Hence, a shift in one area of our life, can lead to often drastic results in other habits. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️, We have to hope so Carol. <3 <3, Thank you so much Jane. I love your poem here, it’s simple truth. The domino effect is where we approach our goals in a mindful, positive way; focusing on the process and the journey, rather than becoming outcome-oriented. According to Wikipeadia a domino effect or chain reaction is the cumulative effect produced when one event sets off a chain of similar events. Learn more, Follow the writers, publications, and topics that matter to you, and you’ll see them on your homepage and in your inbox. <3 <3, Sisters are doing it for themselves! You see, everything we do, our habits and patterns, are so interconnected that we do not stop to notice it. Life in the fast lanes had people forgetting to look up from their phones. I’m glad the earth is getting a rest, and we, its inhabitants, are steering away from the fever pitch to a lower gear, a good thing. Beautiful geometric lines and grounding wo The Domino Effect. Mother Nature doesn’t want life as it was resuming. It can be used literally (an … We must take heed to this pause because there’s no going back to the past and that is the message. The way I truly wish for… I so very much hope so… Will the signs be heeded…Oh Debs…. Kaye | TINA FRISCO and Sally Cronin, Something to think about! beautiful post, Debby. <3. The results of lockdown on people, relationships, and the environment are undeniable – please, please, let the short-sighted politicians and greedy dictators not over-rule or deny what is clear. I’ve preached to many on occasion over the last decade as I observe the world around me – God is angry at what man has done to his world.He did it before with Noah’s Ark, and he can do it again and Mother Nature is not one to be fooled with – everyone has their breaking point. And there are two main reasons why it happens. More patient Good nutrition is the foundation for good health. That said, you need to keep in mind, that the Domino Effect is all about progress, not results. The belief at the time was that the “fall” of a single non-communist state would cause neighboring governments to fall as well. I do wish people would stop mentioning Mars, though, as if it’s a solution. <3. We’ve got a head start with better air and waters, we all must learn and be better now. I do believe we are in the Great Awakening and those who are still assuming everything will go back to normal are in for the Rude Awakening, lol. 4. We’re missing out – yet we will hopefully be gaining more … loved your thoughts. Breathe in the glorious air that sustains us. I’m reading more 3. It typically refers to a linked sequence of events where the time between successive events is relatively small. The Domino Effect Physics Can be Pretty Incredible . <3, You have ‘nailed it’ with your poem and post, Debby. Good to know I’m not alone Olga. The term is best known as a mechanical effect and is used as an analogy to a falling row of dominoes. or. But I fear for the attitudes growing in some who still don’t get it, who want to get back to ‘normal’. Reminder of smiles, kindness and gratitude. Your reflections are eye-opening Deb. The Domino Effect. Movie . <3 xo, Amen Sister. There is no going back. x, Your email address will not be published. And only for a couple of times in her entire life, did she make her bed after getting up in the morning. Domino Effect is reggae cut with soulful melody and harmony over infectious grooves and a deep pocket. Japan Today editor Chris Betros visits Oelkers at the Domino’s Pizza Japan headquarters in Chiyoda Ward to hear more about the business. Avoiding add to payroll for decent benefits. Amen! We humans have lost our way and Earth is paying the price, but so are we — we just don’t realize it yet. https://dgkayewriter.com/cookie-privacy-policies-gdpr-compliance/. Well said, Deb, and you are so right – this is our one big chance to make the changes that can save us. About Margaret Atwood | Analyze your text, About Arthur Conan Doyle | Analyze your text, Please visit this link for GDPR compliance. Forgot account? Required fields are marked *, By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Trying new recipes Before setting your goals this year, you might want to visualize a domino. I wonder what life is going to be like post-Covid19? Also, the official blog of Rounak Bose. Thanks for a apt and focused reminder, Debby! It helps enormously when I press the ‘Publish’ button. *. I wish I could give you a great big hug…and we will hug, one day. Does Scrolling on Social Media Cause Brain Damage? Yes, my poem was written about us the collective. I love this. 727 likes. It typically refers to a linked sequence of events where the time between successive events is relatively small. By Anupum Pant. Medium is an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. As much as every new review is uplifting, I’m pretty bad at checking for them and was delighted to find a few. 1 talking about this. We, as a species, need to do a lot of growing up first. It’s always interesting to me to see how other’s see […], Welcome to February’s #WATWB, We are the World Blogest, where a group of writers join together to post a good deed going on in the world to deflect from negative news. That’s when I said ‘%$* off’ out loud and did it another way! Brava Kate! Thanks, Debby. I am trying to come up with a few examples to show how our lives are influenced by small decisions or events that result in a chain reaction/domino effect that play a major role in 'the bigger picture' I have one example: you press the snooze button on your alarm clock which causes you to be late for work, so you take your coffee to go, then the roads are filled with … You get it totally. Sadly, there are many who haven’t awoken yet. Back to basics, indeed. the words you wrote are so very true but is all this enough to force the change we need? The reason I am telling you this, is all that was done, was a gentle tap the first domino. THE RULES Write a poem using a form of your choice: Haiku, Senryu, Haiga, Tanka, Gogyohka, Haibun, Tanka Prose, Renga, Solo-Renga, Cinquain, […]. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This isolation is all right Thank you. When function and beauty work in tandem, it creates a domino effect of wellbeing. Write on Medium. As my husband’s health condition is still ongoing and today marks his 10th day in hospital having a battery of tests, scans, and his upcoming biopsy, needless to say blogging has become a double-edged sword for me. Kaye and DGKayewriter.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. This keeps up consistency and subconsciously forces you in the right direction. Kaye is a nonfiction/memoir writer, writing from her life experiences and self-medicating with a daily dose of humor. The resulting chain reaction depends … Community See All. For the next two weeks you find the award winning documentary on iTunes for 99c. One day after waking up, she decided to prepare her bed. This needs sharing far and wide. Appreciating the silence, Let’s face it <3. I hope people learn. What is normal? I don’t claim to be a grand poet either, but poetry is therapeutic sometimes. A Behind the Crust informative video of the daily life of a dominos delivery driver Done properly, the rest will simply fall in place. The change in the former object i.e. From being thrown away like trash on the streets of Houston to being treated like a … Once you commit to an identity-based goal, a goal that is linked to your self-image, no matter how small it is, it often comes with a sense of pride once you reach that goal, and guilt if you back off halfway through. This piece is a quick look at the Domino Effect, understanding why it works, and polishing the finer details so that you can apply it to your life from this very moment. The second reasoning is based on commitment. Nobody is exempt <3, Unprecidended times in my lifetime…. So true, this is last chance! I know well we are on the same wavelength <3 xx. Until we can get our sh*t together, we’re just going to ruin that planet too. I hope! The words just spilled. I’m a people person, No long walks on the beach I bet you’ve probably seen those satisfying videos of a long chain of dominos toppling away till the end. Bless you, you are a wonder. Loved your poem…. Almost the same way we outline our books, outline a poem, and I don’t know about yours, but the finished product is never the way it began, lol. Thank you for sharing. Page Transparency See More. The latter actually has a slightly different meaning from the butterfly effect and has its roots in post-WW2 US foreign policy. Wonderful. Stay safe. Such good sense in this poem, Debby. Sobald du verstehst, wie der Domino-Effekt funktioniert, erkennst du auch, dass deine Lebensumstände nicht zufällig so sind, wie sie sind. The time-span in which changes in the other objects occur is fast. James Redfield wrote both, the book and the screenplay for this New Age fictional story about synchronocities that lead us to where we need […], Colleen Chesebro’s Weekly Syllabic Poetry Challenge at Word Craft this week is a #Photoprompt. Sunday Book Review today, I’m thrilled to be sharing some new reviews I’ve come across for my own books I’d like to share.