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Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. the Mathematics standards revision and development work. First, list nouns to determine content. know, 0000005725 00000 n
These are a list of standards that Texas students must master before exiting a grade level. One standard could contain 5 separate lessons. 0000006026 00000 n
process of Curriculum Mapping. 0000001446 00000 n
Deconstructed CCSS Examples. %PDF-1.4
Deconstructing the Common Core Mathematical Standard. CURRICULUM RESOURCES AND DOCUMENT LINKS Achieve the Core LDC Core Tools Tutorial Literacy Design Collaborative Website Math Design Collaborative Website Novice Reduction for Gap Closure Kagan Structures at a Glance A Brief History of Kagan Structures Kagan Structures: A Miracle of Active Engagement. 0000004136 00000 n
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COMMON CORE STATE STANDARDS DECONSTRUCTED FOR CLASSROOM IMPACT 7 MATHEMATICS KEY CHANGES NEW TO 8TH GRADE Integer exponents with numerical bases (8.EE.1) Scientific notation, including multiplication and division (8.EE.3 and 8.EE.4) Unit rate as slope (8.EE.5) Qualitative graphing (8.F.5) Transformations (8.G.1 and 8.G.3) Congruent and … supported by key details; summarize the text. 0000009282 00000 n
2. When you begin to unpack the. The eight Standards for Mathematical Practice are an important component of the mathematics standards for each grade and course, K–12. 0000023973 00000 n
Identify Content: What does the student need to know? Posted on November 4, 2013 by j2kun. 0000035029 00000 n
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The Kentucky Academic Standards contain the minimum required standards that all Kentucky students should have the opportunity to learn before graduating from Kentucky high schools. Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is
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Determining if a standard is a speciic learning target is the irst step in the process of deconstructing standards. ♦ Steps in the Deconstructing Process: Identify the action required of the learner. 0000002724 00000 n
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}/���9�J�$�eR�T��M��O���Xx�&r�O��5q��I��ۜk��nv�. Those of you who read my blog with any regularity know that when the discussion turns to the Common Core State Standards, I am a … %%EOF
Our department has worked dilligently with our staff to pace and plan our instruction to align to the most current state standards, allowing our students to receive the proper content and instruction to ensure their success. Second, analyze verbs to find what students must do. 0000005948 00000 n
Instead, deconstruct standards to figure out what your students must learn and do.
Math Deconstructed Standards . 0000004655 00000 n
The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. These Deconstructed Common Core Standards for Classroom Impact guides have become a must-have resource for K-12 educators. When you begin to unpack the standards that you teach, you will evaluate them and determine if they are speciic enough as written or if they Two Different Approaches to Deconstructing the Common Core Standards: Delaware and Kentucky Share Online . The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe the varieties of expertise, habits of minds, and productive dispositions that educators seek to develop in all students. ematics. NCDPI Math Leadership Institute 7/23/08 1 Deconstructing Standards Standard/Benchmark: Type: Knowledge Reasoning Skill Product Learning Targets- What are the knowledge, reasoning, skill, and product targets underpinning The standards address what is to be learned, but do not address how learning experiences are to be designed or what resources should be used. One hallmark of mathematical understanding is the ability to justify, in a way appropriate to the student’s mathematical maturity, why a particular mathematical statement is true or where a mathematical rule comes from. 0000054248 00000 n
Study the standard(s) and/or element(s). Deconstructing standards is a valuable βirst step in the. All Rights Reserved, Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation. ♦ Contact Us Step 1: Deconstructing the Standards. There Deconstructed Standard for each 0000003199 00000 n
This site administered by the Butte County Office of Education and sponsored by the California Department of Education with support from the Californians Dedicated to Education Foundation. Deconstructing is the process of taking a broad standard and analyzing its components, then breaking the standard into smaller, more explicit instructional learning targets for use in daily teaching and classroom-level assessment. 0000015706 00000 n
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Deconstructing standards is a big project for all teachers, as we want to include more units/lessons that cross disciplines and encourage depth of knowledge. Mathematics Standards Download the standards Print this page For more than a decade, research studies of mathematics education in high-performing countries have concluded that mathematics education in the United States must become substantially more focused and coherent in order to improve mathematics achievement in this country. standards that you teach, you will evaluate them and. For questions or feedback, please e-mail commoncoreteam@cde.ca.gov. The key words were taken from the standards themselves. 125 0 obj
This organizer is a helpful tool for coaches and grade-levels to use when deconstructing a math standard and deciding on the best ways to teach the standard. Deconstructing standards is a valuable irst step in the process of Curriculum Mapping. Common Core State StandardS deConStrUCted for CLaSSroom ImPaCt 3 MATHEMATICS Introduction the Common Core Institute is pleased to offer this grade-level tool for educators who are teaching with the Common Core State Standards. Identify concepts and skills students will need to know, understand, and be able to do to reach proficiency. xref
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Study the standard and/or element(s). 0000018804 00000 n
When using this tool to analyze a math standard you will identify the learning targets, the level of rigor, and how this standard will look fr. 0000004982 00000 n
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Deconstructing the Georgia Standards of Excellence 5-Step Protocol Grade 6 Mathematics Exemplar Richard Woods, Georgia’s School Superintendent November 2016 Page 3 of 5 2. This prompted me to actually look at the text of the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics, which is the currently accepted standard for most states. Subjects: 0000003598 00000 n
Cluster 2: Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes. 88 38
These Standards define what students should understand and be able to do in their study of mathematics. G e o r g i a D e p a r t m e n t o f E d u c a t i o n D e c o n s t r u c t i n g G e o r g i a S t a n d a r d s o f E x c e l l e n c e . 0000005496 00000 n
7.ELA Deconstructed Standards and Learning Progressions & Pacing Guide (16-17) 7.MA CPM Pacing Guide; 7.MA Connected Math Pacing Guide ; 7.MA Big Ideas Pacing Guide; 7.MA Advanced Pacing Guide CPM; 7.MA Advanced Pacing Guide Big Ideas; 7.MA Deconstruction (16-17) 7.MA Compacted Course Scope and Sequence (16-17) 7.Evidence Statements for Reading 0000053434 00000 n
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For example, after CCSS.Math.Content.2.OA.A.1 was deconstructed, five “I will be able to” statements were generated, along with 8 important key words students need to know before the lessons. 0000005226 00000 n
Deconstructing Standards & Vertical Alignment 2008 Mathematics Summer Leadership Institute Presented By: Robin Barbour, Carmella Fair, Johannah Maynor, & Mary Russell Mathematics Consultants - NC Department of Public Instruction Future Ready Schools Deconstructing Standards The first of these are the Deconstructing the Common Core is something that is essential. <<4ED319A3DFE8C142B49E054E8BB54A76>]>>
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is a speciβic learning target is the βirst step in the process of. Deconstructing Georgia Standards of Excellence Mathematics Standard/Element Using The 5Step Protocol between a digit's place and the value it represents in that place. The Math Teacher Leader Network deconstructed each of the math common core standards in Year 1 using the model from Classroom Assessment for Student Learning. Assessment Literacy. 0000040903 00000 n
The following questions are key to the deconstructing process: Identify the Action: What does the student need to be able to do? Larry Ainsworth is the author or coauthor of 15 published books, including: Common Formative Assessments 2.0 (2015), “Unwrapping” the Common Core (2014), Prioritizing the Common Core (2013), Rigorous Curriculum Design (2010), Common Formative Assessments (2006), “Unwrapping” the Standards (2003), Power Standards (2003), Five Easy Steps to a Balanced Math … Grade-Level Common Core Deconstructed Mathematics Standards The Concept Organizers were created to assist teachers in aligning their instruction to the Common Core Standards. After that, create an assessment and work backward to develop a fresh, inviting unit of study. 0000012493 00000 n
They are deconstructions of the Common Core Standards and the content area standards. These standards … These concept organizers are not replacements for teachers’ individual units. 0000004747 00000 n
TEKS: Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills. 0000038209 00000 n
Brought to you by the California Department of Education and the San Joaquin County Office of Education. About Digital Chalkboard deconstructing standards. We break a larger standard or objective into its component parts. Standard: A concise, written definition of what a student should know and be able to do at a certain stage in their education. Don’t trust the textbook! When deconstructing or clarifying learning targets we take a broad and/or unclear standard or objective and break it into smaller more explicit learning targets. Ms. Sneed Learns to Deconstruct a Standard Deconstructing is the process of taking a broad standard and analyzing its components, then breaking the standard into smaller, more explicit instructional learning targets for use in daily teaching and classroom-level assessment. The graphic below provides an example of the deconstructed Grade 4 standard: Select the link to view the Graphic Organizer in progress: Graphic Organizer: Step 1, View additional examples of deconstructed standards from other grade levels or content areas:
“Unwrapping” is a simple method that all teachers in all grade levels can use to deconstruct the wording of any standard in order to know its … The driving question was simple, “What is best for Kentucky students?” The writers believed the proposed revisions will lead to a more coherent, rigorous set of Kentucky Academic Standards for Mathematics. rounding: A method of approximating a number to its nearest place value. Deconstructing the TEKS Definitions. 0000004619 00000 n
Teachers from the network deconstructed the standards into learning targets and then refined them to create these documents. 0000001527 00000 n
Deconstructing standards is a systematic process to identify embedded learning targets in standards and ensure that nothing essential is missed during instruction. ♦, Developing Instructional Learning Targets, California Common Core State Standards: Professional Learning Modules, CA CCSS and the College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards, Unit 2: California State Assessment System, Standardized Testing and Reporting Program, Assessment Methods and Item Types, Continued, Smarter Balanced Preliminary Blueprints, Continued, Supporting All Students in California’s Assessment System, Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities, Unit 3: Assessment Literacy for Educators, Assessment Literacy at the Classroom Level, Attributes of Assessment-literate Teachers, Attributes of Assessment-literate Teachers, Continued, Unit 4: Developing Standards-based Instructional Learning Targets, Preparing and Planning for Instruction and Assessment, Step 3: Developing Specific Learning Targets, Step 4: Identifying Type of Instructional Learning Targets and Matching Learning Targets and Assessment Methods, Step 5: Communicating Instructional Learning Targets, Effective, Appropriate Use of Assessments and Assessment Data, Categorizing Different Types of Assessments, Summative Assessment: Assessment of Learning, Formative Assessment Practices and Tools: Assessment for Learning, Defining Formative Assessment Practices, Continued, Students’ Role in the Formative Assessment Process, Unit 6: Identifying, Developing, and Implementing Sound, Quality Assessments, Identifying, Selecting, and Developing Appropriate Classroom Assessments, Key Concepts in Accurate Measurement: Validity, Key Concepts in Accurate Measurement: Reliability, Key Concepts in Accurate Measurement: Fairness, Linguistic Accommodation for English Learners, Limited English Proficiency Affects Learning and Assessment, Variations, Accommodations, or Modifications, Selecting and Developing Appropriate Classroom Assessments: Assessment Methods, Selected-Response vs. Constructed-Response Assessment Methods, Mr. Bumble’s Science Exam: African Elephant Unit, Instructionally Embedded Formative Assessment: Checking for Understanding Strategies, The Benefits of Checking for Understanding, The Benefits of Checking for Understanding , Continued, Checking for Understanding on a Daily Basis, Using Think-Pair-Share to Check for Understanding, Unit 7: Analyze & Act: Appropriate & Effective Use of Assessment Data, Smarter Balanced ELA Performance Task Review, Students Assessing the Quality of Their Own Work, Students Assessing the Quality of Other’s Work, Analyzing and Interpreting Data: Mining Item-Level Data, Item Analysis: Analyzing Patterns in Individual Data, Item Analysis: Analyzing Constructed-Response Items, Developing Instructional Adjustments and Interventions, Goal Setting from Constructed-Response Assessments, Helping Students Adjust Their Learning Tactics, Unit 4: Developing Standards-Based Instructional Learning Targets, Unit 6: Identifying, Developing and Implementing Sound, Quality Assessments, Unit 7: Analyze & Act: Appropriate and Effective Use of Assessment Data, Copyright © 2009-2020 Digital Chalkboard.