I question whether you are being for real or not. When I had my roof done last year, it was not ex White workers doing the job, just Latinos. It is all done as statement of fact. A Threefer? I would have been extremely happy if conservatives had joined us but they absolutely did not. People aren’t needed anymore. But this is what you get when you don’t fight the long and corrosive process of cultural and ideological subversion by Marxism/Leninism. Gaslighting becomes ineffective if you don’t change up your material a little from time to time. I suspect that a lot of the right-leaning whites locally will have decamped, and soon, to more friendly states. This goes far beyond her, obviously. The American ” …you didn’t respond to my last question yesterday, so I’ll ask again: how about your take on why, in some detail, “of course” Robin DiAngelo is a bigger threat to society than QAnon.”. Given the shambolic nature of the Johnson government’s response to the pandemic in every other way, I’d say this is one instance where Matt the App actually got something right. I haven’t come across one in real life that I would not want to shoot dead between the eyes. So the agitation came for the Second Reconstruction 1948 – 1965. For ten , twenty , even thirty years you’ll make 20 or 30 dollars an hour. The Enlightened Ones of Wokedom can use any terms they like because their hearts are pure. Shutting down Line 5 “would entirely cripple the economy of this region,” Archer said, adding that companies with refineries in the area have warned of layoffs. I haven’t ‘glossed over’ it because I don’t follow Dr Fauci or his writings at all. Once declared a supporter for one team, the automatic behavior for most is to trash the other team (and the refs), even if initially in good-natured jest. Speaking of which, they’ve just bought a new Merc A180 … from anywhere in the world you can remotely lock it, unlock it, open/close windows, open/close sunroof, check internal temp, check fuel, oil, water, tire pressure … and on and on. That you aren’t in your motorized scooters watching the world burn down. In the short term Russian state owned oil giants Rosneft, Luke oil, and Gasprom will step up to fill any gaps in supply, as will Aramco in SArabia. “You do even have a memory of what’s it is to be human?”. At least part of this worship of Capitalism, I think, came from a genuine terror of mid-20th century totalitarianism and a sincere belief that “free enterprise” was the closest thing to *actual* freedom that could still serve as a bulwark against the new statist monstrosities. Will these family owned businesses survive mafia Cuomo economic inquisition. PCR fraud, mask fraud, and HCQ effectiveness news all dumping in a rather concentrated time frame has him scrambling. We are no longer humans, so they are free to do as they like in order to control us. In the opinion of these companies, their monopoly is optimal for organising technological and business processes. If you have an alternative to police, please enlighten us. I guess you could say the death count was low. There are many who are not, but on the flip side: I spent time working as an editor for a cop union in the early phases of my career. That’s very charitable of you. https://ourfiniteworld.com/2021/02/03/where-energy-modeling-goes-wrong/. few. I’m referring to the type of over-hyping and hysteria that has people buying into the fear and subsequent lifestyle modifications more than they should *on their own*, without government or medical mandate. Traditionally, Gold has been a good “bug out” currency. How’s that for deluded? Their schools, and particularly colleges, were indoctrinating our young in their death credo. So then pasta isn’t an “Italian” food. The Democrats couldn’t organize a prosecution of the Girl Scouts. Some groups, however, may perish in a genocidal slaughter. All you trolls, your boy has already put policies in place that are going to change this country into a place where these millions of immigrants are going to figure out how badly they have been misinformed and they will go home. No wonder the U.S. Is broke. I saw clips of Buttgigs appearance on The View, the women were swooning, almost appeared they were about to drop to their knees in front of Mayor Pete, and every time Chasten’s name was mentioned a roar of approval went up with the audience. The fourth and final book of the World Made By Hand series. It’s us deplorables who are being walled in, one seemingly inconsequential brick at a time. If this money were in general circulation we would see the effects of an inflated money supply. The PA AG and victims rights advocates say this was routine procedure that shouldn’t have been missed and that this is a major setback for victims. Does that mean that if they are turning off the flow of oil by government control, they will be willing to build all the generation plants, buy everyone a Tesla, and redo all the ventilation systems. Once upon a time the best paying job in Eastern Kentucky , by far , for ordinary nobodies was coal mining. Not a single input from these investigations on the Senate floor, just a bunch of cherry picked edited videos. Thus the absurd “reality”: The more American, the less American. Sir, I cannot bear Reuters says the total ballots automatically mailed out is about 42 million, rather than 80 million, and some of that is in states that have done it for many years All other states that allow mail-in voting require the voter to request a mail-in ballot.. And of the nine states plus DC where ballots were sent out automatically to registered voters, only Nevada fell into the category of a “swing state” – all the rest are historically Democratic, except Utah. I don’t love JP Morgan, but what is so problematic about them having a targeted $30billion fund aimed at minorities? The Congress never officially impeached R.M. The interior decor was absolutely consistent and faithful Edwardian. Antifa.com still takes us to whitehouse.gov, so yeah, seems JoeKamal agrees. And why is this not receiving any attention at all in mainstream media? Received this message from Facebook after posting the quote from Joseph Goebbels you began your article with. Even the Soviets weren’t trying to destroy themselves. It would appear you are so emotional, that your reading comprehension is poorer than normal. He must take a pledge to act impartially…”. The media, big tech and the judiciary system covered it up and never allowed the facts to see the light of day. (Read Excerpt) A child is born… but not exactly the way he thought it happened. Watergate was an FBI show. 49 of 50 states )plus DC) met the safe-harbor date (Dec 8) As in seeing you and yours as an obstacle to be removed by any means necessary? In reality, they were something like a mob of thugs unleashed on the Irish population as a form of state sponsored terrorism. Also noticed the not-so-subtle lack of diversity in the back-up performers behind the half-time “star”…far as I can tell, a 100% lack. Instead our Elite have turned all of America into an International bazaar and an emporium of debauchery. Can’t have un-woke people like him being honored. God is always waiting for us to finally understand him. People who don’t want it can move into their future without knowing how to read or do arithmetic. And I didn’t ‘reject’ it. Putin points out that these flaws, inherent within the western growth model, and the ‘turn’ to Big Tech as salvation, were not specifically caused by the pandemic. “Now it’s been admitted, they are basing a lot of this pandemia on a Hollywood production:”. These people would turn over state secrets in 3 seconds if someone even did the old “made you flinch” game with them. And honestly, I love the archaic words. They were known for their brutal tactics and their indiscriminate attacks on civilians in retaliation for IRA attacks on them. Did you see him perform daily salat? The Dems are just another tool to guys like Gates. More like ; A shark recognizes another shark. So if all the stores take this tack, then the Free Men are free to starve under bridges. And being out of office isn’t a defense from being barred for life – otherwise a president could resign just before the “sentence” is voted on in the Senate trial – which would obviously be a huge loophole. It was a joy to shoot. When that fiasco is over, he will be back out swinging. Okay, it’s an experimental vaccine, with incidental testing on pregnant women. And what will be your story on March 5th? Just pick the one you think the wheel will stop on, and if you’re (unlucky) lucky, you win. Republicans are quite close to regaining the House in 2022 Which might then explain why the different sides are distrustful of the others? Here we are. Maybe he’ll get appointed one of Bedpan Biden’s Czars. You got your deepest wish you voted to replace Trump with a guy who does not know where he is, what office he ran for, what year it is and thinks 300 is the same is hundreds of millions. What makes you think that protection won’t extend to 2022? Quite lame. So is he. Gothic doings on a Connecticut Estate. They lost. Vaulted is an online mobile web app for investing in allocated and deliverable physical gold: Kunstler.com/vaulted. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/san-diego-leaders-ask-public-s-help-after-blm-signs-vandalized-in-hillcrest/ar-BB1dmnA4?ocid=msedgdhp, Yes, there is a tiny bit of irony in that…, The deal that the American elite chose to make with China has a precedent in the history of Athens and Sparta, – https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/the-thirty-tyrants. He probably saved many people from injury and jail. Titanic war under the surface invisible to almost all. Succumbed to the trauma inflicted on her during the brutal, physical assault on Lady Liberty. Imagine yourself in charge of anything, right? The nationally best-selling author of "The Long Emergency" expands on Sadly I think a lot of damage was done during the late Bush years and the Obama years, when the prog (in name only) cultists made some real headway into mainstream media. Listened to some some damn angry folks in N. Dakota today. People who wish to may wait those several years before taking the vaccine – or may decline it in perpetuity, as is the way with the flu vaccine. Anyone who says anything about any of this is banned from everything. Bet you’re wrong. Or did you not Understand at the time? Water pipe froze in the kitchen last night. Ok, well I can respect that. It would appears it’s only a matter of time before we’ll have to have a specific app on our phones that will automatically report whereabouts/travel to the state, who will then report to the schools to make sure quarantine is enforced. The last I heard she went to a plastic surgeon to see about it but that’s the last I heard. And realistically, $6billion a year is loose change for a bank of that size … lots of PR in the move, no doubt. When will you love the Truth as much as do I? As it is, the worship of Capitalism dooms the Right to endless failure. Does anyone else here get that feeling from these places? The last time I closely examined the subject matter I was happy to find that the English language was indeed living. I’m with you benr. Anyone disagreeing with the Dems is the enemy and must be destroyed. It would be irresponsible to tell people all they need to do is take vitamins and they’ll be fine. Nay, we just try to help you do it properly, because it is worthy of respect. I say they will fail and he should go for it but this time with blood-in his eyes, ready to straighten all the corruption out with great teams of loyal lawyers and they need to send Rudy To Passages in Malibu for a detox. But then we’d have to do more work to get music! A great businessman and artist as well. So that means what JO? After a few days the evolving narrative simply declared that there had, in fact, been an investigation and that it had determined the absence of chicanery. I’m thinking Kamala Harris. We can’t win until this inner battle is resolved. etc. It’s our unenlightenment period, which will get far worse before it gets better. Oh when was that? Versus what “worms in the brain” from seadolt an obvious projection if ever there was one. You regrew that cut limb back on just as quick. Many of them grow out of it. yes the common ploy of assuming that minorities and transgender people (even the name is fakery) are holy and their utterances cannot be questioned by dint of their skin colour or politically preferred deviance, everything on the left is evil contrivance for power. Recent articles predict failed west coast cities Seattle, Portland, SF and LA will soon devolve into abandoned and squalid wastelands, dirty and dysfunctional no man’s lands. Trump is not in office and therefor can’t be impeached.”. When your people are dying for lack of wisdom and foresight it is very understandable that broken furniture is of little consequence. ; illustrated book of poems shooting up the best-sellers lists! Otherwise you need very tight coalitions, which effectively come back down to a two-party system. There seemed to be someone or a group of people funding and directing them. I have saved a copy of the downloadable PDF file before the NSA sucks it out of my personal computer. White people the world over are now engaging in a kind of religious worship of black people, and nonwhites generally, as a result of consistent guilt-oriented trauma by the media. Benr: he faced unprecedented, and unprecedentedly illegal and unprincipled, opposition forces. This being but a fragment…. Now they’re passionately against Trump and Whites. I must say, it was nice to see a bright, beautiful, enthusiastic young face on stage with all the cadavers. TO ME soldiers and police are merely people in interesting costumes and with interesting gear , and that’s ALL. While most had military training, there was no code of conduct to control their actions. Travel restrictions by car between states are soon to be implemented (at least in our state) in order to keep your kids in school without a quarantine period and covid tests upon return (just some schools for now that I’m aware). “And honestly, I love the archaic words. Will never happen of course – not voluntarily via a referendum, that is. Our Maj has a brain and some self-respect. Anglin says the ideal will be “Hudson Yards” in Manhattan: a couple of blocks, but ultra high tech high rises with thousands of people per mega-plex. It’s my understanding that in the response to 9/11, the PATRIOT Act authorized federal authorities to obtain such banking information in their efforts to chase and track terrorist activity. Not only did we get the second stimulus but they also made us whole on the first. From snake-oil salesmen to fraudulent land deals to cattle thieves to the Chicago White Sox and PT Barnum. I’d argue almost all of the posters here. The left-wing terror networks that operate out of not-for-profits like Pro Publica and The Bail Project, funneled cash, supplies and instructions to the mobs on the streets. I guess I’ll have to do more research. Congress should be fired for the spending levels on display since then. In this particular case , I look at it this way ; If I put myself in the shoes of the ten year old girl I once was , and present myself with a Hobson’s choice —. And with increased imports there will be plenty of fuel to power up the Climate Czar’s motoryacht next summer. and MT. Say, what…? Why not mix things up and give all of us your opinion on Robin DiAngelo? So while I haven’t seen the film – and am untroubled by the use of masks or otherwise in it – it’s probably OK that Hancock did.