Its purpose is to look for the best QI (energies) in the house for each individual, bed positioning, place of the oven, direction of the entrance door. Of course, not every house is oriented the way I’ve shown in this article, but the… #5. Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in. You can apply this info to the placement of your favorite chair or when you sleep (the direction the crown of your head is facing when you are in bed). Relationship between the Eight Directions and Kua Numbers. The Life Kua is calculated from a person’s year of birth, whereas the house’s Kua is derived from the house’s sitting and facing direction. (Remember this is according to Chinese New Year which starts on a different date each year; check to be sure you have the right year of birth for this specific calculation.) Avoid or minimize any activities in this sector: West: Personal Growth (Fu Wei) 1. We encourage you to have an open, flexible and intelligent approach to this feng shui information and not be upset if the front door of your house, for example, is facing a direction that is unlucky for you, or if you cannot face your best direction at work. Free Bazi Calculator (八字)/ Destiny Chart Bazi reading (八字) of an individual served as a basis of data used by Feng Shui masters. They are not the key factor that govern the house’s energy. The concept of lucky feng shui directions seems to confuse many feng shui enthusiasts. There are a number of direction systems available in classic and professional feng shui, such as Sang Set (room by room calculation), calculations according to your personal supporting element based on bazi (Chinese astrology) and a variety of hexagram methods. After you find your kua number, check out the Red Lotus Letter Color Calculator to find the best colors for your home! As with everything in life, always try to do your best with what you have and do not despair if things do not look perfect at the moment. The 8 mansions feng shui school of thought basically generates an energy map for a house based on it’s sitting direction. Feng Shui numbers apply to the house as well as to the persons living there. Related Articles. Feng Shui Calculator to Find Your Birthday Element. In some cases, it has a neutral quality that neither helps nor block the flow of positive energy. Feng shui has numerous ways to improve one's quality of life. Once an individual accurately calculates his or her kua number, the 4 favorable and 4 unfavorable directions can be identified. If possible, avoid this direction by all means as this is your total loss/ misfortune direction. Birth elements are determined by your birthday and may help you understand some of the influences that shape your life. In term of personal Feng Shui, this sector is your growth and wisdom direction. NOTE: Some schools of Feng Shui do not use the Kua Number 5. Your circumstances will inevitably change, and the better your energy and attitude, the sooner things will change for the better. However, not all feng shui directions are good to face for long periods, as some have better energy for you than others. The Personal Kua Calculator will give you detailed information about which directions are best for you and help create more success, wealth, health, and love in your life. How to Use a Bagua Map. Please input your birthday correctly! The Spruce uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. On the setting page, Select your birthday and gender. However, the most important factor is what we call the "Power Position". Imagine what if you spent the rest of your life always facing your best directions - w hile you sit, work, have a meeting or give a presentation or go on a date or ask for a raise.. This will be the complete feng shui guide. It is said that what surrounds your house is the most crucial factor. Now all you have to do is find your year of birth and then look up your feng shui Kua number by gender. Buy a good compass, find your house direction and then superimpose all the feng shui chart on the house plan. Facing and Sitting Feng Shui House Directions You have to determine two feng shui directions for your house location. The sitting star and the facing star chart based on the position of the front door of the house or building can be generated using the flying star calculator given above. The 2021 Feng Shui New Year begins on February 4, 2021 and ends on February 3, 2022. You can position your bed so that it faces one of your best directions, as well as rearrange your office so that your desk is facing a lucky direction. Using an online calculator or phone app to generate the Feng Shui chart . The only way to determine this direction is with a compass. After calculation, you will see your House type. Those who are familiar with feng shui may already know that each number of the Lo Shu square corresponds to a different element, direction, color, symbolic animal, type of energy, influence over one’s life and member of the family.There are also monthly and even daily … I can bet that your life will never stay the same. Home › Feng Shui Numbers › Feng Shui Chart Get A Free Annalysis Of Your House. how to use color to create good feng shui rooms. First, you have to find your Kua number. Among the very many aspects, you will be able to realize what animal sign you are, who are your allies, … Now you can find your lucky feng shui directions and use this info to improve the feng shui of your home or office. ... health, wisdom, career, longevity, peace, happiness at temple or home. 1. Brings loads of bad luck, mischief and obstacles to your endeavors. From basic feng shui steps, such as good air and good light to slightly more advanced ones, such as facing your best, or lucky directions. After you calculate and get to know what your Kua number is, use the following two Feng Shui Directions charts to find out your auspicious and inauspicious directions. If the front door has a poor direction, it may violate the Feng Shui … For for a house that facing west, it would be sitting east. In terms of house Feng Shui, the door is an inlet, just like a person's mouth and nose, thus playing a very important role. What Are the Good (and Bad) Feng Shui Plants? *Note: There are some Masters that use the facing direction of the home to determine the House Kua where the Sheng Chi direction is always at the front of the home. Place the smartphone in horizontal plane. The Gua (to be pronounced “Kua”) of your loved ones will make you understand them better. All Rights Reserved. “Visible” Wealth Corners Based on Your Front Door. Simple feng-shui compass,show only the direction of the arrow only. Dragon and Phoenix Feng Shui Symbols to Promote Harmonious Marriage. Feng shui recognizes nine main life centers. How can the Feng Shui Kua system help me? Sleeping in the living room because you can't face your best directions in your bedroom or avoid your office because your desk cannot accommodate your lucky directions is not very smart. It shows the exact degree of the house facing direction. But according to Classical Feng Shui texts the sitting direction should be used. Place a Obsidian Feng Shui Wu Lou (L) or Obsidian Feng Shui Wulou with 5 Bats on your headboard or nightstand. The current direction and status will display on the screen. Calculators. Or you can look up to the Feng shui house direction calculator online. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series. The life aspects that are afflicted by the location of toilets for example, can then be enhanced by other feng shui concepts such as… 8 mansions feng shui. Calculate your BAZI, Feng Shui Four Pillars of Destiny, Chinese Alamanac for free. Fill in your birthday to find your feng shui element and what it means. 3. The feng shui Kua number is calculated differently for a male and a female, as well as for those born after … Yes, the more you know about the layout of your house – from the view of the Feng shui pa gua – the more effective you’ll be in using the five elements. Take the last two numbers of the year you were born and add them together. The Ming Gua Trigram consists of a total of 8 aspects. Your lucky feng shui directions help you attract the quality of energy that is most nourishing, or suitable, for you. 2. In this section you will find fun and useful feng shui calculating tools that will calculate many important details for you. Chinese Mysticism Feng Shui Calculator: Eight Mansions [East/West System] Find Your Lucky and Unlucky Directions The Eight Mansions (also known as the East/West System) is a traditional system of the Compass School of feng shui. After knowing this, you could find out your best direction and apply these auspicious directions to your home or office to boost your luck in wealth, health, love and personal growth. In this case the home facing Kua is treated the same as a human facing Kua. This is nonsense. Females replace it with Kua 8 and the men replace it with Kau 2 To calculate your Kua number use the calculator below or this simple formula. If negative and inauspicious energies surround your home, no amount of cure and remedies will help you fully utilize feng shui. The system uses your sex and date of birth to identify one of the eight trigrams as your personal trigram. Given below is the feng shui flying star chart showing the base star position for any building constructed between the year 2004 - 2023. Feng shui can help strengthen your energy by improving the environment where you live and work, as well as by providing you with many energy helpers such as specific crystals to wear, for example, essential oils to use, etc. Feng Shui Astrology for February 2021 WOFS - January 29, 2021 RAT 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020 The Rat’s energy levels take a dip with the Illness Star #2 appearing. Feng Shui Flying Star Chart for 2004 - 2023. With the modern technology, generating a Flying Star Feng Shui chart is not as complicated as in the old days. This article will explain how to diagram your home’s floor plan, determine the directions, and assign the corners. 1. When you know your feng shui kua number you can find your best directions as well as your lucky colors. It clearly states good and bad areas based on cardinal and intermediate directions. The kua number is an important component of practicing 8 mansions feng shui. You can find your birth element using Feng shui and its meaning. Ha! One of the most common questions in feng shui is how to understand the way the directions relate to your house. Feng shui has numerous ways to improve one's quality of life. It all depends on the quality of your own, personal energy. Regarding the Feng Shui directions of your home, the table below presents the ideal guidelines for each Kua number, for money, health, love and marriage and spirituality. Get daily tips and tricks for making your best home. You should stand in the middle of the room or your house. Distinguishing House Kua from Life Kua There is a wealth of tips and cures that you can find very helpful while exploring feng shui, for now, though, let's start with your best or lucky feng shui directions. 2. It's easy. From basic feng shui steps, such as good air and good light to slightly more advanced ones, such as facing your best, or lucky directions. Four directions are considered negative and four are positive. In Feng Shui, they are divided into two groups: East Group and West Group in which each direction has a corresponding Kua number (Gua Number). Each mountain is 15 degrees. How Do I Apply Feng Shui Birth Element and Kua Number? Free fengshui online tools such as Bazi calculator for bazi profiling, flying stars feng shui for house lucky directions and east west group calculator. Each Feng Shui New Year, ie every February 4th (the Feng Shui BaGua New Year date is fixed, unlike the Chinese New Year’s date), the position of the 9 flying stars evolves within the Lo Shu magic square. Read on to understand why. Therefore, particular attention should be paid to the house direction in Feng Shui. The flying star #6 is the Feng Shui star of 2021. Surrounding Matters The Most. Once you know your lucky feng shui directions, you will try to face them in the office and at home. The Eight Mansions (or eight houses) is another school of Feng Shui that use the calculation to analyze Feng Shui of a house. All Bagua areas of your home—no matter if they correspond with your bad feng shui directions or not—need to be treated well and have the best feng shui to create good energy. Second, look at the chart in step two and find the best, or lucky feng shui directions for your specific Kua number. Kua number is calculated based on the Date of Birth and Gender of a person. When looking at a house’s Feng Shui using Eight Mansions, the House’s Kua takes precedent over your Life Kua. Each individual side of the Feng shui pa gua is a different area or aspect of your life. Where Should the Primary Bedroom Be Located? According to Feng shui, the year of birth of a person has some influence on certain qualities, abilities and features of the individual. And, if you are looking to buy a new house, you can also check if the direction of the front door is good for you. Kua Number is a basic concept in Feng Shui. This is utmost important as one can enhance the luck a lot. As we all know, there are eight directions. This is the so-called “visible” wealth … In feng shui, knowing the direction your house is facing is necessary in order to calculate various feng shui analyses. We can assure you that facing a so-called unlucky feng shui direction will not bring you any misfortune; it might just not be the most helpful energy for you. Your lucky feng shui directions help you attract the quality of energy that is most nourishing, or suitable, for you.