Meg is a purebred German Shepherd. 166/23.03.1991/D. I feed him one time raw chicken and rice. Where will he max out? Big boy! Tank (his name fits him) DOB is 12/31/09 and is pure …, Bear is a bear!! …, Bella the Giant! Both parents are German imports, traditional working dogs from …, "Little" Tess! My dog's name is Benson and I got him from a breeder in Benson, NC at 3 months with no paperwork. I think he is probably a purebred German Shepherd. She is a purebred GSD. He is …, Sumo's slow start in life Just recently I purchased my first GSD. The main problem …, Is my 7 month old ROWDY (GSD) doing well? Does your furry friend need some new toys or an appointment with a groomer? beef broth & 2 fish oil 2 …, Buddy's Growth at 6.5 Months and 67 Pounds At this routine I'm fixing to explain, he is 6.5 Months old at 67 lbs and 25 inches tall! …, Zoey The Runt I bought my female German Shepherd Zoey when she was about 2 1/2 months old. At 10 weeks, he was 20 lbs. Want to know how your GSD puppy growth chart compares to others? Monitoring Katka's Growth My dog's name is Katka
She weighs 33.2 KG. So up to what age does height increase in German Shepherds? 5 months 53 lbs
He is 30" at the withers and weighs 98 lbs. He weighs 8.5 right now and stands 24 inches. We got her from a breeder. Then select it. He is a purebred GSD. next week. Very concerned I just got Shadow 6 days ago and he was the runt. When I got him, he was 13 lbs. He was from a large litter (10 pups), but is growing at a good rate, he was 13 lbs when we got him …, Cooper's Catching Up!! RIght now, she weighs 45 pounds and stands 18 inches tall. I got her from a breeder. He went to the vet 10th of Dec and weighed in at 35 lbs the vet said he going to be huge. Saddie weighs in at a scrapping 4 lbs 7 oz while her little peanut sister tips …. I bred my female to a breeders stud, in my area. His father is 130#s. AKC registered with Eastern German & Czech background. She is big …, Samurai's growth... Sam is the runt of 8 pups. He weighs 30.5 kgs and stands almost 2 feet …, Willa Roo the Rescue This is Willa Roo (long story behind the name)! He is a purebred GSD. We were told by our veterinarian he …, Prince - very big boy Prince was an extremly big GSD. She was only at the shelter 3 days. …, Is Claw older than I was told? My other dogs exercise …, Max's Growth at 8 months and 83 lbs My dog's name is Max. My long hair dog has just completed 7 months & is 27 kg approx & the height of my Rowdy is 63 cm. Champion sired pup Our Champion sired male pup weighed 64.9 lbs. Django eats a raw diet (ground …, Lucys Story from 5 to 45 pounds Her name is Lucy. 10 weeks - 22lbs. And eats three times a day. At his checkup at age 16.5 wks he weighed 15 lbs
She was sick and had not gained much weight. Female is at 31 pounds. He is a purebred GSD. Purebred GSD. Weighs 25 kg and stands approximately 2 feet. I got him from a lady in the country side of Ontario, Canada. He started growing slowly compared to the charts. GSD Sam's lack of height My GSD, Sam, is about 7 months old... till now height is just 40
Gracie Lee's Growth Progress Gracie Lee came from a litter of 9 puppies. I got him from a breeder in pune. At 10 months, he weighs 62 lbs. He weighs 81 lbs. We have strong and healthy AKC German Shepherd puppies for sale. She was 1 kg when I rescued …, Izzy's Journey My dog's name is Izzy (her registered name is Isabelle). My GSD is 11 weeks old and only weighs 15 lbs. Currently, he weighs 44.7 lbs. The 18th of March 2012 he will turn 5 months and his weight is 28.2 kilograms. He was also the pick of the litter. Malachi My German Shepherd is 5 mo and 63 lbs. If he gets …, Trig's Growth Curve 10 weeks 19.2 lb
15 weeks-36.2 …, Kadence's growth Kadence (kay-dence) is currently 5 months, and I'm not sure what she is at this moment, but at 4 months she was 40lbs.
Tankue is a purebred GSD - Champion Kimelot bloodline. Tobey is 118 lbs at age 7 Tobey is 7. His last vet visit was 7/24 and he weighed 17.6 pounds. …, Simba at 14 weeks and 38 lbs His name is Simba. She came to be with us after being dumped on my sister-in-law's property because of a heart murmur …, Sable is Small and has no Appetite I got Sable two weeks ago, I was told she was 2 months old. …, Link's Slow Start When we first got Link (our Cat is Zelda) we were told he was 8 lbs (he was 8 weeks old). Right now, he weighs 36 pounds. His growth so far: 6 weeks 12 lbs … When I got …, Rocky is AKC Registered and 130 pounds My dog's name is Rocky. I was feeding her (Purina Pro Plan) 2 cups twice a day. 43 pounds at 4 1/2 months. As a result of …, GSD Growth Question Hi there,
He is a purebred German Shepherd. 24 inches. …, Shiva not so Dainty!! The information and products recommended by are not intended to Right now, he weighs 64.2 …, Minute Meg! She is about 18 months old, weighs …, Bentley's Growth His name is Bentley. She weighs 65 lbs and stands 26 inches (66 cm). He is a purebred German Shepherd. Phoenix Phoenix is a pure bred female - just turned 5 months old. Our 7 month old puppy is only 51 lbs. He is oozing with muscles and looks like the hulk ( dog version )
I don't know what she weighed when I got her, but she is a …, Jax the Giant? I am not sure if he is a purebred GSD. He is not a purebred GSD. We think he is a purebred GSD, our vet says Shiloh Shepherd. 4 months 45 lbs
In any event, JESSIE is a little bit of a beast. She is a purebred GSD longhair. He was 17 lbs at week 7 when we got him. He was the runt of …, Beau's weight dilemma So my beautiful 6 month old (today!) Is my GSD puppy "Pepe" underweight? His name is Jax. She currently weighs 32.5 kg and is 25" tall. His father is 29" & …, Odin is fit for a king! He loves my 2 toddlers and is now vet checked at 65 lbs. The puppy in this video at 8 weeks old does not weigh 20 pounds. He is a purebred GSD, but has no papers. The last I had him weighed they said …, Is my GSD growth in order? At 10 weeks, Sarge was at 18.5 lbs. and 48 lbs. She is a purebred GSD and she came from a Pennsylvania breeder. He is very laid back and a lovebug. I got him from a breeder in Omaha, Nebraska. I got him in Des Moines, IA. I just got my "Pepe" from the breeder today. 14 weeks - 27.2lbs …, Mickey's Mousy Size Progress We got Mickey at 8 weeks old. He was purchased from individual through an ad. Since then she has grown ….
21 weeks 51.0 lb
Find the perfect puppy for sale in Buffalo, New York at Next Day Pets. Averaging a weight gain of 10-14 pounds PER MONTH! RIght now, she weighs 11 kg and 20 cms. Click here to see the rest of the form and complete your submission. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 901, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada I got him from Lundborg-Land German Shepherd Dogs in Perris, California. Magnus at 8 Months Magnus is 10 days shy of turning 8 months old. I got her from an ad. She has thick legs and big paws that she hasn't caught up to yet. Currently, he weighs 65 lbs. He is a pure bred German Shepherd. By the second day he developed horrible diarrhea and when we …, Tyson's slow growth - underweight My pup is 4 months old and just weighs about 9 kg. Our rescue puppy, Lucy, is estimated to be 7 months old. We bought Izzy from Bev Melcher, a GS breeder in Bally, PA. She is a purebred GSD. Great! He is currently 22.5 lbs at 84 days(nearly 3 months). He is now getting closer to the correct weight! If you are looking to adopt a puppy or buy a dog, but haven't settled on a breed take a look here! He weighs 55 pounds and his height is 21 Inches. Discover. Today she weighed in at 25 lbs at the vet. And moderates to an ultimate weight of around 70 times the puppy's birth weight. He was about 11 …, Our Sammy We adopted Samantha from a rescue group. Zeus's growth Zeus is now 4 months old and weighs 49 lbs. Most people say he'll be over 100 lbs. She is eating Royal Canin, about …, Falcor's Growth 9 weeks 14.38 lbs
A purebred GSD. This breeder is a friend of mine. Length: 42 inches from nose to base of tail. Her …, Mya too small? He is purebred. He was born October the 20th, 2010. He eats 3 cups of Kibble with 2 eggs scrambled with 1 Tbsp. Got her from my friend. Now at 7 months he is about 80 lbs. :), Roscoe's not so secret growth story Roscoe came to us at 5-6 weeks old. Right now, she weighs 3.35 kg. I picked him out of the litter because he was the biggest puppy. How is your pup progressing? All rights reserved. Kato weighs 44 lbs at 18 weeks and stands 13" at the withers. CZAR Czar is a laquer black or pure black male German Shepherd pup. I got him from my daughter's full blooded GSD, He is also a purebred GSD. 13 weeks-29.2 lbs
He weighs 77.5 lbs at exactly 6 months old. When I got him, he weighed 5 lbs. Welcome to Free Dog Listings - the top canine online resource. He is a purebred German Shepherd. Everyone else who has commented appears to have a German Shepherd larger than this growth chart suggests. Are you seeking a new canine family member? I got him from an ad. I'm thinking he's seriously overweight, We'll see what the vet …, Rain... sizing him up! He is estimated to be 95 lbs when he reaches maturity. She is 22" in height and is smaller …, Pacer at 8 months Weighed Pacer today. I bought him when he was 4 weeks old. She's a picky eater. The amazing thing is not only is he VERY large (he is already taller than our English Mastiff) but …. Kimber weighed in at 72 pounds at 6 months and at 7 months …, That's not a dog! He …, Tiger Woofs I bought Tiger at 8 weeks old, after returning from Afghanistan. Mieka is well mannered …, Jessie the Monstrosity Wonder if I spelled that correctly? Entering your story is easy to do. We got the only two boys out of a litter of 8. She came from a family breeder. For example [my story] would show as my story on the Web page containing your story.TIP: Since most people scan Web pages, include your best thoughts in your first paragraph. We adopted a 4 mo old GSD male pup. Mila is big for a girl! She eats mostly kibble from either Costco (Kirkland brand) …, Lily the Monster Her name is Lily. When I got him, he weighed 2.9 and was 10 inches …, Maggie's Growth Her name is Maggie. I went in an adopted …, Denver - European Working Breed, Parents Imported Denver is currently 11 months old at 105 lbs. Her father is totally black and her mother is all white. A German Shepherd dam will normally whelp (give birth to) between six and eight puppies. I got him from Kennel Seeblick, in Birmingham, Alabama. Just type!...Your story will appear on a Web page exactly the way you enter it here. He currently weighs …, Duke... Small German Shepherd? a.form_ids=d}b[f]=a};c||(a=d.createElement(h),c=d.getElementsByTagName(h)[0],a.async=!0,a.src=e,c.parentNode.insertBefore(a, He is a purebred German Shepherd, however, he's not KC registered. Here is his Growth Chart:
He is now 7 months old and weighs 82.3 lbs. At 12 weeks old he already weighs just under 16 kgs (15.7 kgs). Not sure how tall he is, he wouldn't hold still, lol. He is a purebred German Shepherd dog and he weighs 31 pounds. Supporting ethical breeding. Purchased at 16 wks of age
He has a long way to go before he catches up with my other male who is a fit 9 years old …, Eva's German Shepherd Growth Chart Eva is now at 14 months old. Loki currently weighs 88.3 lbs …, I have a Pony for a Puppy His name is Hunter I got him from a private breeder and he is a purebred GSD. Jax …, Lucca's Growth My dog's name is Lucca. He is 9 months and weighs 94 pounds. Height at the wither 60 cm to 65 cm (23.62 inches - 25.59 inches), Weight 30 kg to 40 kg. She weighs approximately 40 lbs. My GSD puppy is 5 and a half months old and she is 17 kg (40 pounds). Ruger at 4 and 5 months Ruger was 23 lbs at 4 months and 35 lbs at 5 months. 10 weeks at 16 lbs
Curiously, some Eastern European lines mature more slowly and do not reach full maturity until 36 months of age. Right now, he is six weeks old and weighs 15 lbs, …, Koda's growing! His growth is as follows;
She is a purebred GSD. We were just given a 5 1/2 month old White German Shepherd and he weighs over 90 lbs! She weighed in at 73 pounds at the Vet Clinic today. She weighed 3.4 kg at the time and as of 5 days ago was 4.1 kg. GSD Paul at 8 months and 78 pounds My GSD pup is about 8 1/2 months and he is 78 pounds. Lady Raela Old World Style German Shepherd Two more photos of Lady Raela. We got Tess at 8 weeks old and she weighed approx 6 kilos. 3 months 30 lbs
Harper at 10 weeks I have a 10 week old white German Shepherd puppy. 13 weeks - 26lbs
GSD mix Maya She weighs about 25 pounds @ 6 months! 24 weeks 57.3 lb, Roo - Runt of the litter We got Roo when he was 15 weeks (DOB 6/6/10), he weighed 33 lbs. I got her from a local breeder. Standard, MO. I live in Nigeria and feed …, Myllo's Growth MYLLO is a GSD puppy. German Shepherds normally reach physical maturity at 18-24 months. His sire is 125 lb give or take and mother is around 85 - 90 lbs. Ruger is my German Shepherd. …, Koa's German Shepherd Growth Chart Progress Koa's a German line male puppy, parents shorter than some that I've seen but stocky.
My dog's name is Odin. This is Chance. Bear's Growth from 7 Weeks Bear just weighed in at 13.7 lbs. South Florida Shepherds is known to be one of the best German Shepherd Dog Breeders in South Florida. 17 weeks 41.5 lbs
I was wondering what somebody might think on how big he might get? She almost got scammed into shipping the pup to some unknown person. He gets fed 4 cups of food a day and then …, Presley's HUGE @ 5.5 months Presley weighs 66 lbs & he's not even 6 months old!! Very energetic playful happy dog! They told me that she was the runt of the litter. I got him from a private person, in Lupton, Michigan - her two German Shepherds are his parents. I have never seen a puppy at the age of 4 weeks weigh 10 lbs... this chart is crazy. He was small (runt) but otherwise healthy and VERY alert. I got him from a breeder. Sam weighs 61 lbs and stands 31" tall. We got him from a Shelter. Again, these are approximations and your own puppy growth chart may not absolutely reflect these numbers. He's now 35 kg and bigger than every GSD we've met at his age. Gibson was purchased in the Philippines where the breeders do not feed the dogs or innoculate them so …, Sheva, My "Normal Size" Big Girl Sheva, a 1st gen from Czech imports, is 11 weeks old right now (today) and I think she is oversized but the vet assures me that is not the case. Male GSD - Small boy, Big heart! @ 17 weeks - 54.4 lbs.
…, Ku_Jo, The Great White Shepherd My dog's name is Ku_Jo.
@ 1 week shy of 6 Months …, Isa ~ 3/4 DDR & 1/4 Czech German Shepherd Her name is Isa. Find all breeds of Puppies for Sale and Dogs for adoption near you in Allentown, Erie, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Scranton or Pennsylvania. RIght now, she weighs 10.5 kg. She got her name from my 16 month old son, he saw her …, Snowball about average Snowball weighed 8 pounds at 8 weeks. 6 months 63 lbs
My GSD is 21 inches at the withers and he just turned 5 months. She then had diarrhea and we suspect worms... She wasn't gaining weight. …, Zorro the Seniorita Zorro is 5 months and 66 lbs. She finally started catching up to herself. Her ears are …, Heidi at 10 Months Heidi is almost 10 months old, weighs about 57 lbs, but is almost 26" tall. Now he weighs 58 lbs. Kato was 12 lbs at …, Black Shadow's Growth His name is Shadow. I got her From a friend who had a male and a female... and a litter. 10 weeks - 125lbs
At 77.5 lbs, he is very skinny and lean. He just turned two last week. SHe is a purebred German Shepherd. Then doubled again in size in the 6 wks we've had him. He looks kind of lanky. I got her from a GSD Breeder in South Carolina. Just had Legend neutered he weighed in at 75 pounds. We have thought for a few months that she is on the small side for a GSD …, Stella's Getting Big! He weighs 73 lbs and still has tons of skin to grow into. She came from Tropisch German Shepherds and is a purebred GSD with sable coloring . I got him from a breeder.
Big Pups I have two German Shepherd Pups, Both males who are just over 5 months old and weigh 75 lbs and 70 lbs each. To my wife's displeasure his black/brown ratio never changed that much …, Milou - On The Small Side We got our little Milou when she was about 11 weeks old after she was dumped in a front yard. She was dumped, so I know nothing about her parents. He is 98 lbs and still filling out. They breed dogs for military and police work. That makes it 4 times …, Jerry Lee's GSD weight I got Jerry Lee one week before Christmas. Click the button and find it on your computer. 20 weeks at 42.5 lbs, Blitz and Chief My wife and I bought our daughters each a German Shepherd. He is the pick of the litter (yes, I purposely picked him bc …. She is a purebred German Shepherd. I cant …, Blitz is Big!! @ 8 weeks - 26 lbs. They are brother and sister, the oldest and youngest of the litter. Now she is a year and 3 months weighing a lean 55 pounds. Baron …, Myles, My big boy... His name is Myles. Sam's Growth at 16 Weeks Sam is 16 weeks and 51 pounds. His growth so far:
Both parents appeared to be GSD. He was 46 pounds at 8 weeks. He has so far had a much slower growth then other GSD's that I have seen of the same age. When …, Is my GSD Simba Undergrown? I went and picked up Jake on …. That's a monster Duke, a White Shepherd , turned a year old last month. He is not a BIT overweight, but is definitely bigger than all of our …, Sophie and Saddie They are sisters we just adopted and are very small for 6 1/2 weeks old. VOM PANTHEON HAUS GERMAN SHEPHERDS andrew queen st meriden CT 06451 Phone: 860-655-0889 or 203-886-7667 E-Mail: Click here to upload more images (optional). Dad's 100 lbs Mom's about 80. …. Bad Chart? I feed her formm dog food which is not the …, Shadow's 'over' growth - now normal My dog shadow was a round little guy when he came home at 56 days old; and kept growing and growing until he was 20 kg at 3 months. These two are brother and sister. We got him from a breeder near Centrailia. He is 14 weeks and weighs 16.8kg which …, Major Payne at 9 months and 94 lbs His name is Major Payne. Right now, he weighs 38 lbs at 14 weeks of age. All 9 puppies are black and tan. My pup weighs as of today, …, Jerry Lee's Growth I got my GSD Jerry Lee from a local breeder on 6/6/13 when he was 2 months old at that time he weighed 15lbs
Kinda tall …, Logan's Growth Logan is my first GSD. Kia is a 7 month old White GSD and only weighs 44-45 lbs. He does not eat or finish …, Big Cash Rivers slow growth At 4 months. They said he's 11 weeks and he weighed about 10 pounds I would say. 5 months …, Veyron Hunt's Growth Hello, my name is Anthony, and I have a German Shepherd puppy named Veyron Hunt. By 12 weeks, …, Chance is gonna be a Big Boy I rescued Chance when he was 12 weeks old and weighed 20 pounds.
She was a rescue and was very …, Logan's growing like crazy! He is of American lines... Underweight Rico My GSD pup Rico is now nine months old, last time he was weighed at eight months he was only 23 kg, seems since then he hasn't put on any weight at all, …, Bolo is skinny We got Bolo at age 13 weeks. Recently the vet told me to feed …, Harley's growth Harley is 23 weeks old (5 1/2 months old), and weighs 29.5kg. Is she big for her age considering the fact that she is a girl? Hopefully, he is a purebred GSD. Place- Manipur. Kreiger's German Shepherd Growth Chart Well, Krieger is 5 months old tomorrow and currently is weighing in at 49 lbs, right on target to this growth chart. Please consult with your vet and ask about using a natural and alternative approach for the I have had him since he was born. Welcome to PuppySites.Com! The breeders claim that the father is AKC registered …, Sleepy Tank His name is Tanku. I got him in Tampa, Florida and he is a purebred GSD. He weighs 50 pounds and stands about 18-19 inches at the shoulders. When I got him, …, Duke, Purebred Long-Haired German Shepherd Pup 13 weeks-40 lbs I have a 13 week old purebred, long haired German Shepherd puppy named Duke. I think they are German Shepherd and Labrador mix . He was a bit pup and is now turning 2 years old in November! Find a holistic vet. and 17 1/2 in. And three times eukanuba puppy food. This is followed by a consistent weight gain of 5-10%. She weighed 22 pounds on January 8, 2010, and was born September 25. His feet, head, and ears …, Heisman is on Track He is filling out good... he was 55.7 lbs at his 5 month check up. He had dental issues and today at 6 months is having surgery for elbow dysplasia. Advertise your dogs and puppies for free! I was told they are breeders. He is a purebred GSD. …, Molly Molly started out as the runt of the litter, almost half the size of her litter mates but she is running with the pack now. We found a breeder that was selling some for reasonable cost, but I was still worried …, GSD Reggie (Big Foot) I got Reggie (German Shepherd male) at 11 weeks, and he weighed about 28 lbs. Right now, he weighs 13.5 kgs and is 4.5 ft long. My 1 year old Gabi GABI is a 1 year old GSD. She's very healthy and we feed her only raw meat, bones, organ meat, and fat. However, at 7 weeks he weighed …, Gunter right on the chart My baby Gunter is right on the numbers that the chart above show. By the time he was 2 years old, he was 152 pounds and solid muscle. My GS puppy (Tili) was 3.2 lbs at 5 weeks old She was 3.2 lbs at 5 weeks old and has had some worm in her. I got her from a breeder. Shotgun is AKC . He currently weighs 40 lbs. Got him from a local breeder. 7 months 70 lbs
I knew half the crew and when my purebred GSD came to me on …, Shotgun, thinks he is a lap dog! Is this ok at this age? Both are from different litters/breeders. Not sure …, Charlie and his life His name is Charlie. Great attitude and so laid back. Hawkeye is 7 months old and already at 74 lbs! I got him from a farm near Hull, UK. I am worried about his joints and back if he keeps gaining weight. SHe is a purebred Shepherd. Right now he weighs 33 lbs and stands 16", When I got him, …, Jax's Growth - Champagne Point Puppy His name is Jax. Everyone is so scared of her because of how big she is. I'm not sure how tall …, My boy Baloo My dog's name is Baloo. Terry is now 8.5 months old. If she looks anything like her dad, …, Bridgette's slow weight gain Bridgette was adopted at the humane society at 10 months. I got him from a breeder In Creswick, Australia. I got my puppy at 11 weeks and he weighed 3.8 kgs. She is a purebred GSD. easy, but will see. In addition, she was poisoned by licking the steering fluid under my car. She is extremely playful and alert, but …, Ali's Tremendous Growth Well my beautful red sable GSD just turned 6 months November 19 and weighs around 43 lb. Right now, he weighs 75 lbs and is 25" tall. Mya's A Big Girl! She is a purebred German Shepherd. Puppies for sale from dog breeders near Buffalo, New York. I got him in Delhi. I have a GSD and she (yes, Stevey is a girl) is 30 lbs and is 13 weeks old! healthcare and treatment of your pet. I got her as a gift. I have a female GSD and I think her growth is not going well. at 5.5 months old. His name is Razz. His ears are up and down still, and he has one base narrow …, Romeo and Ria BARF diet results I have two German Shepherds, a male and a female. He is 11 months now and seems …, Colt is only 28 lbs at 15 weeks....but his feet are HUGE! I got Sultan at 6 weeks old with a weight at 4.3 kilograms. He is a silver and black German Shepherd and weighs 118 pounds. 2 Months.............10 lbs …, GSD Puppy Not Growing Well? He is a purebred GSD. Growing fast. It seems that she is a purebred GSD. He is very big boned GSD and carrying his weight well. leadForm({ form_ids: ["bb334b70-28ad-4078-9586-ff25580b63f9"], preview: 0, asset_domain: '', data_domain: '' });
var k=e.substring(e.lastIndexOf("/")+1);b.formIds=b.formIds?b.formIds:[]; There are very few breeders in Nepal and baring one every one of them is out there for money.
at that point. Oscar Oscar 38 lbs at 3 months 1 week, on Purina pro plan diet. Rescues are also welcome to post their dogs for adoption. 4 months 42 lbs
Right now, he weighs around 20 kg's and stands around 20 …, Kato's Growth My dog's name is Kato, from a professional breeder.
16 weeks 39.4 lbs
At 3 months she weighs …, GSD Sammi from Runt to Really? When she arrived, …, Zeen in Her World My dog's name is Zeen. He is slim and athletic. Yes, they are purebred. His weight is about 15-16 kg nd height is 18 inches. He is a …, Max at 7 Months old and 77.5 Pounds We have a 7-Month old GSD. He is …. She is 21 kg, but she is not easy to feed (she doesn't like very much even the word food!). My female pup weighed 17 pounds at 10 weeks old! bred for temperment, intellegence, stability, and workability When I got him, he weighed …, Mercy's growing chart! Got him from a friend. She is a purebred German Shepherd. She looks full blooded.
I got her when she was 8 weeks old weighing about 7 pounds. Her name is Bella Letto. When I got her, she weighed 17 kg …, Buzz (Light Year... To infinity and beyond) This is Buzz. She does real well with the neighbor kids and our 4 month old …, Apollo's Growth My pup's name is Apollo. Is he normal …, Is my female puppy Maya small?? She is now 6 months old and weighs in at a hefty 29 kg. Check the puppy growth chart for an explanation of the different puppy development stages and puppy growth rate. We got him in Manteca, California. (function(b,d,h,e,f,a,c){a=d.getElementsByTagName("script");c=!1; A …, Tycen and Justis Tycen at 9 weeks old weighed in a sturdy 30 pounds. When we got him at 3 months …, Tucker's Growth Spurts Tucker's Growth First Year
…, Daffy Groeth Hi,
We knew that he was the smallest out of his litter, but his parents were both nice big good …, Rook 98 lbs and still a baby I got rook from my sister when he was 8 weeks old. He is a purebred GSD and registered under KCI. She is currently forty pounds. Dali rapid growth rate Born 27/2/2011 He is a pure black German Shepherd. 2 months 21 lbs
He was born July 15, 2009. Not sure how tall he is. I got her from a friend who owns a male and female German Shepherd. He is …, Shade's Crazy Personality and Size We got our solid black female GSD , Shade, When she was 2.5 months old, she weighed in around 25 lbs roughly. Bolo was the runt of an average sized line. Their growth rate slows noticeably at 6 months and continues minimally after 12. Got him from Timber Ridge Farm, Saco, ME. Our Pup is 7.5 months. Vet says his weight is good. I was told he is a purebred GSD, but I'm wondering if he may be a mix. …, German Shepherd Puppy Phoenix Growing Fast Phoenix was born Sept 1st and has been growing like crazy. She …, Tasha at 20 Months I got Tasha when she was 8 months old. My German Shepherd's name is Arkay. …, Tanner, Large Male Reverse Sable German Shepherd His name is Tanner. Rainna's a Big Baby!! Not sure how tall he is. He is a purebred German Shepherd that I got from a breeder. She is a very picky eater and I am having a hard time getting her to eat. He appeared very skinny with all bones and no flesh but …, Little Kaiser We bought Kaiser from a breeder when he was six weeks old. (66.14 pounds - 88.18 pounds; Midrange = 77 pounds), Height at the wither 55 cm to 60 cm (21.65 inches - 23.62 inches), Weight 22 kg - 32 kg (48.5 pounds - 70.55 pounds; Midrange = 59.5 pounds). …, Is my puppy too small? Gained about 10 lbs every month
tall. When I got …, The Adventures of Duke Duke is his name. He Weighs 44.2 Kilograms. Koa's German Shepherd Growth Chart Progress Koa's a German line male puppy, parents shorter than some that I've seen but stocky. She is a purebred GSD. Got them in Billings, Montana - AKC Breeder. What is the normal size of a German Shepherd puppy? He's got a sheet …, Big Boy Tadix My puppy Tadix, a German Shepherd is 3 1/2 months old and now weighs 62.8 lbs. We found that when we took him to the vet …, GSD is only 50 lbs at 10 months My female GSD is only 50 lbs at 10 mo.