Answer: Tabula rasa is Latin for clean slate. Do rocks have souls? Then have students explain how they imagine government was created. Types of Philosophy of Education Problems Generally, philosophical problems seek to resolve the fundamental concerns of the principal areas of human knowledge and experience (Beardsley & Beardsley, 1965; Lipman et al., 1980). What exactly is the ideal government? Correct or clarify student responses as needed. CLOSE by asking students to use scratch paper to sketch a T-chart with Articles of Confederation on the left and Constitution on the right. The term was coined by John Locke. DISTRIBUTE one crossword review to each student. Question: Who wrote The Last Messiah? Start studying US Government Chapter 1 Principles of Government Answer Key. SEARCH FOR STATE STANDARDS >> Lesson Plan. Philosophically Correct Step by Step A NTICIPATE the lesson by asking students to imagine what life was like before government existed. Click here to preview the answers for this assignment. Tell students that acceptable answers are supported with sound logic. Declaration of Independence: Student Worksheet Answer the following questions using the Declaration of Independence. Philosophically Correct. Regardless of its being a better answer, there may be even better answers that are deeper, clearer or better-reasoned. Preamble 1. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. January 5, 2004, Jason Livingood, Leave a comment. Let some of history's leading philosophers give you their take. review answers. Philosophically Correct. Most of our other reading comprehension worksheets at this time do not have answer sheets. This activity should encourage close reading and help students begin to comprehend the complexities of the philosophers’ ideas. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. It refers to the idea that the mind is empty of knowledge upon birth. Student work here will provide a foundation for the remaining activities and assessments in this unit. What a blast! ... correct capitalization errors, and add end marks. What is life? Start studying Biology - 6.1 Worksheet. Those of you who thought that philosophy ran in a straight line from Socrates to Sartre might be surprised at some of the academic offerings at the American Philosophical Association’s recent conference. several activities, answers will vary. ASSIGN students to complete the crossword review REVIEW the answers with the class if you wish. Find this capitalization worksheet along with many others on this page of capitalization worksheets and activities. If you’re interested in philosophy (the ancient love of wisdom), it helps to know about a few of those who have gone before you, some of the issues perennially debated, and some of the terms […] What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence? This is the answer key for the following worksheet: Capitalization Practice Worksheet. D ISTRIBUTE the reading to the class. Students will benefit from discussing answers and considering perspectives that may differ from their own. Philosophy is all about pondering life’s imponderables — and the ponderables as well. We do plan to add answer sheets to there in the future; however, many of the questions are more 'open-ended' and do not necessarily have a single correct answer. Group students into 8 groups. the accompanying text in Handout A (full text below) and then to write answers to the following questions. DisplAy the PALS projection master. REVIEW the answers with the class if you wish. R EAD the reading pages with the class, pausing to discuss as needed.