ncis LOS ANGELES - FEBRUARY 20: "Death From Above" -- The NCIS headquarters are evacuated after the team discovers a body as well as bomb materials on the roof of the squad room. He grabs No. | 15.18 - "Death from Above" Directed by Rocky Carroll Written by Christopher J. Waild Reviewed by KathM We begin this deceptively quiet day in the bullpen, where copies of the first five chapters of Ducky’s book abound. A few final assorted thoughts and notes before I turn the discussion over to you: If you enjoyed this episode more than I did (and I really hope you did), you can always watch NCIS online. He calls Abby an intern, citing her clothes as evidence (ha! I still say that these two are dating by the end of the season. Like turning things off and then turning them on again is pretty much Step 2 in IT Troubleshooting for Idiots. In the morgue, a gunman enters and looks sadly at the body of the bomber, who turns out to be his brother. The NCIS headquarters are evacuated after the team discovers a body as well as bomb materials on the roof of the squad room. In the orange room, Gibbs has rigged the office equipment to start making noises, distracting gunman No. But the fight made no sense. She orders him to put on Ducky’s lab coat so he can help her move the bomber’s body into the evidence garage and clucks over the news that he’s quit the Sherlock Consortium, although he’s still carrying the group’s magnifying glass. Gibbs had plenty of chances to take down the villain prior to this point. when gunman No. That’s because Gibbs is on the roof with Burke, where the man’s trying to use Gibbs as safe passage while a helicopter hovers overhead, presumably trying to land. Season 15, Episode 18 Death From Above First Aired: March 27, 2018 The NCIS headquarters are evacuated after the team discovers a body and some bomb materials on the roof of the squad room. ... NCIS Database is a FANDOM TV Community. In the evidence locker, Torres speculates that Plan A was to drop the pipe bomb through the air vent and walk away, but Burke’s brother, a junkie who presumably owed Fincher money, blew himself up. NCIS just took over a Baltimore DEA case, and as we all know, there’s no such thing as a coincidence. Still, they did provide one of the most entertaining exchanges of the night, with Jimmy demonstrating a rather amusing instance of misplaced priorities: Jimmy: I mean, I guess I can see how some lawyer could use the confusion of an evacuation to call into question the chain of evidence, but, well, Autopsy *and* Abby’s lab have secure storage. Credit: Torres, McGee, and Bishop all disavow previous knowledge of this hideaway. Also, the team reads the first draft of Ducky’s book, on NCIS, Tuesday, March 27th on CBS. NOT COOL, Bishop. Then Burke gets on the radio and orders someone to turn on the elevator so he can move Torres and “Ducky” into the evidence garage. Give in to the rage, Abbs. And he’d better hurry, because Senior’s starting to cough from the smoke. Did she say something?” See! NCIS: Death From Above (episode). As she regularly sleeps in a coffin, she managed to nap through the whole ordeal. Because, despite how breathtakingly stupid the plan was, it actually worked! Watch NCIS: Season 15 Death From Above on DIRECTV The NCIS headquarters are evacuated after the team discovers bomb materials on the roof of the squad room; the team reads the first draft of Ducky's book. Plan B was to get him and “Ducky” to help them steal the evidence, but they refused to cooperate. That's what surge protectors are designed to prevent. 1’s radio and gets through to the personnel outside, which includes Special Agent Joanna Wright and Reeves, who’s anxious to head inside to help the team. Seriously, was there ever any doubt whose rooftop hideaway that was? In the end, Burke sets the evidence on fire and leaves the two cuffed men to await their fate. Gibbs is known for his gut instinct, but he literally had no way of knowing if anyone was actually in the squad room at that exact moment. © Copyright 2021 Meredith Corporation. Because that was the bad guys' plan: bribe an NCIS agent to get them into the Navy Yard so they could sneak into NCIS and destroy the evidence against a drug kingpin. NCIS: Death From Above (episode). I was not one of them. Speaking of surge protectors, how in the world did messing with a door control cause a power surge strong enough to light Major Mass Spec on fire? The doors all unlock, and Reeves and Wright connect with Sloane and Vance in the orange room, where they’re discouraged to find Gibbs’ weapon but no Gibbs. By the time the credits rolled, I seriously wanted to take this story and throw it into the burning pile in the evidence garage. Were you entertained by the shenanigans at NCIS Headquarters, or did you find yourself frustrated? In MTAC, Vyas admits that she sold NCIS out for money after the infiltrators found her online, and furthermore, she completely locked them out of the system. Looks like the crew is after some evidence. Kingpin got arrested for the conspiracy to destroy evidence and all. Offers may be subject to change without notice. Despite the fact that his presence didn't make sense after the evacuation (seriously, why was he still in building? Watch NCIS - Season 15, Episode 18 - Death From Above: The team's quiet day is interrupted by a dead body appearing on the roof of their office. Vance: It was our house. It felt like he was purposefully taunting the man! To be fair, he knew that the response team was on their way there, courtesy of the radio before they climbed on the roof, but why take all the extra steps to eliminate the villain? In September 2013, Aaron Alexis, the lone gunman who was also a civilian contractor suffering from mental health issues, entered the Washington Naval Yard (former headquarters of NCIS), and went on a shooting spree killing several people in the process till he was shot dead … These new rules clearly are written by some out-of-touch bean counter!Bishop: I helped write the protocol when I was at NSA. Also, the NCIS rooftop is home to a secret break room, complete with a folding chair and umbrella, perfect cell phone service, and the scent of donuts from the bakery on the corner. Death From Above is the 18th episode of NCIS Season 15 and also the 348th episode of the entire NCIS series. Vance does, and with Gibbs’ gun, no less. Yeah. Gibbs: That was some nice shooting, Leon! NCIS - "Death from Above" - Review Posted by KathM at March 30, 2018 0 Comments KM. 1’s name is Burke, while No. 1 arrives with “Ducky” in tow. The subplot with the team wondering who has a chair on the roof of NCIS, also had a charming touch with Gibbs being the owner of the spot. © 2021 TV Fanatic “What about Eleanor?” Senior asks, and Torres says they’re not an item, but asks eagerly, “Did you hear something? The Beretta 92FS is seen with Clayton Reeves (Duane Henry) in "Death from Above" (S15E18) when he goes with a NCIS REACT element. Gibbs and Torres launch a search of the building and find two abandoned HVAC coveralls in a room with a ladder to the roof. After the death of Caitlin Todd in the second season finale of NCIS, there was a feeling the team was missing a major component within its operations. I will say that it was gratifying to see Robert Wagner return as DiNozzo Senior, who provided an all-too-brief update on Tony and little Tali (not to mention himself!). Then another explosion rattles the building. Just no. Wait a minute: this one was authored by none other than Christopher J. Waild! 4.3 / 5.0 1 He spots Torres’ framed desk photo of himself (excellent callback — see what vanity gets ya, Nicky?) Reviews. Further attempts just damage more equipment, so she turns her attention to the three inches of hermetically sealed glass windows. At first, it looks like an AC repairman got caught in a transformer explosion, but further investigation reveals there’s no such company as District HVAC System, and the man was actually killed by a pipe bomb in his toolbox. And will NCIS bill Jimmy and Bishop for the hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages they did to Abby's lab? (Well, not Torres, who can’t get past the idea that the first five chapters are 311 pages with zero pictures, or Gibbs, who hasn’t taken the time.) To celebrate, Senior offers to take everybody out for drinks, although nobody can find Gibbs. No, no, no, no, no. Special Agent Paula Cassidy (Jessica Steen) joined the NCIS team to help out after Caitlin Todd's death — but little did she know that her decision to join would lead her to a similar fate. NCIS … So in the end, even with the Fincher drug evidence destroyed, Vyas agrees to testify against him for masterminding the NCIS invasion, and he’ll serve much more time with a terrorism conviction. NCIS 15×18 “Death From Above” Season 15 Episode 18 Promo – The NCIS headquarters are evacuated after the team discovers a body as well as bomb materials on the roof of the squad room. Entertainment Weekly is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. Note the slanted dust cover, recurved backstrap and hex grip screws which distinguish this from earlier versions. I go into each episode hoping to enjoy myself. The bad guys never actually realized that Senior was an imposter, after all, unlike Torres. Elsewhere, DiNozzo Sr. picked a heck of a day to meet Gibbs at NCIS for a drink, and with those plans obviously on hold, he ends up in the morgue with Abby. In conclusion, please never forget that Ducky wrestled a python and met David Bowie on the same day, and no matter how hard you try, you’ll never be as cool as he is. ), his protectiveness of Abby coupled with his impersonation of Ducky worked pretty well. I'm sure there are people out there who found "Death From Above" to be a fun diversion, with the various characters Die Harding their way around NCIS Headquarters. 1 enough that Gibbs can knock him out with a baseball bat. Watch Death From Above (Season 15, Episode 18) of NCIS or get episode details on Bishop: So our intruder accidentally killed himself--Abby: --with a pipe bomb--Bishop: --on the roof of NCIS headquarters. NCIS Season 15 Episode 18: Death from Above Summary: The NCIS headquarters are evacuated after the team discovers a body as well as bomb materials on the roof of the squad room. The attempted bombing results in an evacuation of the building while the bomb squad is called, but Gibbs negotiates with Vance to let his team remain for another 30 minutes to continue reviewing the evidence. Take this scene from the end of the episode: It made for an entertaining fight, sure. Thankfully, Senior’s Sherlock Consortium magnifying glass has several useful tools in the screw-off handle, so Torres works on freeing them both before the flames overtake them. View All Photos (3) Gibbs, who’s unarmed, picks a fight with Burke and tosses a pipe through one of the glass roof pyramids, trusting that one of his friends inside will take Burke out. It’s Bishop and Palmer, who’ve succeeded in blowing a hole in Abby’s lab just as the lockdown is ending. (Couldn't they have slipped an SOS sign in the window instead of blowing things up?). "Death From Above" is pretty much a bottle story; these are filmed almost exclusively on standing sets, often to save money to spend on other episodes. Speaking of evidence, Palmer finds Bishop in Abby’s lab and grumbles about the idiocy of having to move all the active evidence into the evidence garage — a protocol that Bishop approved when she was still at NSA. It's not often that I call out screenwriters, but this same Mr. Waild was behind two of this season's weaker entries, NCIS Season 15 Episode 3, "Exit Strategy," and NCIS Season 15 Episode 10, "Double Down.". 1. NCIS Season 15 Episode 18 Photos Death From Above The NCIS headquarters are evacuated after the team discovers a body as well as bomb materials on the roof of the squad room. Rocky Carroll, who directed the episode, also deserves props for making the most of the lackluster script. Had to defend it. As Torres starts to rummage through the evidence boxes he can reach, looking for anything he could use to pick the handcuff locks, Senior confesses that he quit the Sherlock Consortium because Judith dumped him for Cristos, a much-younger cruise director. "Death from above" did all of that quite surprisingly. Jimmy: You used the words “evacuation” and “evidence” twice in the same sentence. I sincerely hope that the next episode is nothing but Abby screaming at Bishop for 44 straight minutes about her destroyed lab. In MTAC, McGee listens to the order and realizes there’s another conspirator involved. About Us | Copyright Inquiry | Privacy Policy | Contact Us, 14 Scenes That Should Have Landed on the Cutting Room Floor. A body on the NCIS HQ roof kicks off an infiltration that strands our agents throughout the building, leading to one of the most fun episodes of the season. Sloane, Vance, McGee, and never-before-seen NCIS tech Leslie Vyas realize they’re trapped in MTAC with no cameras, internet, or cell phones. NCIS. NCIS said goodbye to Abby Scuito (played by Pauley Perrette) in season 15 of the CBS drama series. No. "Death From Above" is pretty much a bottle story; these are filmed almost exclusively on standing sets, often to save money to spend on other episodes. 2 works for Fincher and is addicted to pills. 1 Season 1 (2003-04) 2 Season 2 (2004-05) 3 Season 3 (2005-06) 4 Season 4 (2006-07) 5 Season 5 (2007-08) 6 Season 6 (2008-09) 7 Season 7 (2009-10) 8 Season 8 (2010-11) 9 Season 9 (2011-12) 10 Season 10 (2012-13) 11 Season 11 (2013-14) 12 Season 12 (2014-15) 13 Season 13 (2015-16) 14 Season 14 (2016-17) 15 Season 15 (2017-18) 16 Season 16 (2018-19) Yankee … You used the words “evacuation” and “evidence” twice in the same sentence. What starts as a relatively quiet day at the office takes a turn toward chaos when a maintenance man dies on the roof of NCIS headquarters. and realizes he’s an agent trying to access his gun. Torres humblebrags that he’s never been dumped. Whoever thought the plot of NCIS Season 15 Episode 18 was a good idea... just no. Yep, there were three names on the approved list to enter the Navy Yard, and two of them are in the building. (Next page: We’ve got a mole!). ... Death From Above Photos. You know, as you do. Better, in fact, than pretty much anyone else on the show! While they’re trapped in MTAC, Sloane whispers to Vance, “I don’t like cages.” It’s an interesting character moment, particularly since we only recently learned about her. Plus, he armed himself with a heavy piece of pipe or rebar, which instead of whacking the bad guy with, he threw through the skylight. Unfortunately, Bishop’s attempts to monkey with the wiring to force the locked door open ends up frying Abby’s major mass spec. Tune in on Tuesday, April 3, 2018 at 8/7c on CBS for NCIS Season 15 Episode 19, “The Numerical Limit.”. 2 prowls through. NCIS recap: 'Death From Above' An NCIS building lockdown forces the team to solve a crime from the inside By Sara Netzley What did you think of "Death From Above"? “We have a mole problem,” Sloane says, and dammit, Chloe, I miss old-school 24. Let us know in the comments section below! Entertainment Weekly may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Then an explosion rattles the building and a body hits one of the glass pyramids on the roof. With the situation neutralized, Senior hustles into the lab to free Abby, who convinced Burke to shut her in one of the morgue drawers rather than shoot her. Then there was McGee and his technical difficulties in MTAC. Meanwhile, Bishop and Palmer put a few pieces together in Abby’s lab when they discover that the dead man worked for Adrian Fincher, the drug kingpin of Baltimore. Also, the team reads the first draft of Ducky's book, on NCIS, Tuesday, March 27 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. Plan C, it turns out, involves handcuffing Torres and Senior to the shelves and setting a fire to destroy it all. Then the whole system shuts down, locking everyone into place. It works, and watching it all come back on line looks a lot like the same scene in Jurassic Park, but minus the raptors. On NCIS Season 15 Episode 18, the NCIS headquarters are evacuated when the team finds a body as well as bomb materials on the roof of the squad room. (Palmer, I know you were just along for the ride.). The call is coming from inside the house! That's not to say the episode was entirely without merits. Were you glad to see DiNozzo Senior again, or was his appearance wasted? An NCIS building lockdown forces the team to solve a crime from the inside. Related: Get CBS All Access via Amazon Channels for Hit Shows, Exclusive Originals & Live TV! What a fun collection of odd-couple pairings tonight! McGee decides to essentially try turning NCIS off and on again, rebooting the system and risking years of digital files. Senior, still in Ducky’s lab coat, identifies himself as Dr. Mallard. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Plotting like this keeps the show fresh, even in its 15th season. Well, until Mr. Wright finally gives him the go-ahead, and he and an armed team storm in. I want to love every story. I have family who work in IT; while I'm not super-experienced, I do know some things. Tuesday's episode of NCIS fast-forwarded to the pandemic, and revealed that one member of the team was hit especially hard by COVID-19.Jimmy Palmer suffered a … The NCIS headquarters are evacuated after the team discovers a body and some bomb materials on the roof of the squad room. It's seen with some characters in certain episodes. Also, the team reads the first draft of Ducky’s book.