Organizations, Associations and Societies to contact to learn
more about Early Texas History
- Alamo Defender
Descendents Association , Tim
Anderson, President , 17421 Woods Road, Harlingen, Tx 78552,
or email,
- Society of Descendants of Goliad, Charles Edwar Phebus,
P. O. Box 1208, SanAntonio, Tx 78294
- Children of the Repubic of Texas
- Daughters of the Republic of Texas 510 E. Anderson
Lane, Austin, Tx 78752. 512-339-1997, FAX 512-339-1998, or e-mail
- The San Jacinto Chapter of the DRT sponsor the Pioneer
Memorial Log House Museum at 1510 N. MacGregor Dr. in Houston,
Tx 77030-1732, which has monthly events of interest to the general
- Seguin Descendants
Historical Preservation 10076 County Rd, 311Plantersville
Tx 77363 Our Phone # (936) 894-3238 or contact Angel
Seguin Garcia
- East Texas Historical Association: Stephen F. Austin
State University, P. O. Box 6223, Nacogdoches, Tx 75962.
- The George
Ranch Foundation
- Lamar University Museum of the Gulf Coast: P. O. Box
310, Port Arthur, Tx 77641: 409-982-7000.
- Robertson's
- San Jacinto Museum of History Volunteers: 713-479-2421/2431
- Sons of the Republic
of Texas, Scott Dunbar,
President General, 1717 8th Street, Bay City, Tx 77414. 409-245-6644,
1-800-624-5079, FAX 409-245-6644, or 59442 Abrams Road, Suite
222, Dallas, Tx 75231. San
Jacinto Chapter in Houston .
- Sons of
DeWitt Colony Texas: Wallace L. McKeehan, 4401 Bett St.,
Bellaire, Tx 77401.
- Sons of San Jacinto: c/o San Jacinto Monument Museum
of History, 3800 Park Road, La Porte, Tx 77571: 281-479-2421,
or 7011 Spring Briar, San Antonio, Tx 75231..
- Texas Folklore Society.
- Texas Historical
Commission : 1511 Colorado (P. O. Box 12276), Austin,
Tx 78711-2276: 512-463-6100, or e-mail
- Texas Historical Foundation:
P.O. Box 50314, Austin, Tx 78763.
- Texas State Historical
Association: University of Texas, 2.306 Sid Richardson
Hall, Austin, Tx 78712.
- Washington-on-the-Brazos State Park Association: 409-878-2461