More. You can check out the full command list on the site. Plasma Premium is purely cosmetic changes, and not buying premium will not result in a worse bot. Reply cancel at any time to stop the interactive process. Can input @roles or roleIDs, separated by a space. Input a discord invite link. Prism bot is a free to use giveaway bot that changes the way giveaways are managed in your server, it comes with requirement features such as message requirement and role requirements with a lot more coming in the future! Home Bots Join our Discord. The way Discord was meant to be used. The server a user must join in order to enter the giveaway. The channel the giveaway is posted in. JOIN {invite:maxUses} The maximum number of uses on the invite. Backups are used to save the current state of your server including roles, channels, and even more with Premium. Owners antisky#2980 . Bots For Discord. The giveaway bot is an easy-to-use bot used to host giveaways on your server! Can input. If you are still experiencing a problem, please join the Support Server and create a new ticket. Bots For Discord. You can find Plasma's invite link and the invite link to this server by going to for inviting Plasma! The parameters used are: #channel, -w (Winner Count), (Time) and (Title) Example: -create #giveaways -w 1 1d Custom Role! Backups are used to save the current state of your server including roles, channels, and even more with Premium. Giveaway Bot. – PLASMA chicken Aug 24 '19 at 1:21 I'm sorry I was wrong. ... the best self-bot I've ever used, by far! By default, Plasma will ask for Administrator permissions, and it is highly recommended that you grant them. Go Viral With A GiveAway. Users can create advanced giveaways and generate leaderboards for both invites and messages. Tip: At the end of a giveaway, Plasma will list how many entries were valid, and how many weren't. Plasma - Discord Bot. end-giveaway message ID: To Get The Message ID Use g!idh For A Video: g! Roles you can earn by gaining xp! In the next window authorize the bot by clicking on Authorize. It has COUNTLESS features, a brilliant user interface, and has been able to satisfy all my demands and solve all my problems regarding giveaways on Discord. Plasma is a multipurpose bot featuring an Advanced Invite Management, as well as an Advanced Giveaway system. [See Invites] roles. Giveaway A bot that creates fast and easy giveaways! [See Permissions], The number of messages a user is required to have to enter the giveaway. If neither of these are true, please join the Support Server and create a new ticket. The key was sent instantly, and the installation went smoothly. Can input @roles or roleIDs, separated by a space. Start Holding Giveaways!! Try out Eli Bot and replace most of them! Invite ranks are granted after a user invites a set number of people. The server a user must join in order to enter the giveaway. - create a giveaway in your server, manage peoples invites, and use our FREE levelling system! You can get support for Plasma in the Plasma Support discord server. at any time to stop the interactive process. start-giveaway #Name_Of_Channel 1d 1 Description_Of_Giveaways: Using This Format Will Start The Giveaway Doing It Incorrectly Will Fail To Start It: g! 94,333 votes in February The channel the giveaway is posted in. [See, The number of messages a user is required to have to enter the giveaway. It is like an all-in-one! server. Server ranks are roles that are automatically granted to users who meet a certain requirement. [See Invites]. Invite Upvote Support Server. Censor Bot is a powerful, yet simple, anti-swear bot for your Discord servers! See Settings for more information. You may also customise Plasma’s permissions by editing the Plasma role. More. It has COUNTLESS features, a brilliant user interface, and has been able to satisfy all my demands and solve all my problems regarding giveaways on Discord. Custom delay and blacklist included. Eli has features ranging from welcome messages, autoroles & reaction roles to giveaways, starboard, economy & gambling. There may be error with Plasma removing reactions, but rest assured that internally, Plasma is tracking which entries count, and which don't. • This can’t actually be done with a plain discord server. OFFLINE. Create Backups. an advanced giveaway and invite management system Plasma Bot. See Server Ranks for setup information. Listed since 12/13/2018 (802 days ago) Select the server from the drop-down where you want to start giveaway and then click on continue. Plasma is a multipurpose bot featuring an Advanced Invite Management, as well as an Advanced Giveaway system. OFFLINE. You can invite Plasma to guilds you have Manage Server permissions on with this link. GiveawayBot is powered by JDA and JDA-Utilities.. [See Messages], The number of invites a user is required to have to enter the giveaway. The roles a user is required to have to enter the giveaway. Note that Plasma must have proper permissions in that channel. to edit any one of these options after a giveaway has been created. If Plasma is not offline, please make sure you are not blacklisted from Plasma due to a violation of our TOS. Can be checked with the [p]invites command. GiveawayBot is powered by JDA and JDA-Utilities.. How long the giveaway lasts. The parameters tell the bot the information needed to start the giveaway. GiveawayBot. When creating a giveaway, the following prompts will be presented. Eli is a cute high quality multi purpose discord bot with over 200 commands. end-giveaway message ID: To Get The Message ID Use … Plasma's default prefix is ., but can be changed using the [p]prefix command. GiveawayBOT Replying to BLLK Dude this bot is so sexy. More. All giveaway commands are only available to users with, will start an interactive walk through. Reply. LEVEL {user:xp} User's total XP. Additionally, users can assign roles to be given out once members have invited a certain number of people to their guild. Definitely the best giveaway bot out there. To use a Discord bot command, simply type it into the text box on a text channel and press “enter”. Can be checked with the, The roles a user is required to have to enter the giveaway. Sign in with Discord. An advanced Giveaway and Invite Management system. authorize bot Discover Discord Servers. Home Bots Join our Discord. Xenon Bot Discord Backups, Templates and More Premium Invite. JOIN {user:level} User's level. Tip: You can use gedit to edit any one of these options after a giveaway has been created. Plasma Commands Prefix: . Tip: Both gstart and gedit will start an interactive walk through. start-giveaway #Name_Of_Channel 1d 1 Description_Of_Giveaways: Using This Format Will Start The Giveaway Doing It Incorrectly Will Fail To Start It: g! I've tried Plasma, Friskytool, Santa Wumpus, and even the popular Giveaway Bot, but this is by far the best. If neither of these are true, please join the Support Server and create a new ticket. Plasma ... Use Plasma's message tracking to see the most active members in your server. Firstly, make sure Plasma has the proper permissions. Sign in with Discord. The bot will prompt you for any follow-up Discord commands. quick question :) why when i invite it giveaway bot is offline and in other servers online ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Then, make sure the Plasma role is above the roles that you would like Plasma to give out. Finally, please run the command .ranks, and make sure the invite ranks are properly listed. They are useful for encouraging activity and recognising active members. If you need help, feel free to join our support server! You need at least Manage Channel permissions in order to use the giveaway commands. Bots For Discord. How does it work? If other users are able to use Plasma but you are not, you are likely blacklisted. Custom Profile | Music | Economy | Unique Cardgame | Auto Role | Web Dashboard Create Backups. An online machine to host your bot on. Firstly, please check the Support Server for outages. You can join by clicking here. A GiveawayID is the MessageID of the Giveaway Embed, you can easily find this by using gb!timer or gb!list. Can be checked with the, The number of invites a user is required to have to enter the giveaway. an advanced giveaway and invite management system. Our Partners. In stead of using 5, 10 or 15+ different bots in your server. Features. for bypass/blacklisted roles, as well as bonus entries. Start Holding Giveaways!! It comes with pre-built filters that are managed by our staff, to keep it up to date, and accurate. For example, !gstart 30s 2w Steam Code would start a 30-second giveaway for a Steam Code with 2 winners! end-giveaway message ID: To Get The Message ID Use g!idh For A Video: g! Both commands will return the MessageID. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Message ranks are granted after a user reaches a certain number of messages. In order to take advantage of all of Plasma’s features, please configure your settings. Track people’s Invites to your server & make giveaways! Start a new giveaway and follow the bot instruction {preifx}ga reroll < #channel > < MessageId > Reroll an ended giveaway (The bot will return if the giveaway still running) {prefix}ga end < #channel > < MessageId > Force a giveaway to end {prefix}ga pick < #channel > < MessageId > and I just wanna do giveaways but I have to use plasma instead till this is fixed. Tip: See Giveaway Settings for bypass/blacklisted roles, as well as bonus entries. Additionally, please make sure you have Manage Server permissions and that Plasma is not offline. I've tried Plasma, Friskytool, Santa Wumpus, and even the popular Giveaway Bot, but this is by far the best. I have used to this bot so many times and it is such a time saver. Very simple giveaway bot made with discord.js. DISCORD BOT LIST Plasma 2 Rated 4.7 by 109 users 112 upvotes in February Add Plasma Upvote Plasma. Using A Giveaway Bot To Go Viral Give Away Bots are how most E-commerce businesses win in social media because of a few reasons & one of them being that the conversation with the viral share. Xenon Bot Discord Backups, Templates and More Premium Invite. If other users are able to use Plasma but you are not, you are likely blacklisted. Discover Discord Servers. Set up is required you will need to join the support server to active plasma on your server, after that you should be good to go, if you have any questions or concerns let us know in our support server below. Invite. Input a discord invite link. !ghelp - shows the available commands!gcreate - creates a giveaway (interactive setup)!gstart