But if they are like every other live bearer I ever had then yes, they eat their young. The size of the fry will kill the female when she is giving birth, if the female is the guppy. They will eat their fry and guppies and mollies can breed but they are known to die at a young age because of birth defects . I’ve been breeding fish for almost a decade and learn … It can help in gaining a desired design trait more consistently than any other method of breeding. I only keep male guppies. You can ask the employees at the store for help, or you can do it yourself. They can give birth every 2 to 3 months, and one batch of fry can consist of up to 50 babies. Also, make sure that you have 1 male guppy to 4 female mollies ratio in your tank. Anyone have any luck with guppy molly hybrids? Can I just add - please, if anyone does try this, don't go off-load them on your LFS. Only breed male guppies to female mollies. Infact guppies are mollies. Fishes That Can Breed With Guppies. *Awarded Answer Posted by Daniele N: It’s fun breeding fish and possibly selling them to other fishkeepers and stores. Oct 6, 2018. There are countless types of fish that you can keep and breed at the aquarium at your home. Oct 6, 2018. When male guppies pester female molly fish, the female tends to … In this breeding method parents are selected to provide a certain desirable trait to their children. Topic: Can a Molly and a guppy breed together?Or cross breed? Molly fish are live bearing species and a hardy species that can fare well both in freshwater and saltwater aquariums. Thunder_o_b. It becomes fascinating when a huge number of tiny guppies and mollies move around in your aquarium. How fast do guppies breed? The balloon molly is a breed of Poecilia latipinna (sailfin molly) that is characterised by an arched back and a large,rounded belly. Member. The ability to interbreed can occasionally lead to mating battles in large tanks. The hybrid fry of guppies and mollies are usually smaller than the parent mollies and as colorful as guppies. Color variations include black, yellow, and white all of which have large lyre shaped caudal fins and an impressive dorsal fin. While there are several varieties of molly fish, they are extremely easy to breed because all colors are the same species, and all males and females breed with one another. References: Molly image – Author: Gerardeen92 Licensed: CC4.0 No changes made Molly is the common name for the genus Poecilia of which guppies are a part, along with black mollies, sailfin mollies, endlers livebearers, and a handful of other species. And do not try to sell or give them away as a pure breed. Getting guppies to breed with mollies is significantly more difficult than getting platies and swordtails to cross-breed which they do very readily and the fry seem perfectly viable and healthy. After a couple of months the baby guppies will grow to be able to reproduce themselves. Mollies are very similar to guppies in size and temperament, which makes them great tank buddies for Guppy fish, but also for many other freshwater fish. Selective breeding is performed to develop new babies with desired trait as of their parents. The guppies and mollies are the one of the most beautiful fish species and people always love to keep and breed them at home. Some recommend getting the subspecies of mollies for quicker breeding. Guppies breed like crazy. Selective Breeding Of Mollies And Guppies. The other hybrids also detect this, so they are unsure as to whether it is okay to breed with another hybrid. One of my male guppies had a sexual encounter with my female balloon molly. Mollies and guppies can cross breed. Thread Starter; Lauren4events.