It will apply hamstring once that is done (remember that Charge and Intercept are off the global cooldown!, Be careful if you are going to spam it as it MAY use CHARGE and INTERCEPT togeather!). Use: just like the protection, one but will do MUCH more damage as you have +10% damage from being in berserker stance. Note: Replace (including the <> signs) with the name of the ability you want to cast and don't forget to replace both places shows up. Very useful as an emergency for a quick-heal spell, or for DPS classes to use an ability that gets them out of a jam (like Blink. Shift+Click to announce in /SAY. 4 useful Hunter macros for Classic WoW. It counts as automation /cast spell1 wait 1500 /cast spell2 wait 1500 /cast spell3. Creating a Macro in World of Warcraft is easy! See also Classic WoW Useful macros (1.0). Use: This is a compact version of the above macro that also sends a chat message stating what pet, you have summoned. Well now you can pronoun with confidence! Well, wonder no more! class-specific macros when using the Pro Config), and want only certain Characters/Character Sets assigned to them.. Right-click on the "Macro Sets" header, select "New WoW Macro Set," and give the set a unique name. Replace "10000" with the desired item ID #. Categorized list of generally useful custom macros. Replace channel with guild to link it to your guild, or raid to link to raid chat. We can access the macros’ user interface via the Game Menu (default shortcut: Esc) and then selecting Macros. So here is my solution. is dedicated to providing the highest quality of macro content, guides, and news to World of Warcraft players. Requires one set called Fishing that contains your fishing pole and any equipment you want to wear while fishing (fishing hat, gloves or similar) and two sets that fit your specs (replace Set1 and Set2 with your names), If you don't have your fishing pole equipped, it will automatically equip your "Fishing" outfit from your equipment manager. Just hit the Escape key until the Game Options menu appears, and then to click on the Macros button. Another type of useful macros can be for both using a spell and cancel it with the same button, used normally with defensive spells like Ice Block or Dispersion, that reduce or remove your ability to deal damage. Should be moved to a more specific section in "General macros", or place on a class specific macro page, after others verify they work as intended. There are a lot of conditions that a macro can contain, it's up to you what conditions the macro looks for. Your target will be set to the main tank's target, but only if the tank is targeting an enemy which is alive. Trying to Swap and item for an item through macro While in Combat wil result into a bugged item, either your sword or your shield. Replace #prof# with your profession. Use: Replace "ExampleTrinket1" and "ExampleSpell2" with your cd(s) and abilities, then drag to your bar like a normal macro. This macro works a little differently than some others, as it does not perform a change to your playstyle, but merely limits mouse clicks (if desired) and encourages coordinated assaults. Old Macros here can be moved and retired to the "Old macros" section when days are done or replaced. Use: Post a Random Dungeon Looking for Group Message in LookingForGroup channel. If Find Fish is the 2nd or 3rd item on the drop down, you will need to change the 1, to 2 or 3. World of Warcraft allows up to 18 general macros and 18 character-specific macros, for a total 36 available macros per character. If you are targetting an enemy, it will cast at your target; if you are targeting a friend who is attacking a mob, it will cast at their target; if you have no target, but your focus is a mob (i.e. This includes the <>! (ex: [iBlame]: RandomRaider), Extra: This macro currently pulls a random guild member from the entire guild, if you'd rather only blame ONLINE members, change "x=GetNumGuildMembers(1)" to "x=GetNumGuildMembers(0)", Use: Lets you eat and drink at the press of one button. Usage: Select tank and click macro button. /use [worn:Insignia of the Horde][combat] Insignia of the Horde /cast [noform] Dire Bear Form. World Of Warcraft Arena: Macro Guide Hello, PvPers! Use: sells all grey items, shows what was sold and how much money was made from selling. Click the "New" button in the bottom of the Macros pane, pick the icon you want your macro to use as well as the name and you're all set to start writing! The use of WoW macros can provide you with an advantage over someone who does not use them. the macro is as following: Because spell reflection is a /cast it doesn't really matter if you put it as first or 2nd line, a /cast wil go first anyway, so the first time you click this macro, it wil say that you can't cast spell reflect because you don't have a shield equiped. Use: Check unhittability and avoidance (+ how far away hard-defcap). Home / World of Warcraft / PvP / Arms Warrior PvP / Useful Macros Arms Warrior PvP Useful Macros (Shadowlands / 9.0.2) Last updated on Dec 27, 2020 at 21:36 by Karanze 9 comments Categorized list of generally useful custom macros. The chances of getting bursting crops to proc is really low dont even attempt this unless your desperate and have the time and money to waste. this is why i had so much trouble creating this macro. Note: Replace with the name of the ability you want to cast. The GCD can be annoying but Heroic Strike and Cleave can be used during a Gcd, so using this in combination with heroic strike means that you wont lose time, or dmg while casting spell reflect, perhaps an auto attack less. Priorities are as follows: If you are targeting a friendly, cast at them; if your target is targeting a friendly, cast at the friendly (useful for quick adds and bosses with random targeting); if your focus is targeting a friendly, cast at the friendly (useful for bosses); if your focus is friendly, cast at the focus; otherwise, cast at yourself. Keep your alternate dagger in the sixteenth slot (lower right corner) of your main (rightmost) backpack. Our Off-tanks typically select the main tank as their focus, while our DPS (ranged and melee) select their particular tank or off tank. Is not useful for AoE spells as they often do not use a direct target. Use: Click the macro to blame any member of your guild in /guild ! spins the Wheel O' Pets! Controlling button feedback and the question mark icon ( ?) First click equips your shield and casts Defensive Stance, the second click casts Spell Reflection. I didn't find any usefull macros list for WoW Classic yet. This macro will equip a set named "Fish!". /use item:63351 /use item:62829 /use item:69240 /use item:39213 /use item:46847 /use item:47030 The items listed in this macro are not very relevant to the current retail version of WoW, but you can easily switch these item #s to whatever. If you set the name of the macro to a blank space, you can't even tell it's a macro. Use: Click the macro to report members in raid that are neither food buffed nor eating. Well now you can blame the whole guild! If you select a friendly target, it will make them the focus, otherwise it will cast misdirection on whatever the focus was. Note: You can add some things to this....Try to mess around with it if you want to make it better! Use: Announces your Vent details to your raid, sets your loot threshold Epic master looter (with yourself as the master looter) if you are the leader. Remember to put in the "(Defensive Stance)" after Shield Block or WoW will be confused as to what you are looking for. Intimidation Macro. Using this macro will use Hammer of Justice on arena enemy 1. See also User defined macros in Snippets and the useful Class macros in the 'nav bar' to the right. Use:This macro uses Items from a fixed Bag slot so you can easily exchange the food (B1 Slot 20)/water (B1 Slot 16) you want to be consumed. So, what are you waiting for? It will stop your current spell, and if outside of the global cooldown when you hit it will start casting the selected spell. We'll be covering everything from the basics (targeting) to the advanced (setting up mod shift macros) and everything in between. Once you have done that, /reload to re-initialize the addon. Holding down ctrl: Will make mining nodes appear on your minimap. Select Enchantment in skill panel to apply. Equips your "Fishing" set if you don't have a pole equipped and enables fish tracking, or equips set 1 if you do have a pole equipped and disables Find Fish. Credit: Earthsoul of Thunderhorn, many thanks to Desiday of Antonidas for inspiration. This macro works like the above, save the order of priority is switched a little (based on observed need). Default: this macro will use the item in slot 20 and 16 of the first bag (to the left of the bavkpack wich is zero) so you immediately start eating an drinking. Replace "10000" with the desired spell ID #. This macro has 33 free characters, so feel free to change your message. In this guide, I will show you some hunter macros that I use myself, too. Or if you want to feel like a hacker and speed things up, you can type /m (short for /macro) and hitting enter in chat. The melee dps version also starts attacking, and sets the icon to your attack ability. Use: Click to summon a random vanity pet. Use: Click the macro to print the target's gender. Creating a Macro Set. Have you ever wondered, "Is Razorscale a boy or a girl? All the macros we create are stored on World of Warcraft’s servers and are bound to your account and characters. 1 New macro format request 1.1 Re-creating old macros 1.2 Example macro 2 General Macros 2.1 Buffs 2.2 Shield one button 2.3 Cast and Remove Ice Block 2.4 One-Click Teleport 2.4.1 Horde 2.4.2 Alliance 2.5 One-Click Portal 2.5.1 Horde 2.5.2 Alliance 2.6 AoE Grinding (Non-Frost) 2.7 Start buffs, conjure rations, and eat/drink in one click 2.8 Start buffs, conjure rations, and … TABLE OF CONTENTS. You may be surprised, every once in a while Blizz slips up and flags Male NPCs as Female and vice-versa. Tanks: Check unhittability, avoidance, and dist to hard-defcap, Link your professions in the trade channel. The number 17 refers to your offhand weapon slot. One Button Spell Reflection (PVP) This macro is very nice for warriors who PVP. Clicking this macro 2x wil Switch your offhand sword to your shield wich you placed in said bagslot, cast spell reflect, and switch your offhand weapon back.Spell Reflection is a 5 second buff, wich means when you click it 2 times, you wil have the buff, and your offhand weapon back in your hand. This macro will send your pet towards your current target and use your Intimidation ability on it if it is within range. Use: Cast an healing/buff spell with limited need to change target. (ex: if your sound was already off, it will prevent the text error without turning your sound on at the end).