Firstly apply a rough filter around the window, then truncate to ensure events are within the window. // Use viewer preferences immediately where possible r = 2; // Special case: Dragon's Stand ", var date = new Date(); startHourUTC = now.getUTCHours(); }); 0: { name: "", bg: [132,201,251] }, .event-time { Attack On Tarir by Kitty-chan published on 2016-07-13T00:15:05Z The Seraph by Keylha Stormwing published on 2013-08-07T15:30:22Z GW2 Heart of Thorns - Heart of Thorns Theme by ArenaNet published on 2015-10-23T18:47:27Z Guild Wars 2 - The Rebuilding of Lion's Arch by ArenaNet published on 2015-05-19T20:06:42Z Guild Wars 2 - Battle On The Breachmaker by … defer(function () { }, sequences: { $('#event-wrapper').addClass('hidechatlinks'); // fixme - no idea why, but this line is required to make everything work. // INITIALISATION var index = defaultSequence.indexOf(excludeSequence[i]); }, Taming the Jungle 19. partial: [{r:2,d:10},{r:3,d:20}], hover: "If checked, the timer will appear more compact by displaying headings to the left instead of above the map metas. $('.event-pointer span').text(pad(hour) + ':' + pad(minute) + ' UTC'); $('.event-pointer').css('left', percentOfTwoHours + '%'); The attack on Yokosuka was an air raid conducted by the United States Navy on 18 July 1945 during the last weeks of the Pacific War. #event-container { Transformed players can choose to go straight across the room, avoiding Stoneheads and Triggerblossoms by using Jump and gliding over these immediate hazards. } margin-top: -2px; Reset your preferences below to show it again. } // ** Sheet 3 - Compact window width ** usedHeadings = []; Destroyer of the Great Bridge, a champion leading the attack on Nebo Terrace. Otherwise the Octovines will regenerate a quarter of their health back. function createEventBars(useEvenHourStart, metaSequence, otherHourOffset) { Kill Mordrem Breachers that spawn these enemies. } } sequences: { resizeTimer = setTimeout(fitTimerToWindowWidth, 250); // Collapse nested arrays and concatenate with the initial partial pattern var patternDuration = 0; $.map(pattern, function(v){ patternDuration += v.d; }); }); var sCumulative = 0; } Listen to music from Lena Chapelle like Attack on Tarir, Mordremoth & more. if (metaKey == 'ds' && r == 1) { d: e - s, eventTimerPreferences(); My eyes blinked for I didn’t believe that Tarir Makoi could publicly attack SPLM as a whole. console.log('Invalid preference ignored:', value); Next time it won't load that element until you press reset. switch ( { } timeString = pad(hour) + ':' + pad(minute); }, // Time Players equip the Bramble Begone bundle at the start of the room and shoot them at the octovine to decrease the slime layers, while Enchanted Armor users focus on protecting the players by knocking/pulling away Triggerblossoms, and disabling/killing enemies. #event-container > .ui-sortable-helper { usedHeadings.push( metaSingular.category ); The mushrooms are slow and very vulnerable: a single hit will knock players out of the transformation. $('#event-container').sortable({ Glide and use the updraft to reach the octovine and drop the bombs on it to decrease the slime layers. drawRow(metaKey, customEventData[metaKey] ); partial: [{r:3,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:1,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:2,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:3,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:1,d:30},{r:0,d:90},{r:2,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:3,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:1,d:30},{r:0,d:120},{r:2,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:3,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:1,d:30},{r:0,d:120},{r:2,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:3,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:1,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:2,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:3,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:1,d:30},{r:0,d:150},{r:2,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:3,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:1,d:30}], '.event-bar-segment.' margin-left: 20px; // Update current object var current = match[1] || match[2]; display: -moz-box; /* OLD - Firefox 19- (buggy but mostly works) */ display: flex; /* NEW, Spec - Opera 12.1, Firefox 20+ */ // Check if its gone beyond midnight sequences: { } else { s: s, // Recurring tasks: Move the pointer every 10 seconds. var hideHeadings = getEventTimerPreferences('hideheadings', uitext.checkboxes.hideheadings.defaultvalue); function chatLinkSelect(chatLinkCode) { /* Compact headings view */ margin-left: 20px; r: r, // Reference id, e.g. Lena Chappelle, Category: Artist, Top Tracks: Tarir, the Forgotten City, Auric Wilds, Attack on Tarir, An Exalted Lullaby, Mordremoth, Monthly Listeners: 14122, Where People Listen: Paris, Chicago, Berlin, Seattle, London. defaultvalue: false input.spellcheck = false; They then need to make their way to the octovine and explode under it, with each explosion removing 2 layers of slime. // Don't bother calculating if the meta hasn't been requested // Utility function #11: Generate a full day of meta pattern } This article is about the military of Eldia on Paradis Island. fullMetas[k] = eventData[k]; Composed By – Maclaine Diemer. pattern: [{r:1,d:20},{r:0,d:10},{r:2,d:20},{r:0,d:40},{r:2,d:20},{r:0,d:10}] break; Tarir Armsman; Home City: Riften: Store: Fighters Guild: Race: Dunmer: Gender: Male: Reaction: Friendly: Vendor; Store Type: Armsman: Other Information; Faction(s) Fighters Guild: Tarir. pattern: [{r:1,d:5},{r:0,d:10},{r:2,d:5},{r:0,d:10},{r:3,d:5},{r:0,d:10},{r:4,d:5},{r:0,d:10}] category: "Heart of Thorns", }); #event-wrapper.compact h4 { left:-200px; width: 200px; position: absolute; z-index:2; line-height: 2.5em; display: inline-block; text-align: right; padding-right: 1em; box-sizing: border-box; margin-top:0; } hover: "If checked, the times will appear at the top instead of beside each event, further reducing the height of each displayed event. customEventData = filterEventData(customEventData); #event-timer-legend span { The Japanese battleship Nagato was the raid's main target, though anti-aircraft positions and other warships at Yokosuka Naval Arsenal were also attacked. Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is the first expansion pack for NCsoft's MMORPG sequel. 3.1 Foes; 4 Dialogue; Objectives . // And rerun when the window changes size ", } // Create a segment to represent that phase, and set the width based on the duration Why'd you delete your other score? pattern: [{r:1,d:30},{r:2,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:2,d:30}] // Now reload otherwise people whine about category titles. } // Add new ones based on the new time ", r = 2; // Special case: Dragon's Stand future fitTimerToWindowWidth(); var excludeSequence = ['db', 'lc', 'ha']; category: "Core Tyria", #event-timer-legend input+input { $.each(uitext.checkboxes, function(k,v) { 3: { name: "Gendarran Fields", link: "Defeat the Ley-Line Anomaly to disperse its destructive energy before it overloads", chatlink: "[&BO0AAAA=]", bg: [ 66,200,215] } Destroyer of the Crystal Fields, a champion leading the attack on Skrittsburgh. var segmentTime = $(document.createElement("span")).attr("class", "event-time") margin: 1em 0em; } position: absolute; }, That piece is so clean even Musescore's midi player can perform it admirably. // Check if offset is back to zero 2: { name: "Prep", link: "Against the Chak Gerent", bg: [211,234, 98] }, partial: [{r:0,d:60},{r:1,d:20}], switch (typeof value) { }, $.each(roughSchedule, function(i,v) { Dear Tarir, your claim of who will hear your unfounded allegation is that we the SPLM have heard you loud and clear. .event-bar-container h3, .event-bar-container h4 { $.each(eventBars, function() { } pattern: [{r:0,d:90},{r:1,d:30}] name: "Lake Doric", var minute = now.getUTCMinutes(); }); name: "Hard world bosses", $('.event-limit-text').click(function(e) { partial: [{r:3,d:25},{r:4,d:5}], pattern: [{r:0,d:20},{r:1,d:30},{r:0,d:30},{r:2,d:10},{r:0,d:20},{r:3,d:10}] z-index: 1; $('#apply-button').click(function() { fullMetas[k].sequences.full = fullPatternGenerator(v.sequences.partial, v.sequences.pattern); Simultaneously to the challenge events, the following events occur: During this phase of the META event, some players should use the enchanted armors and play a crucial role in keeping mobs controlled and moving trigger blossoms away from other players. // Do the work if (otherHourOffset) { partial: [], ", chatlink: "[&BBwHAAA=]", bg: [ 66,200,215] }