Trump is taking aim at an essential principle of the Constitution: separation of powers This is the stuff of Civics 101. ... For example, Congress has the power to create laws, the President has the power to veto them, and the Supreme Court may declare laws unconstitutional. One spouse may have a job and function as the breadwinner, while the other may take care of the house and raise the children. The agreement between spouses can be an example of separation of powers. Yes, each of those guarantees — if upheld — is vital to restraining government, but the overarching and most important unique aspect of the Constitution is the separation of powers. Called “separation of powers” or “checks and balances,” the system was designed by our Founding Fathers to keep any single branch of government — executive, legislative, or judicial — from gaining too much power and threatening our freedoms as citizens. In the United Kingdom, the legislative comprises the House of Commons and the House of Lords; the executive comprises the prime minister, cabinet, government, and civic officials; and the judiciary is composed of the courts. The separation of powers doctrine essentially provides that those who exercise power in one branch of government cannot exercise the powers of the other two branches of government. Powers are apportioned to specific areas of law and government, acting as checks on each other. The concept of separation of powers is an old one, dating back to ancient Greece. Indeed, the system of checks and balances acts as a sort of sentry over the separated powers, balancing the authorities of each … Examples of separation of powers can be seen in organizations and relationships alike. Congress consists of two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives, and can override a Presidential veto with a 2/3 vote in both houses. Separation of powers is one of the primary safeguards of democratic systems of government. The framers of the Constitution divided power between three branches of the federal government: Congress to make the laws, the president to … Specifically, the system of checks and balances is intended to make sure that no branch or department of the federal government is allowed to exceed its bounds, guard against fraud, and allow for the timely correction of errors or omissions. Separation of Powers Example Involving the Stolen Valor Act A perfect example of separation of powers at work can be found in the case of Xavier Alvarez. Or, the spouses may choose to divide duties another way. Separation of Powers. President Donald Trump seems to have skipped that class. Consequently, I refused to accept any appointment to the Bench. The legislature passes laws, the judicial system tests those laws. Unlike Deng Xiaoping, we all know the traditional American answer. The British Government is another example of a tripartite system, though with what has been called a weak separation of powers. What is the separation of powers? The United States Constitution does not contain any express language dealing with the separation of powers of the federal government. That was a classic example of misuse of power and disrespect for the doctrine of separation of powers.