
- Woodward, F. Marion [SJ]
- Woolsey, Abner W. [SJ]
- Word, W. H. [HB]
- Wright, George Washington [SJ]
- Wright, Rufus [SJ]
- Wright, Gilbert [HB]
- Wyley, Sam [SJ]
- Wyly, Alfred Henderson [SJ]
- Yancy, John [SJ]
- Yarborough, Joseph Randolph [HB]
- Yarborough, Swanson [SJ]
- York, James Allison [SB] [SJ]
- Young, William Foster [SJ]
- Zavala, Lorenzo de, Jr. [SJ]
- Zuber, William Physick [HB]
- Zumwalt, Andrew [SJ]
Contributions and
queries are welcome.
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