In this NGO blog, we share our experience of how to take care of chinchilla and answer some of the common questions that you may have if you are wondering whether to take chinchilla as a pet. Both in small quantities are not harmful, but eating in a large quantity is not suitable for the cat’s digestive system. I'd recommend getting a metal hay rack and putting it in that. Al aumentar la dosis de almendras, es probable que aumente las grasas en estas chinchillas que tienen un metabolismo muy sensible. Consuming excessive almonds intake can cause: Keeping such consequences in mind, it’s critical to feed with almonds in a moderate amount that doesn’t harm your chinchilla. bringing a cute pet chinchilla to your home, are rich in protein and fiber and low in moisture and fat, a healthy relationship between the owner and the chinchilla, Why Your Chinchilla Takes Dust Baths, and What Dust To Use, 3 Important Chinchilla Facts To Know Before You Bring Him Home. People can eat almonds raw or toasted as a snack or add them to sweet or savory dishes. Source(s): Simple pellet foods, even those designed specifically for chinchillas, should be given in moderation and never as the only food. ¿Cuales son los sintomas? Alfalfa hay can be fed in small amounts, but it is easier to get its amount right by feeding it in cubes. Como sabemos, las chinchillas son muy quisquillosas para comer; es bastante obvio que la chinchilla individual tiene su propio gusto. ¿Qué tipo de heno les gusta a las chinchillas? Sin embargo, puede elegir entre una variedad de golosinas como pasas, fruta fresca o nueces, etc. Meat. You can immediately eat them or remove the skin and store them in an air tight container in the refrigerator. They are also animals that partake in coprophagy, meaning they eat their own feces. Greens, hay, and fibers can be very healthy for these finicky eaters. Puede asociar una relación sana entre el dueño y la chinchilla ya que les hace aprender a confiar en su dueño con buenas vibraciones. Their complex dietary requirements dictate that they eat a combination of fruits, seeds, leaves, roots, barks, and grasses. The expert veterans recommend that chinchillas diet should approximately consist of 4% sugar, 35% carbohydrates, 3.5% fats, 30% fiber, and 15% protein. Incluir almendras en la dieta regular de su chinchilla significa agregar un contenido excesivo de grasa que no es bueno para su salud. October 6, 2017 March 27, 2017 by James Oliver. Chinchillas are vegetarians, have sensitive stomachs, and require specific foods to maintain their health. Leave a comment if you have any question and we accerpt guest post if you like to share your story of chinchilla. Your email address will not be published. There’s a huge discussion regarding feeding almonds to chinchillas where most of the researches think that it’s a great idea to add almonds in their diet at a minimum level while others don’t consider it as an option at all. Chinchillas are not equipped to eat diets that are high in fat and can fall susceptible to illnesses like fatty liver disease. What Do Chinchillas Eat. I have an tree in my yard that is losing hundreds of them and the squirrels are having a feast. A diet rich in treats is not considered a good diet for a chinchilla. What Vegetables can a Chinchilla Eat? But one thing that all breeders will agree on is that chinchillas require a low fat, high fiber diet to maintain optimum health. Including almonds in the regular diet of your chinchilla means adding excessive fat content that is not good for their health. Somos un grupo de personas que amamos y tomamos chinchillas como mascotas. Hay left lying around would only be soiled and kicked around. El consumo excesivo de almendras puede provocar: Teniendo en cuenta estas consecuencias, es fundamental alimentarlo con almendras en una cantidad moderada que no dañe a su chinchilla. Only feed raw nuts! Since correcting digestion is key to your health, it’s also important to know how to prepare, combine and eat foods so that you can create energy and vitality. You should be already feeding your chinchilla timothy hay every day as a part of his/her diet. Can Chinchillas Eat Walnuts? Bitter almonds are potentially toxic and to be avoided. December 3, 2014 Looking after a chinchilla everyday Chris Although Chinchillas can live on just hay, pellets, and water, for a balanced diet then it is good to offer them some fresh foods to give some added nutrients to them. Can Chinchilla Get Fleas? Aumento excesivo de peso que puede ser propenso a muchas enfermedades. Unfortunately they can’t. It can associate a healthy relationship between the owner and the chinchilla as it makes them learn how to trust their owner with good vibes. This article deals with the somewhat “controversial” topic of diet and nutrition. The best diet for your chinchillas will include: As much high quality hay or grass as they want to eat. As for bedding, he said that there is a variety of bedding that is suitable for chinchillas and can be decided upon based on your preference. 5 years ago. It’s no different with almonds. Energy 220 kJ (53 kcal) Carbohydrates 11.94 g Sugars 4.42 g Dietary fiber 6.5 g Fat 0.65 g Deje un comentario si tiene alguna pregunta y aceptamos una publicación de invitado si desea compartir su historia de chinchilla. Almond butter is a bit harmful, for it contains more fats than raw almonds… What can chinchillas eat? Diabetes patients can make some minor changes to keep their blood sugar levels under control. Chickens can eat almonds, yes. I was wondering if they were safe for Ling. Denish recommends one with a plastic bottom instead of a wire bottom, as the wire can irritate chinchillas’ feet. Los veteranos expertos recomiendan que la dieta de las chinchillas debe consistir aproximadamente en azúcar 4%, carbohidratos 35%, grasas 3.5%, fibra 30% y proteína 15%. Normal chinchilla food that you can buy in a per shop is the best. However, much like other foods outside of pellets and hay, almonds need to only be offered on rare occasions in small quantities. Almonds are a better choice as a treat for chinchillas as they are low in fat. pero debe ser muy consciente de dar la cantidad mínima posible. Also, to the safe list: I feed Ling dried out apples leaves and twigs I get from my two trees. What alfalfa hay is good for is for young chinchillas or chinchillas that are breeding. They also like a bit of alfalfa hay. Drain and rinse the almonds. Also ensure that the almonds are completely soaked in water. This causes painful, dental disease and can lead to obesity. Lets take a look at their nutritional data and find out more, in particular their acidic, phosphorus, sugar, fat and calcium data is of most interest as far as chinchillas are concerned. (Algunos ejemplos). ¿Son las chinchillas inteligentes? Estos nutrientes que se encuentran en las almendras no son apropiados para administrarse en grandes cantidades, ya que las chinchillas no pueden metabolizar bien un gran contenido de grasas debido a su sistema digestivo sensible. However, chinchillas only eat certain foods, and some should be avoided as they cause bad reactions. Chinchillas are herbivores by nature and can’t digest meat. Here are some treats you can give your little chin, although be careful as you do not want him/her to get fat. For example, on a 2,000 calorie-per-day eating plan, with 5 ounces or 1 1/4 cup of almonds per week, you could divide the amount into daily portions of ¼ cup for weekday snacks. trayendo una linda chinchilla mascota a tu casa, son ricas en proteínas y fibra y bajas en humedad y grasa, una relación sana entre el dueño y la chinchilla, Por qué su chinchilla toma baños de polvo y qué polvo usar, 3 datos importantes de Chinchilla que debe saber antes de llevarlo a casa. However, you can choose among a variety of treats such as raisins, fresh fruit or pecans, etc. It’s a better idea to feed your chinchilla with the food products that are rich in protein and fiber and low in moisture and fat. Your Chinchilla’s Habitat. Hi There! Si se administra en cantidades moderadas día por medio, está perfectamente bien alimentarlas con almendras, ya que son bajas en grasas en comparación con otras nueces y las chinchillas las disfrutan bastante bien, pero si comienza a dárselas regularmente, definitivamente no es vale la pena.