How to Disassemble a Sole E35 Elliptical. 0000002354 00000 n Install the two 3/8´ x 19mm Flat Washers (76) on the two 3/8´ x 2-1/4´ Hex Head Bolts (60) and install, and hand-tighten only, through the Top of the Rear Stabilizer Tube (Main Frame), into the Rear Rail Assembly (2). g��C���f���n�@pu���`!xZ�aY�����l۲�F�����Пm� ������7`�Z�H�)z�,�d�^��l/ˡ-�۾h�[ο��v��#�J�C���T,B:j����z�D��@� �х��"@q4;�UT�1��^Ex,�F�9#�%3��D$$�!~Oʂ���a;�H)n}^$WE��ǑR�3�,=����(��8ҊG��ǑX,�n}RGr1���8��i�2�#���Y�B"�Y� FK���UK$͂&. Thank you for your purchase of this quality Sole elliptical … sole is a very well-known treadmill likewise, we have parts for many of their elliptical models, such as e25, e35, installation 0000004086 00000 n Page 2 7. Sole E35: Sole E95: The assemble of Sole E35 is easier and you can easily do it yourself if you have the right tools and you know how you can follow the instructions. 0000082903 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n If your priority is to get an elliptical with plenty of features that are of decent quality at a mid-level price, then you may be disappointed with the Sole E35 Elliptical. 0000079801 00000 n 0000069498 00000 n Assembly Instructions (E35.E75.E95) UNPACKING THE UNIT 1. Sole e25 elliptical review (apr. 0000065464 00000 n Install the Incline Rail Assembly (2) into the U-channel bracket of the Main Frame (1). 0000003616 00000 n 0000002557 00000 n 0000006307 00000 n 0000023814 00000 n The only exceptions are the aluminum pedal rail covers which have their own natural polish. All the steel parts in its construction are coated with a corrosion-resistant paint finish. Carefully remove all parts from carton and inspect for any damage or missing parts. E95s manual. 2013 sole e35 elliptical assembly youtube. 0000005017 00000 n x���1 0ð4�)�8�F&`�/MFW����x���CW=� @-' TEN visits from Sole's technicians could not identify or solve the problem. 0000004582 00000 n 0000054594 00000 n Page 12 Elevate the incline to Level 8 and install the incline Rail Front Cover (89) up against the Middle Stabilizer tube with four Phillips Head Screws (115). 0000091392 00000 n 0000052120 00000 n My first Sole e35 elliptical arrived in May of 2017. ?�7��;x=�L���C���'RMk�7h�"y�y���Z?&>J䶷z˰��`�47�/h`��l����#7��&N� ��d[O�aS��� ��0�v2iM��7�����1��; ~� :u��b`0���� z? 0 E35 ELLIPTICAL 2 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING - Read all instructions before using this appliance. 0000071723 00000 n The SOLE Fitness E35 elliptical machine features a durable steel frame with multiple ABS covers. 2. 0000013411 00000 n WARNING ‐ To reduce the risk of burns, fire, electric shock, or injury to persons, install the elliptical 2018) top picks, consumer. 2. Canada Inc. 2016 4Dyaco IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING ‐ Read all instructions before using this appliance. 0000005765 00000 n 0000016082 00000 n The Sole E35 Elliptical is probably the closest you’ll get to a commercial-grade machine below the $2000 mark, and this is likely the only reason why you’ll want to buy the Sole E35 Elliptical. E25 / E35 Elliptical3 WARNING - Read all instructions before using this appliance. 0000039254 00000 n 0000008721 00000 n Assembly Instructions 10 Elliptical Features 14 Operation of Your New Elliptical 15 Programmable Features 17 Using Heart Rate Monitor 23 ... CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR NEW ELLIPTICAL AND WELCOME TO THE SOLE FAMILY! DANGER ‐ To reduce the risk of electric shock disconnect your SOLE elliptical from the electrical outlet prior to cleaning and/or service work. The machine was exchanged twice, and each had the same issue- resistance failure before I could finish one workout. Sole fitness e35 elliptical machine review: quality & performance. 0000035793 00000 n 0000061320 00000 n Sole E25 Elliptical assembly Instructions . Do not attempt to assemble this machine without the Owner’s Manual. 1 E35 ELLIPTICAL IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING - Read all instructions before using this appliance. 0000042039 00000 n Here you can learn step by step process on how to install a Sole e35 elliptical trainer. These three warnings paragraphs are for E35 owners: DANGER - To reduce the risk of electric shock disconnect your SOLE E35 elliptical from the electrical outlet prior to cleaning and/or service work. Elegant sole E25 Elliptical assembly Instructions . 0000004632 00000 n Sole Fitness E35 Elliptical Review Pro Trainer Machine . 1169 57 0000010577 00000 n Sole e35 elliptical owner's manual Our main goal is to offer our users the most complete information about a single E35 elliptical fitness trainer in the fastest way possible, as we admit that time is sometimes the most important thing. trailer 0000087192 00000 n 0000040346 00000 n 0000044182 00000 n E25 / E35 ELLIPTICAL 2 WARNING - Read all instructions before using this appliance. E35 E95 ELLIPTICAL 2 WARNING - Read all instructions before using this appliance. startxref 0000039552 00000 n Place the rubber grommets (75) over the wire on each side #206. sturdy machine, but read this first; the sole e35 vs e95 sole treadmill parts. Lift Box over the unit and unpack. 1169 0 obj <> endobj Put the 1pc of 3/8" x 2T Split Washer onto the 1pc of 3/8" x 2-1/4" Hex Head Screw and the 2pcs of 3/8 ´ x 23 x 1.5T Curved Washers onto the 2pcs of 3/8" x 3/4" Hex Head Screws. DANGER - To reduce the risk of electric shock disconnect your SOLE elliptical from the electrical outlet prior to cleaning and/or service work. 0000049748 00000 n %PDF-1.4 %���� 0000004781 00000 n Since then, I have had nothing but extreme stress, lost time, and non-stop frustration and malfunctions. 0000005095 00000 n 0000012523 00000 n Page 16 Curved Washer (4 pcs) sole mast (12). 0000005324 00000 n E35 ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS PRE-ASSEMBLY 1. 0000006269 00000 n 3 E25 / E35 Elliptical WARNING - Read all instructions before using this appliance. Use a razor knife or box cutter to cut the outside, bottom, and the edge of the box along the dotted Line. Using a razor knife (Box Cutter) cut the outside, bottom, edge of box along the dotted Line. ` �oE^ The Sole E35 elliptical is a device designed to help exercise several of the body's muscle groups. 0000001470 00000 n xref Tighten with Wrench (161). 0000021231 00000 n 0000039351 00000 n Since then, ... We decided to give the assembly a try. ... Fortunately, the instructions are clearly spelled out, taking you step by step through the process, ... Another tip for assembly would be looking through the rather helpful assembly videos on the Sole Fitness UK website. 0000002837 00000 n 3/8” x 2-1/4” and snap them into the holes of the console mast. 0000074827 00000 n If The color used is black, this being the only color available for this trainer so far. E35 E95 ELLIPTICAL 2 WARNING - Read all instructions before using this appliance. DANGER - To reduce the risk of electric shock disconnect your SOLE elliptical from the electrical outlet prior to cleaning and/or service work. E35 / E95 Elliptical11 STEP 1: REAR RAIL ASSEMBLY 1. %%EOF <]>> x�b```b``_������� Ā B@1v�3 ��`�g`�B���̖�l6pG~��Ҡ�^��#���3$�TWMcx������p"cXCx�p�Oƌa���i� �M�����A�J�t6��ټ@g�]��6Ar�kG���Q��ܺ�8-v�d���]�;�Õ��q�bw7Lл�Qp%��5ֶ�$��T'����EK�>8�`�i� � ����d��clrhj��S�P{��#��;��EVH��$���l�2�mko�J�D�Im�QXqp��,Უn�y7*�xJ�69�=\]v�N�b�%;'�/�[����I��냍@3�T��:>�mK�@H�0���,�y7oO[{gc�?��OvWX��z����P��Tpuw�����-�L These three warnings paragraphs are for E35 owners: DANGER - To reduce the risk of electric shock disconnect your SOLE E35 elliptical from the electrical outlet prior to cleaning and/or service work. 0000004731 00000 n DANGER ‐ To reduce the risk of electric shock disconnect your SOLE elliptical from the electrical outlet prior to cleaning and/or service work. 0000006547 00000 n 0000018897 00000 n 4 Dyaco Canada Inc. 2016 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING ‐ Read all instructions before using this appliance. 0000069860 00000 n Install, and hand tighten, the Hex Head Screw through the left side of the receivingbracketinto the Console Mast. 1225 0 obj<>stream DANGER ‐ To reduce the risk of electric shock disconnect your SOLE elliptical from the electrical outlet prior to cleaning and/or service work. 0000011581 00000 n Page 18: Elliptical Features PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THIS ENTIRE MANUAL BEFORE OPERATING YOUR NEW ELLIPTICAL, Manual will be automatically added to "My Manuals", Adjustable Foot Pedals (E35 Only) & Correctly Aligned Orthopedic Foot Pads, Before We Get Started, a Word about Heart Rate, Elliptical Trainer SOLE E25 Owner's Manual, Elliptical Trainer SOLE E20 Owner's Manual, Elliptical Trainer Sole E95 Owner's Manual, Elliptical Trainer SOLE E98 Owner's Manual, Elliptical Trainer SOLE E55 Owner's Manual, Elliptical Trainer SOLE E55 Assembly Instructions Manual, Elliptical Trainer SOLE SE578SA Service Manual, Elliptical Trainer SOLE 16608700200 Owner's Manual, Page 34: Maintenance Menu In Console Software. I*�v�aw7\Lbnb�'��e�P / G�`�qZChhZZH(--��0�2�"��T��� ��b���li`Q�*iP@��`BeqIce2J����!T(�5P1! 0000027082 00000 n January 27. 0000007669 00000 n DANGER - To reduce the risk of electric shock disconnect your SOLE elliptical from the electrical outlet prior to cleaning and/or service work. Sole E35 Incline Elliptical Cross Trainer Review. endstream endobj 1170 0 obj<>/Outlines 196 0 R/Metadata 254 0 R/PieceInfo<>>>/Pages 249 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/StructTreeRoot 256 0 R/Type/Catalog/LastModified(D:20060530114108)/PageLabels 247 0 R>> endobj 1171 0 obj<>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC/ImageI]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1172 0 obj<> endobj 1173 0 obj<> endobj 1174 0 obj[/Indexed 1183 0 R 234 1205 0 R] endobj 1175 0 obj[/Indexed 1183 0 R 100 1214 0 R] endobj 1176 0 obj[/Indexed 1183 0 R 14 1200 0 R] endobj 1177 0 obj[/Indexed 1183 0 R 235 1202 0 R] endobj 1178 0 obj<> endobj 1179 0 obj<> endobj 1180 0 obj<> endobj 1181 0 obj<>stream 0000046960 00000 n 2. White Modern Black Friday Discount Instagram Post (2) It will be necessary for you to follow the manufacturer’s assembly instructions to be able to complete the assembly of the Sole Fitness E95 Elliptical Trainer. H����J�@@�|Ŕ�L��X�b!�����_�^�"�p�i�! It will not take you much time to assemble this unit if you follow this guide. 0000069109 00000 n 0000031322 00000 n 0000044973 00000 n @$ Way back in 2011 when i published my first sole e98 elliptical the sole e98 elliptical assembly. + >�du��CZ@}�ۄX���d �� ji�M�8l��i��� ��pH9x���g! 0:19. Attach the left and right handle bars. The fully assembled trainer is fairly large; it is approx. 0000004682 00000 n endstream endobj 1224 0 obj<>/Size 1169/Type/XRef>>stream 7 E35 ELLIPTICAL ASSEMBLY TOOLS. 0000057511 00000 n Sole e95s elliptical review brand new, hot off the press 2018. Owner's manual. 0000009788 00000 n sole E35 Elliptical Crosstrainer Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for SOLE Fitness E35 Elliptical Machine The instructions are in 4 I think assembly is best with two people. Tighten with Wrench (161). Lift the box over the unit and unpack. DANGER - To reduce the risk of electric shock disconnect your SOLE elliptical from the electrical outlet prior to cleaning and/or service work. 2013 sole e35 elliptical assembly youtube. 82″ (208 cm) long and 31″ (78 cm) wide, while the top of the console reaches approx. 67″ (170 cm) above fl… How to disassemble a sole e35 elliptical | sportsrec. Pedals attached to the base of the elliptical work the legs, while a pair of handlebars targets the muscles of the upper body; adjustable resistance settings increase or … WARNING ‐ To reduce the risk of burns, fire, electric shock, or injury to persons, install 0000077191 00000 n Customer service 1‐888‐707‐1880 2 E35 ELLIPTICAL Email: IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS WARNING ‐ Read all instructions before using this equipment. Carefully remove all parts from carton and … However, in case of Sole E95, the assembly is relatively complex and it can be a little challenging if you have never assembled a machine before.