Indoor Rowing – an Excellent Full-Body, Low-Impact Exercise, We’re going to talk about one of the best kept secrets in quality gym equipment: the Rogue Fitness Boneyard Bars. I have a castro bar (bare steel ohio bar) and it is rust free and shiny 3 years later. To me its not worth the extra charge. I only have experience with it on guns though. They unleashed the women's 15kg Cerakote Barbell; a majestic specimen, suited for all-around training endeavors, from slow lifts to Oly and WODing. … You should send one to /u/cooporilla to review!
Needle bearings have a larger contact surface area when the bar is under impact. Select Options. Depends on where you live or if the bar will be in a climate controlled environment. Rogue is also selling a men’s and women’s t-shirt to … Cerakote is a global leader in the manufacturing of thin-film protective ceramic coatings. Bar Shaft - Black Oxide. However the cerakote is a coating and can/will wear off over time and then you lose that corrosion resistance. If you have any other questions I actually own the bare steel Ohio power bar so feel free to ask away! You have to maintain it, clean it, care for it, give it a name, feed it high quality oils, brush it, tuck it in at night, sometimes I pet it when I'm in my garage not working out. Looking at the Rogue Cerakote Ohio bar. $50 to $100. Comes with a complementary pack of Wrist Wraps and Lifting Straps. Also, you can’t cerakote the inside of the barrel which is another reason to go stainless as that will have better protection all the way through the material. ★ NO SWEAT GUARANTEE ★ – Leave the sweating and swearing for your training! I like the bare carbon steel. Which makes the Cerakote version more similar to the Rogue Bar 2.0 without the cool collar bands.This kinda has me bummed out a bit, not because it won’t still be a cool bar, but I feel like they are upselling a lower cost item and calling it a flagship bar. Very happy with the results with Jeff at Falcon. ReddIt. Originally popularized in the gun industry for its durability in thin applications, Cerakote is a unique polymer-ceramic composite coating—able to deliver wear and corrosion resistance up to 100X that of standard black zinc. You may have to oil it and brush it every 1-2 weeks, but in my opinion, it's not that bad when you consider how great the bar feels. In the UK the choice of premium barbells is different to our American friends.We have a ton of options – but trying to find out more about the brands, the bars themselves and work out if they are actually any good can be a headache.. One that does pop up from time to time on Reddit and various forums is what many consider to be the best ATX barbell – the ATX Ram bar. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Cookies help us deliver our Services. If you want a long-term investment with a nice color, Cerakote … $100 to $500 . $275.00. Cerakote is suppose to be their most durable finish but me personally I'd go with a standard coating and save money or go stainless and not worry about any coating at all. The Mammoth Power bar is finished with Elite Smoke Cerakote for a look, feel, and performance that is unparalleled in the fitness industry today. It’s a polymer-ceramic coating, … If you take care of them they last forever. i have the cap OB-86b and used it for years, recently upgraded to OPB, wish I wouldn't have waited so long. I had the bare steel OPB and while I loved the feel/knurling, I was rubbing it down with oil every weekend to keep the rust at bay. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. Im looking at buying the Ohio Power bar, but i'd like to know from anyone on here whether the extra 60$ for the cerakote is worth it? It starts to take on its own character. r/homegym moderator /u/cooporilla did a review on his website. The American Barbell Training Bar is a solid, versatile barbell for just about any application. It's like a living piece of equipment. Also the cerakote will affect the knurling/texture a little bit, whereas stainless is just metal without a coating. I can't speak for Cerakote, but man does the stainless bar feel good in the hands. Warranty claims are reviewed case by case by the ARCHON engineer. Stainless steel has the added benefit of oxidation resistance. Absolutely the right decision for me, but YMMV. Bar Shaft - Bare. Dec 17, 2014 #6 D. duchntr Senior Member. Color. FringeSport CeraColt Cerakote Olympic Barbell: A great bar at a great price, but still more expensive than our other picks. Email. As an added benefit, Cerakote can be applied in an almost limitless range … Price Range. Designed as a multipurpose barbell explicitly built for functional fitness athletes, this 20 KG bar features a 28.5 mm shaft that supports a weight capacity of up to 1,500-pounds, making for some serious gains. They are certainly going … The second part is that it comes in many colors so you have the opportunity to personalize as far as adding your favorite colors. TLDR; if you don't mind the maintenance (and don't lie to yourself here), the bare steel OPB has arguably the best knurl/feel of any power bar. $1,000 to $1,500. Pink. $10/hr....not even close to worth it. The time you put it taking care of it turns it into a member of the family. Rogue Ohio Bar: The standard Ohio Bar is a great barbell, but not worth the extra cost over the Rogue Bar 2.0. And yes, it’s made in the US of A. I’ve heard that both happen, but the former would be cool while the latter, not so much. Not to mention if you forget or just get lazy it will be ton more work to get the barbell clear of rust, if you even can. Collection. Bar Shaft - Stainless Bare. Was going to buy the cerakote as a long-term barbell but now having second thoughts. I have taken some precautions to additionally protect the bar, for example I have taped over the exposed metal parts of the J cups with heavy duty gorilla tape to reduce the chance of a sharp metal scrape on the shaft of the bar. This is what I just did (was deciding between AB's Cali Bar and Rogue's Ohio SS). The American Barbell Cerakote Mammoth Power Bar, formerly the Super Power Bar, has a shaft made from super stiff precision grade stainless steel. The 28.5MM Cerakote Chan Bar is manufactured in Columbus, Ohio, USA, and features black composite bushings, 16.5” of loadable sleeve length, and dual Powerlifting and Olympic knurl marks. Press J to jump to the feed. I sold it and got a cerakote Ohio bar (I do power versions of the Olympic lifts) and I love it. The strength of the shaft is tested with every shipment of raw material and is then heat … Bar Shaft - Powder Coated. Respecting the impressive physical power of our tribe, we … Why do you feel the need to settle for a bushing barbell? From a general perspective, the two upsides to Cerakote are that the coating is practically invincible from corrosion and adds more durability to the coating (which is why it's used to coat firearms). Should I make the purchase? I have had black oxide bars get rusty. If you don't feel like scrubbing the bar every weekend, get cerakote or SS. Under $50. If you care and your lazy, go for stainless steel. If you're not completely married to getting a Rogue bar, check out ours... This 86.75-inch Olympic barbell is Made in the USA and features a Red Cerakote shaft with Zinc Sleeves. Probably biggest factor, I can't be moved to clean it. I think 60$ for something that will be yours for years and years to come is a tiny amount of money. Be a Rebel!!! To make the finish even tougher, it’s got a Cerakote as well. Cerekote was originally designed for car parts as a treatment for heat damage as it was better than powder coating. It is 86.75 inches long, has 16.4 inch loadable sleeve lengths, and 28 MM in diameter. This 86.75-inch Olympic barbell is Made in the USA and features a Blue Cerakote shaft with Zinc Sleeves. Black oxide is actually a form of rust. Or should I save money with bare steel as far as rust and maintenance goes. Bare steel and stainless steel are the same in terms of feel. There’s lots of full size Cerakote barbells on the market, but for some strange reason there is only one shorty barbell I’ve been able to find finished in Cerakote. I also have the Ohio deadlift bar in bare steel and am pleased with it too. I know that's awful, but as a new dad I'm lucky if I get time in the day to use it, let alone clean it. It's in my living room though, so upkeep is easy. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. The menu above includes all of Rogue’s current in-stock Cerakote-finished barbells. Is stainless steel the best if you want to spend the extra money? I bought a B&R bar in July. There is a big difference between good and bad application jobs with cerakote. The Cerakote version comes with composite bushings. A subreddit devoted to working out at home. The American Barbell Mammoth Power Bar (with Cerakote) is made with 210K stainless steel. I may stop oiling to see if I can build up some patina over time. Cerakote was developed for and is used predominantly by the firearm industry, but because Cerakote can be applied not only to metals, but also plastics, polymers, and woods; and because of how resilient and attractive Cerakote is (with all its colors and all), its application goes well beyond firearms (though I believe American Barbell is the first to use it on strength training … $275.00. The Rebellion is upon us and now in COLOR. This is making me think about giving either AB or Wright a shot at my $$, The stainless steel Ohio bar has composite bushings too. If it takes you 10 minutes to oil and brush the barbell twice a month for an extremely conservative 5 year barbell life, that's 6 hours of extra work. It sports all of the same specs and features of the Cerakote Ohio including a 28.5 mm 190k PSI shaft, dual markings, composite bushings and a lifetime warranty. Zinc coated bars will cost slightly more than the black oxide, so keep this in mind when making your decision. Browse our Gallery, locate a Certified Applicator, or contact us … FYI, I don't work for Texas Power Bars (although if they were looking for a UK-based sales rep I am currently available). Check out the Fringe Sport cerakote bars think theyre a little cheaper, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. You know what they say... "buy once, cry once" .. Rogue B&R Bar 2.0: The B&R 2.0 Bar from Rogue Fitness came very close to being in our top picks, but due to the slightly thicker shaft, … Any cherakote bars coming out with center knurl? If you want a long-term investment with a nice color, Cerakote is a good way to go. Cerakote barbell care is pretty much the same as chrome, black zinc, or stainless steel barbells. I have an Ohio Power bar with black zinc and it's turning white in spots. $500 to $1,000. But my home gym is one half of a spare bedroom inside my house, and chalk is messy. I have the bare steel OPB, and it’s holding up fantastic. To summarize, you should brush any dead skin or chalk from the knurling with a nylon brush. I like the Cerakote Bar, but if I had to have just one and was going to spend the extra money, I'd go with the Stainless Steel Ohio Bar. Love the look of the orange and lime green. No rust present. Starlord Level 5 Valued Member. It's controlled with a chemical that allows the formation of oxide (rust). CHROME When it comes to higher end protection against rust and corrosion for barbells, one may consider a chrome coated barbell. Jan 26, 2021 #7 You just can't go wrong with the Texas power bar and deadlift bar. Proceeds from the sale will go to the Stephanie Spielman Fund for Breast Cancer Awareness. Be a Rebel!!! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I just bought a Boneyard bare Ohio last night because I love the feel of the bare knurling. I guess maybe just be realistic about how much you're going to actually do to maintain and how much you really care. I actually prefer some character marks on my things. The bar shaft is made from precision ground alloy steel and the strength of the shaft is tested with every shipment of raw material to ensure we have a consistent 190,000 PSI tensile strength. I’ve tested many different types of barbells, but in each case it’s usually the grip that ends up disappointing me. If you just let the bare steel bar go, will it form a patina or would it get all rusted? Why do you feel the need to settle for a bushing barbell? So you may have slightly better rust protection and the cerakote does provide for a "grippier" feeling than black zinc bars which I find kinda slippery. Quick View. I brush the chalk out with a wire brush about once a week and give it a good coating of oil about once every 3-4 months and I’ve had no rust issues. Bars & Collars. The cerakote definitely has a different feel, but my grip hasn't suffered, even with the milder knurl on the Ohio bar. Rogue also has the Athlete Series – cerakote … I don't want it to feel lonely. And a cerakote DL bar. From a general perspective, the two upsides to Cerakote are that the coating is practically invincible from corrosion and adds more durability to the coating (which is why it's used to coat firearms). Rogue is America's leading developer of high-quality weightlifting barbells, from our trademark American-made Rogue Bar and Ohio Bar to technique barbells, women's barbells, junior barbells, and more.We offer the widest variety of barbell coatings, from bare steel and stainless steel to zinc and chrome, and our newest offering, cerakote barbells. I need equipment that requires as little chalk use … And the...... You see where this is going. But whatever, still works (still a heavy bar that I can use to put heavy weights on...). william bad butt … A subreddit devoted to working out at home.