We got this kitten at 3 months old, and had her spayed shortly after. Hi so I got this cat last month and the lady said she hadn’t been spayed yet and she was three months old so I just thought okay ive got to spay her soon so she cant get pregnant but come to realize she is actually 5 months, and may be pregnant from her brother who also wasn’t spayed but im not sure if im picking up wrong signs, should I be worried? What if the cat is not trying to push them out. Everything swells up and becomes sensitive. i just never heard of only a few tits get filled of milk while others dont, but im guessing that was a case of all of them were almost dried out til she started to get proper food and care. Just like pregnant women, pregnant cats can leak milk just the same! She’ll start licking … The brown spots don’t wipe away very easy and she doesn’t act like anything’s bothering her. Because nipple changes in feline pregnancy begin to become apparent during the final few weeks, the appearance of your cat’s nipples isn’t a good way to detect early pregnancy. She Turns into a Sweetheart. Your cat’s appetite will also begin to increase. At this time, your cat's nipples may become swollen and darker in color. She doesn’t go far tho or just stays outside my house. This is likely just due to her aging. Keep the house as calm and quiet as possible and do not get involved in the birthing process unless you are absolutely positive that something has gone wrong. Female cats can become pregnant at a very young age but the younger they are, the higher the risk the kittens will not survive. Around 35 days a pregnant cat’s nipples will often turn bright pink and may express milky fluid. Is it normal? A pregnant or nursing cat is referred to as a queen, and you might agree that she is becoming more demanding as she progresses through her pregnancy. she is healthy, eats well and exhibits no health problems. Because of the space being taken up inside, there will not be much room left for food, so your cat will need to eat smaller and more frequent meals. Look for a characteristic ‘burro’ … Are they spayed? So here are the most common questions asked on Google about feline nipples! Your cat’s nipples will be large and prominent by this stage, and your cat will spend a lot of time grooming herself. If so, this is likely due to a hormonal change and it will stop eventually. First sign cat was pregnant was the pinking of her nipples around week 3. Woo! Your cat may experience morning sickness as well, which is another clear sign that your female cat may be pregnant. Of course, the actual number of kittens and litters will vary from cat to cat. If there are any kittens, it is a good idea to move them for her to a safer area and bring them to the vet with her to get checked out. i HAVE A 13 YEAR OLD DIABETIC CAT. I want to keep her and find her a home but if she just had kittens I don’t want them to die with out their mom so I let her back outside. there is one nipple on my cat that is kinda concerning me one of the nipples are about to fall off is that normal. The cat's belly will get big around 30 days after they mate. Some kittens from the same litter may have different amounts. Cat Nutrition: What Makes a Nutritional Cat Food? She may also need a little extra help cleaning her bottom, if her belly is not allowing her to reach it. If you notice any swelling or discharge and your cat is not pregnant, take them into a vet ASAP. Knowing just how many kittens to expect can be helpful for preparation. Think your cat is pregnant? You will find them in even rows an inch or two away from the pelvis. i just adopted a stray (she litterally just walked into my house and has been glued ot me since) who i did take to the vet as she was super malnutrioned. My cats pregnant and she has these little brown spots around her nipples, she’s been checked for fleas and she has none. Swollen nipples are one of the most common signs of female pregnancy. My cat… Appetite increases: A pregnant cat will show an increased interest in food. Fun Fact About Expectant Cat Mothers: Cats usually have 4 pairs of mammary glands. I got my cat spayed 2 weeks ago and now she seems to have discharge coming from her nipples.. all of them. The start of week 4 her abdomen had a slight swell. Whilst enlarged nipples can be a sign of pregnancy then can also simply mean that your cat is in heat. Reason #1: Pregnancy. Your cat’s nipples will be very large and swollen as labor looms closer and closer. Well, I guess I am and plenty of people are curious! This is a strong indication that she is pregnant. Week eight : Days 50-56 At week eight, you will be able to feel the kittens in the stomach without any difficulty. Unlike humans, cats have nipples below the chest area. Since she was around her brother who is not neutered, there is a good chance that she might be pregnant. Feeding Kittens 101: What to Feed, How Much, and How Often. You can have 2 kittens with 6 nipples and 4 kittens with 8 nipples. This is actually quite common and normal. Labor and delivery. Determine if your cat is fertile. Congratulations, you are now the proud "parent" of several new kittens that will soon be scurrying around. Good luck to the mommy cat with those kittens. If a cat's yearly age is determined by multiplying seven (a rough estimate, to be sure), then a cat pregnancy is really 14 months long. Don’t panic. You'll also be able to tell by her size and weight, since pregnancy tends to cause a noticeable gain in weight. Thanks for your comment, Marcia. A female cat may start her estrus cycle (go into heat) once the weather becomes warmer and she has reached abou… is that normal to have a few tits get filled of milk? The average number being 6. Sex doesn’t change the number, but purely genetics. By week seven, your cat’s pregnancy will be quite pronounced and she will have a very rounded appearance! How to tell if your cat is pregnant After approximately 15-18 days of a cat pregnancy, you may notice that your pet’s nipples become enlarged and red – this is known as ‘pinking-up’. Your cat will gradually gain between one and two kilograms, depending on the number of kittens. You can also subscribe without commenting. You will also notice your cat seems to be grooming herself a … However, your female cat’s nipples will definitely undergo some pretty obvious changes during the later stages of her pregnancy. If your cat isn’t showing signs of pain and there is no sign of pus or drainage, the nipple could have lost circulation and died. Is there someway I can send you a pic? Her nipples will start to swell and enlarge as her body prepares to feed her kittens. It is easier to recognize for first-time cat mums since prior to pregnancy, they usually have very flat white nipples. A pregnant cat is a lot like a human mother in terms of eating … The average cat pregnancy lasts 65 to 69 days. However, if your cat isn’t pregnant, the presence of a swollen cyst could be a sign of mammary cancer or mastitis. Later in the pregnancy, you may want to switch her to a kitten food that is formulated for growing cats. My cst is pregnant. However, many infections and other conditions which can be life-threatening also create mammary gland enlargement. also would her going thru horomone changes and getting used to having good food be reason her poo smells more then normal? Ok so there is a stray cat that comes around my house I let her inside to it and then she cries to leave. If they do not look irritated or infected, there is likely no cause for concern. When looking for a cat’s nipples, you have to look on the belly. Is this normal? Do you think she just had kittens. Your vet will be able to determine the exact number using ultrasounds and x-rays. Signs a cat is pregnant Here’s a list of cat pregnancy symptoms: Pink and enlarged nipples – this usually happens between 15 days to 18 days after ovulation and is one of the earliest ways to detect pregnancy in cats. While a cat carries a litter, her nipples are likely to become considerably plumper and brighter in color. A pregnant cat may also leak fluid from their nipples. Cats have been having kittens since, well, forever. This is because the breasts are preparing to feed the kittens. If you have any concerns with anything looking or feeling strange, it is best to have a vet check her out. Leaking nipples doesn’t necessarily mean your cat is close to giving birth. Hi our cat is 9 months old and miss 8 was counting her nipples she has 1 interest armpit of each front leg is this normal? Is it because she keeps licking and sucking on them? Normal events in a female cat’s life can lead to the swelling of breast tissue, such as pregnancy and lactation. Here's how to tell if a cat is pregnant: Darkened nipples At around three weeks, a pregnant cat's nipples will become darker in colour and enlarged. Otherwise, feed your queen the same food she has always enjoyed, but start mixing protein into the meals. Increased Eating and Sleeping. You may see her licking it off but do not worry, it is perfectly fine. She could have been malnourished to the point where she was not producing any milk and her body is just reacting according to a delayed response from hormones. The kittens, by the way, once they are born, are called an intrigue of kittens. She can’t be more then 6 months old deff not older then one year. If not, she should be taken into a vet asap to ensure there is nothing medically wrong with her. Your cat will gain weight but she will not really begin to show until the last few weeks. She may have a condition called pica, and may need supplements due to a nutritional imbalance or mineral deficiency. It will be pretty obvious when your cat goes into labor. we can tell she had babies but its been long while, we can tell they been whined off or possibly passed away. Is not june 4th and her nipples have a white cap and black dogs around each nipple. Just let it be and keep an eye on it. This is because the breasts are preparing to feed the kittens. It can happen anytime throughout the pregnancy but it is more likely to happen the closer to birthing she is. The best way to tell if your cat is pregnant is to visit your veterinarian … You will be able to feel and see them moving around at this stage of the feline pregnancy. If she is underweight, she might not be producing milk because of malnutrition which is bad for the kittens, if there are any. Thanks for your comment, hel. Positive ultrasound. That means that your cat's nipples will look differently if she's pregnant. The swelling will also be more apparent in her pink nipples. She likely doesn’t like her fur being wet. They should not be prominent, unless your cat is pregnant. To learn more, please read our article Did My Cat’s Nipple Fall Off? hello! Sure is! Cat pregnancy signs photo 12: This is an image of the massively-enlarged udder of a pregnant cat (the cat's fur has been shaved from the belly for ease of visualisation). i useally go to my vet for everything but they been SWAMPED with people so i thought id try my luck for what others thought first. Cat Pregnancy Facts: How to Tell if Your Cat is Pregnant and More. If you ever asked a question concerning your cat’s nipples, you will find the answers here. A female who is pregnant at a young age can run into health complications and the kittens are less likely to survive. hi both my kitten started to get lumpy boobs is that normal they are both females. Around delivery, her nipples will grow larger and pinker, while beginning a milky discharge. If you notice the bald spots are getting larger and they are becoming uneven in shape (often caused by excessive licking), it could be a sign of an infection or skin irritation on the nipple. These are all the health issues there could be if your cat has swollen nipples (sourced from Wag Walking): Pregnancy; Mastitis (mammary gland infection while lactating) She is still likely going through the hormonal phase of feeding kittens, and without kittens to feed, she will become swollen and tender. However, if the leaking fluid changes color or has a foul odor, this is a sign of problems in the pregnancy. One of the main symptoms of a pregnant cat is a change in her nipples. Check out Is My Cat Pregnant? That is also when her appetite will increase the most, and now is not the time for watching her weight (unless she was already overweight). Remember, she is not only eating for one anymore. My cats nipples were the same way before she gave birth. Make sure that there is always food available for when she is hungry, and, most importantly, that there is always water available to her. When I pick her up it feels like pouches. for information on what to do next! Here are a few signs for you to keep an eye out for: Her Nipples are Pink in Color. We took her in on May 20 and they said she was about halfway through her pregnancy. The short answer to this is no. But her nipples are low hanging and it seems like there might be milk in them I’m not sure. When a female cat is pregnant, much like other mammals, her nipples will change. If this is the case, it will eventually just fall off. I know it is a funny subject but you may learn something new. Some cats do have balding around the nipples making them very visible but this is completely normal and nothing to worry about. I’m going to set a appointment with a vet to get her checked out. Even if you do not approve of the spot she has chosen, do not try to move her. thank you so much! There is a lot of information out there to sort through, so we've made it easy for you with our list of important things you need to know to keep your cat healthy and comfy during her pregnancy. A soft, moist cloth can be used if she will allow it. You may also notice some milky discharge, although cats don't start producing milk until after birth. Thanks for your comment tinag. Nipples swell and become rosier in color: Breeders call this "pinking-up," and it may be the first visual sign you will see in a pregnant cat. She should be taken to a vet ASAP. This is fairly easy to notice if … This usually happens around the third week of pregnancy. Hi! I JUST NOTICED ONE OF HER NIPLLES HAS BECOME BROWN AND HARD AND HANGSDOWN. Keep in mind that their immune systems and bones are very fragile; they should not be picked up by every cooing person that comes along -- not to mention the "queen mum" may become violently protective if anyone does try to do this too soon. The placenta begins to form at the time of implantation and allows for the exchange of nutrients and waste products between the mother and embryo. She is now 7 years old and has her back pair of nipples bare of fur and developed like a pregnant cat nearing birth.The rest of her nipples are very hard to find because of her fur, and she is short haired. The first thing you need to know about cat pregnancy is how to recognize the signs of pregnancy. Female domestic cats become sexually active as the days get longer and the weather gets warmer, typically between spring and fall. You’ll know that a cat is pregnant when her nipples become more prominent than usual. If your cat is fertile and has recently been in heat, it’s possible that she may be pregnant. If you notice swelling, discharge, or you excessively licking them, it is best to take her into a vet to rule out any medical issues. This may not seem very long, until you take into account the human-to-cat aging ratio. she started getting proper food and all of it went straight to her nipples, so now they are full of milk. You may be wondering… “Who the heck would be talking about cat nipples!?”. Yes! It is believed that the nipples are developed in the womb of mammals before the sex is determined. SHE USUALLY DOES NOT LET US TOUCH HAR STOMACH, BUT AS I WAS BRUSHING HER I NOTICED IT. As the embryos continue to develop, the highly-evolved cells of the head (cranium) and body (thoracic region) develop first. A growth formula prescribed by an expert is important. If you have an idea that your cat might be pregnant, check her nipples. Find out everything you need to know about cat pregnancy and birth, including how long cats are pregnant for, how to tell if a cat is pregnant, nutrition, the stages of cat labor, post-partum care, kitten care, and issues to watch for. my cat is very obese. Normal cat nipples are small and pink in appearance. Think you have a pregnant cat on your hands? Thanks for your comment Pauline. Cat owners everywhere will be able to recognize their cat’s pregnancy symptoms. Changes in Her Nipple Area Before a pregnant cat delivers, there will be changes to her nipple area in the days and weeks leading up to the arrival of her kittens. i figured it was a case of not able to produce milk. If you would like to receive emails about new articles and the occasional deal, enter your email address below. As for the number, cats can have as little as 4, but as many as 10! Has she been pregnant in the past, especially more recently? Around 35 days, her nipples will become bright pink and larger. You can tell a cat is pregnant once her nipples become darker and enlarged. She may become increasingly vocal, meowing for attention, affection, and comfort, or because of discomfort from the growing weight of her abdomen and false labor contractions. Cats almost always have an even amount but cats have been known to have odd amounts as well. After approximately three weeks, they become pink (see the picture below, which is very illustrative of this cat pregnancy … In the final weeks of her pregnancy, your cat's nipples will swell and there may be some milk leakage. There isn’t one set answer for this. You will want to keep your closets closed, but create a quiet corner with a paper lined box. its been almost 3 years. thank you again. Unfortunately, female cats can become pregnant as young as 4 months old which is why it is important to either keep them separate from males or get them spayed at 3 months. Pregnant cats are a great … She also has two very prominent nipples. This usually happens around the third week of pregnancy. IN THESE DAYS ON CORONAVIRUS I AM IN ITALY AND CAN NOT GET HER TO A VET ANY IDEAS WHAT IT MIGHT BE. This is why males have nipples, even though they don’t really have any purpose. The mother cat (known as a ‘queen’) will go through a process known as pinking where her nipples become reddened and enlarged. You have a pregnant cat! This should go away in a few weeks. There are no lumps around her nipples so I don’t think it is cancer.. any guesses? Around 35 days, her nipples will become bright pink and larger. Similar to morning sickness in humans, your pregnant queen may go through a stage of vomiting. They'll probably look more puffy and engorged, and may be a darker color. Thanks for your comment, Tiana. Is this normal and does it mean labors near? This is my first time experiencing a cat pregnancy and I’m concerned. Once the kittens have all arrived, and your queen is relaxed, the whole family can be moved to a clean and comfortable area that has been set aside for their bedding. one is kinda huge looking to me so it worries me but this is also first time dealing with anythign pregnancy wise with a cat. A pregnant cat’s nipples will become pinker and swollen when she enters her third week of pregnancy. If your queen feels stressed or threatened at all, her labor can stop cold, possibly leading to a life-threatening situation for her or her kittens. Yes, this includes male cats as well! The color also changes to pink—a process which is called ‘pinking up.’ In case you are not familiar with where her nipples are, simply look around the belly area. She may be eating for several! Later in the pregnancy, expect your little queen to be hungry most of the time, and napping the rest of the time. What could be causing this? but get this only a few did. Cats have been known to get morning sickness and cravings, just like people, but if you find your cat eating dirt, or anything else that is not food, check with your vet. You'll also be able to tell by her size and weight, since pregnancy tends to cause a noticeable gain in weight. She is very small and skinny with low hanging nipples. Thanks for your comment, Ronald. My cats nipples look weird too, Head over to our forums and post a topic, you can attach an image there. You should buy some kitten formula (KMR) once you confirm there are kittens and start feeding them right away as she likely has not been producing much if any milk at all. You can see if she will lead you to her nesting area. Now is not the time to scold her. Should I follow her to see idk what to do. #Pregnant persian cat nipples #pregnant cat #35 days pregnant cat nipples #pinking up in cats Like other male mammals, male cats have nipples too! During the third to fourth week of pregnancy, your cat’s belly will begin to swell slightly. my cats nippes are just a little bit white on the top is tihs normal? Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Thanks for your comment. According to the ASPCA, a cat can have an average of four to six kittens per litter, and a fertile cat can produce one to two litters a year on average. The first thing you need to know about cat pregnancy is how to recognize the signs of pregnancy. It is possible that your cat will not make it to her litter box on time due to the increased pressure on her bladder. In order to determine pregnancy look for a range of range signs. Cats have eight nipples, and in the case of enlargement or inflammation, one or more nipples may be affected. You can tell a cat is pregnant once her nipples become darker and enlarged. Just before she goes into labor, your queen will be wandering the house restlessly looking for a nesting space to birth in. Various patterns of alopecia may occur as long as the alopecia is in a place the cat … If a cat has been going through heat cycles every 10 days to two weeks, and suddenly stops, it is likely she is pregnant. Because of fur, it may be hard to find all of them but two can be found on the fine fur lining of the lower belly. But im assuming its normal because the same thing happens to humans when they're pregnant due to all the hormonal changes! When a female cat is pregnant, much like other mammals, her nipples will change. If, on the other hand, a pregnant one-year-old cat is considered to be 15 years old in human years (another unproven estimate), the comparative length of pregnancy jumps to 30 months. Your cat is unlikely to show any major symptoms of pregnancy in the first few weeks. She may or may not use it; let her choose the place she is most comfortable.