He is venerated as the patron saint of sailors. In 962, Otto I chose Maurice as the title patron of the archbishopric of Magdeburg, Germany. Amen. Erasmus is recognized as a patron of the sailors after surviving a lightning strike that opened... St Elmo’s Fire. Do you know who was the patron saint of sailors? By 1000 C.E. This anchor became his symbol, a symbol of hope. Examples: St. Monica is the patron saint of difficult marriages and wayward children, St. Christopher for travel, St. Joseph of Cupertino for tests and studies, St. Gerard for expectant mothers, and so on. These little handmade blocks are just the right size for small hands. The latter, also known as Elmo, was the bishop of Formiae, Capagna, in Italy. After this torment, the martyr was thrown into a caldron filled with boiling oil, sulphur, and pitch. Ambrose, Bishop of Milan in the 4th century, is the patron saint of beekeepers. He is also invoked against colic, birth pains, intestinal disorders, stomach diseases, and storms. In one account of torture, the saint was protected by lightning striking down those tormenting him. St. Elmo died was martyred in 303. < > In The Martyrdom of Saint Erasmus, the angels wait to bestow the crown and palm frond of martyrdom on Saint Erasmus in his final hour. St. ERASMUS Christian Saint. St Elmo's Fire - a electrical phenomenon that sometimes appears on ship's mastheads after a storm, is named after him. INVOCATION OF ST. ERASMUS. 1 Documentation of his life 2 Account of life and martyrdom 3 … On the way back to the city some soldiers asked him his religion and he admitted that he was catholic, he was then thrown into jail. Also known as Elmo, Erasmus Of Formia. Fishermen and their patron saint, St Erasmus – an annual three day celebration in Corsica! St. Erasmus was on a journey to Mount Libanus when an angel appeared to him and told him to return. This was known as "St. Elmo's fire". Stone figures of St. Eloy, the patron saint of Bologna, and St. Erasmus, the patron saint of sailors, by an anonymous mediaeval artist, from... Admont: Late Gothic wing of the one-time Auxiliary Saints Altar in the monastery church, around 1440-1450. An overview of St. Elmo the patron saint of sailors. Saint Erasmus of Formiae is a Christian saint and martyr who died ca. St Erasmus suffered much torture during his life, including having hot hooks inserted into his abdomen. He was the bishop of Formiae, Campagna, Italy, and suffered martyrdom during Diocletian's persecution of the Christians. But God used this malice to His own glory by protecting the saint in a marvelous way. He is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. He was tortured and disemboweled. St. Pantaleon: Another 4th-century martyr persecuted under Diocletian, St. Pantaleon was the son of a rich pagan, but was instructed in Christianity by his mother and a priest. A blue light appears at mastheads before and after a storm; the seamen took it as a sign of St. Erasmus’s protection. St. Erasmus Facts and Figures. 25 February 2021. Saint Erasmus of Formiae or Saint Elmo, one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, was a Christian saint and martyr who died c. 303.He is venerated as the patron saint of sailors and abdominal pain. St. Elmo is also the patron saint of sailors. PRAYER IN HONOUR OF ST. ERASMUS. O God, grant us through the intercession of Thy dauntless bishop and martyr Erasmus, who so valiantly confessed the Faith, that we may learn the doctrine of this faith, practice its precepts, and thereby be made worthy to attain its promises. Jul 1, 2018 - St. Erasmus of Formia was an Italian bishop and early Christian martyr who is now the patron saint of women in labour and others facing abdominal paints. St. Elmo, also known as St. Erasmus, is the patron of sailors and stomach ailments and against storms. Name: Erasmus Erasmus was born in the 3rd century. Category: Uncategorised Erasmus of Formia, also called Elmo, is also one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. St Elmo – Also know as Erasmus, he was an italian Bishop at a time of persecution and suffered much for his faith. ... Elmo is just a nickname conjured up for our Saint by sailors because he is their Patron, and they couldn’t come to terms with Eraswhatsit. ***This listing is for ONE St Erasmus (St Elmo) Patron Saint Block // Patron of the stomach, colic, and sailors // artwork on the front and description on the back. According to Christian tradition, Cosmas and Damian were educated in Syria and became distinguished physicians in Cilicia, where The reason can be grisly - St. Lawrence, who was roasted alive on a gridiron, is the patron saint of cooks. And there are others: the Blessed Petr González Telmi, Saint Erasmus, Saint Francis Xavier and Saint Andrew. Other Associations In addition to being the patron saint of sailors, Saint Erasmus is also the patron saint of a host of other groups , including explosives workers, ordnance workers, and women in labor. Legend has it that Saint Erasmus escaped the persecution of Christians, fleeing to Mount Lebanon where he was fed by a raven. Syrian Bishop and Martyr. Erasmus was the Bishop of Formia, Italy, during a time when Emperor Diocletian was persecuting Christians. Saint Erasmus's primary emblem is the windlass – a crank and shaft used for hoisting or hauling – so it is often assumed that the windlass had something to do with his martyrdom. May 31, 2013 , Posted in Events/Festivals | Comments: 2 Not specifically for Corsica , but for all fishermen around the world, and as there is quite a population here, it is normal that he would be remembered and honoured every year. Dieric Bouts born c. 1415 6 May 1475 was an Early Netherlandish painter. Very little is known about Bouts s early life, but he was greatly influenced Altarpiece of the Holy Sacrament or Triptych of the Last Supper is a 1464 1468 dated triptych attributed to Dieric Bouts now reassembled and held at Museo Correr, Venice c.1460: Dieric Bouts Head of St John the … 20 June 2020.Web. Feast day: 2 June. In addition to being the patron saint of sailors, Saint Erasmus is also the patron saint of a host of other groups, including explosives workers, ordnance workers, and women in labor. MLA Citation “Saint Erasmus of Formiae“. Saint Maurice was the patron saint of the monastery while Saint Erasmus was the patron saint of Albrecht’s royal household. CatholicSaints.Info. For centuries the parish church of Faversham in Kent had an altar dedicated to St Erasmus with lights provided by legacies. Through Christ our Lord. It was St. Erasmus. patron saint of gastrointestinal problems Posted on February 24, 2021 by . Saint Erasmus, under the name Saint Elmo, is also the patron saint of sailors and the shining lights observed upon his death, continue to be reported by sailors as “Saint Elmo’s fire.” This electrostatic phenomenon has been reported throughout history, from Julius Caesar, to the journals of sailors on Magellan’s voyage around the globe, to the writings of Shakespeare, … St Elmo is the patron saint of sailors. the worship of Maurice was only rivaled by St. George and St. Michael. Saint Elmo. Invoking Saint Erasmus. He worked as a physician to the emperor Maximinianus. Legend records that when a blue light appears at mastheads before and after a storm, the seamen took it as a sign of St. Elmo's protection. After the second half of the twelfth century, the emperors were appointed by the pope in front of the altar of St. Maurice, in St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome. Saint Clement is the patron saint of mariners and the protector against gales and storms. A patron of sailors, he is the Elmo in St. Emo’s fire, a glowing plasma seen on masts, aircraft wings and lightning rods.