With each shed the animal develops progressively more contrast, eventually resulting in a snake that looks almost black and white. your own Pins on Pinterest … Related Products. This morph commonly expresses with a lavender, or pink hue. Dark eyes are characteristic of this morph. Scientific name: Heterodon nasicus nasicus We have thousands of exotic reptiles for sale from top breeders from around the world. ! I am relatively new to snakes, but with the help and advice of some very good friends who have themselves been breeding snakes for … Animals trend towards a greenish hue. Click for Lavender Designer Morph Combos... trait where the animal gradually develops stronger yellow pigmentation with age. A Western Hognose Morph is a difference in color, size, and or genetics. Check it out! Back to Western Hognose Morph List Superconda is the super form of Anaconda. Lavender Western Hognose – baby. I keep and breed Hognose Snake 's in West Yorkshire. Like the last morph, the main body is a creamy white color, except this time the … Click for Lemon Ghost Designer Morph Combos... Click for Leucistic Designer Morph Combos... Click for Pink Pastel Designer Morph Combos... Click for Pistachio Designer Morph Combos... trait, characterized by high red saturation of a darker nature than Extreme Red from Purple Line lineage. paradox albino. Reptiles Names Cute Reptiles Reptiles And Amphibians Noodles And More Bearded Dragon Cage Pretty Snakes Chameleon Lizard Cute … Favourite this Advert. Heterodon nasicus. I agree We’re starting this list off with a colour not often seen in reptiles – lavender! Next. Heterodon nasicus Category: ... Albino Articconda Western Hognose – baby. 114. The Reptile Calculator results instantly show in the Genetic Outcomes section. Superconda Western Hognose – baby. Hognose snake is a common name for several colubrid snake species with upturned snouts. Our site saves small pieces of text information (cookies) on your device in order to deliver better content and for statistical purposes. Directions: Simply choose a morph from the available ‘Morph Selector’ drop down menus for male and female pairings. Cb20 male superconda hognose. expressed with a lack of melanin, while still maintaining other, darker pigments. Areas that would normally be black, now present with a purplish or gray hue. Overnite Shipping via Fedex within US is a flat rate of 50.00, Live, Healthy, Happy Arrival Guaranteed!! We make it extra deep as they like to make little tunnels and hide underneath the aspen. This morph commonly expresses with a pink or peach hue. Heterodon, which occur mainly in the United States and northern Mexico; Leioheterodon, the hognose snakes native to Madagascar; Lystrophis, the South American hognose … Exotic Fire Hog For Sale Page Now Updated ! Click for Arctic Designer Morph Combos... trait with a reduction of red pigment resulting in an almost gray snake. Albino Articconda Western Hognose – baby. Click for Axanthic Designer Morph Combos... expressed with a lack of melanin. By browsing our website without changing the browser settings you grant us permission to store that information on your device. There was a problem with the location value. Snakes/Miscellaneous. Arctic Superanaconda head pattern . You must choose from one of the suggested locations. check out my exclusive hognose clothes lable----best snakes designs you will find on this planet www.hognose-park.com. My name is Lina I am a well known hobby breeder with a huge interest in animals and genetics, I live in Sweden but I ship worldwide. 1x Male Super Arctic 50% possible het Albino £700. 2 talking about this. 1 day ago. 3.1 Lavender 50% het Coral - £800/£975 0.2 100% het Lavender 50% het Coral - £300 0.1 Red Candy - £700 1.1 Toffeebelly Superconda 66% het Albino- £550/£600 0.1 Red Toffeebelly Anaconda - £450 1.0 100% het Snow 50% het Frosted - £140 0.2 Shadow - £140 each 1.3 66% het Toxic - £60/£70 each You can keep an adult male in a 20 gallon long with aspen, or similar substrate. This advert is located in and around Telford, Shropshire. 07/07/2017 "Pied" Lavender Hognose Cool looking but slightly deformed as so far all those "Pied-a-likes". Strictly Reptiles, Inc. ... Purple Superconda Het Lavender Possible Het Albino Western Hognose '20. Western Hognose Morph Calculator. Explore 40 listings for Hognose snake for sale UK at best prices. Today we unbox FIVE beautiful hognose snakes of various morphs! extreme red albino. Lavender, super arctic, and??? Would you take a look at this brother-sister pair of Albino Hognose Snakes? Hello everyone, this month we are showing some of our 2017 baby hognoses. pistachio. Both Dutch and Evan's Hypo are not hypomelanistic. ... £400 (discount on 1.1 pairs) Code 71. tiger pattern. Extras! Please contact support. anaconda. I’m expecting several clutches this week from superconda, Anaconda and extreme Red Albino. You can disable the usage of cookies by changing the settings of your browser. Ribbon Snake – Juvenile to Adult. Pattern will often have higher melanin concentration around the edges, and "blushing" within the pattern itself. Belly presents mottled, with a smokey appearance, which develops with age. These animals present with reduced black on dorsal pattern. Currently, there are many Western Hognose Morphs available. More definitive information is required through strict breeding trials to confirm. odd pattern. Lavender Hognose. They’re … My het Lavender x Anaconda eggs hatched with a total of 5 anacondas and 6 normals all 50% het Lavender. Albino Superconda Western Hognose – baby. Oct 8, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by Beth's Sandbox. pink pastel albino. They are a form of albino, that still retains dark pigmentation. They include three distantly related genera: . High quality Lemon Ghosts will have reduced black pattern to the belly, and a hazy "ghosty" appearance. Arctic Conda 100% Het Albino 50% Ph Lavender, Purple Superconda Het Lavender Possible Het Albino, Arctic 100% Het Albino 50% Pos Het Lavender. For more information, check out How It … I got the feedback that it is one of the lesser deformed ones. How We Photograph Our Available Animals. Short-Tail Alpine Garter Snake – juvenile. An aberrant headstamp is the most distinctive feature of identification. Try browsing the Western Hognose Index if you're looking for something specific. 1x Female Arctic Anaconda 50% possible het Albino £350. Egg Eating Snake – juveniles to adults. Extreme Reds and Purple Lines: 1st to create and name these lines. This is a recessive gene. admin Hognose For Sale. Albino Morph. Axanthic conda Western Hognose – baby. Click for Hypo (Dutch,Evan's) Designer Morph Combos... Click for Hypo (True) Designer Morph Combos... with some potential polygenic variation. Super Anaconda Western Hognose for Sale in the United States. Example: Color expression in Western Hognose snakes is a multigenerational endeavor where the breeder selects for a desired result, often aiming for the higher extreme in color expression. Leucistic Morph. Click for Caramel Designer Morph Combos... trait, characterized by high red saturation, from Extreme Red lineage. Purple Line Superconda Hognose. Lavender Western Hognose for Sale in the United States. Related Products. Best seen with the belly pattern. Pairing recessive traits like Axanthic and Albino to this line may result in animals with increased contrast between pattern and body. Superconda male and Anaconda female 100% triple het Sable-Lavender-Albino. The cheapest offer starts at £10. For more information, check out How It Works. Western Hognose Snakes - Morphs This advert is located in and around Dartford, Kent I have a handful of stunning Western Hognose Snakes available. The headstamp can be almost completely missing. Cb20 male superconda 66%het albino, very well started with the funkiest of head patterns. Lavender Western Hognose – baby. Scientific name: Heterodon nasicus nasicus. Super Arctic Toffee. We have thousands of exotic reptiles for sale from top breeders from around the world. Saved by Justin Mitcham. Comparison Arctic Superconda to Superconda clutch mate . 13/07/2017 . The head is ‘normally’ the only part with a pattern. There are recessive morphs such as Anerythristic or Caramel, dominant morphs like the Mocha, co-dominant such as the Anaconda and Green Hypo, combo morphs like the Toffeconda and line breed morphs such as Tiger Scientific name: Heterodon nasicus nasicus We have thousands of exotic reptiles for sale from top breeders from around the world. Discover (and save!) Artic Western Hognose – baby. ... superconda. Most of these guys are currently for sale. With this development comes a reduction in contrast between the background color and the pattern (saddle markings) as they begin to fade. Click for Granite Designer Morph Combos... trait. Venom Hognose snakes are mildly venomous and possess enlarged rear fangs which may or may not be slightly grooved and it is therefore, as far as we are aware, unclear as to whether or not these ... Albino, Anaconda & Superconda, Anery, Caramel, Hypo, Lavender, Mocha, Pink Pastel, Spider, T+ Albino, Toffee Belly Other Known Variants Leucistic. Hognose snakes are very simple and easy to maintain, and do not get large by any standard. 1 Superconda Morph Gallery 2 Related Morphs Add a photo to this gallery Anaconda Albino White Sided Bull Snake – baby. LAVENDER As the name states, a lavender coloured snake. This trait is characterized by aberrant patterning (not all aberrant is Jag, though). lavender. Surprises! The male Superconda is very unique looking almost looks Arctic to me can’t wait to prove it out #hognosesnakesofinstagram #Hognosesnakes #Snakesofinstagram #heterodonnasicus #hognosebreeder #hognosemorphs #exoticfirehogs #snakebreeder #colubridsnakes #snake … The Leucistic morph is similar to the snow morph in that Leucistic hognoses are … Apr 15, 2019 - Explore Raymond Michielini's board "Hognose snake morphs" on Pinterest. , expressed with a lack of melanin. Welcome to Hognose Snakes the UK's Premier Western Hognose Snake Website. Paying is easy and can be made via Paypal to: paypal.me/Extremehogs or I can process your Credit Card using Paypal's virtual terminal.Feel free to Txt or call me at 817-305-3029 for questions! Try browsing the Western Hognose Index if you're looking for something specific. admin Hognose For Sale. Photo included is that of an Extreme Red Albino. Coral Superconda (Albino Lavender Superconda) A designer morph combination of the recessive trait, Albino, the recessive trait, Lavender, and the complete form of the incomplete dominant trait, Anaconda. Aug 14, 2020 CB20 Normal Trip het Albino, Axanthic, Lavender. toffee belly - "lightning" tiger anaconda. SUPERCONDA This is a super form of the co- dominant Anaconda gene resulting in a patternless body. New Cl A ssifie d £190 ONO For Sale Female axanthic. See more ideas about hognose snake, snake, western hognose snake. I aim to produce the very best healthy top quality high end colour and pattern morphs of Western Hognose S nakes (Heterodon Nasicus). The Hognose is a type of colubrid snake characterized by an upturned snout that are are notorious for playing dead when threatened. Please provide additional details so we can answer your question quickly. There was an error while trying to use the location services. The generalized expectation of what phenotype you would find in a natural population. Click for Albino Designer Morph Combos... Click for Anaconda Designer Morph Combos... trait and present as a high contrast animal that is born extremely dark, almost black.