redis delete keys by pattern

It means when the server restarts, all the data will be gone unless you use Redis Persistence. There is no "delete by pattern" in Redis. Expanding on Arun Vijayan's answer: You should not use [code]KEYS[/code] in a production instance. So, our Support Engineers used the below command to quickly delete all keys that match a certain pattern “$PATTERN”. Let me know in the comments if you want it sooner or if you’ve any doubts. Explore, If you have a story to tell, knowledge to share, or a perspective to offer — welcome home. Redis is an in-memory data store, primarily used for caching purpose due to its volatile nature. I'm working on a big project and in some places, I have to delete keys by a pattern, for example, I want to delete all the keys that start with filterProducts. With the use of pipeline, we can send multiple commands at once to redis and get back all the replies in array form in a single step. Redis: How delete keys matching a pattern? Redis does not offer a way to bulk delete keys. 0 Vote Up Vote Down Day … It uses the MOVE command, so only 1 key can be moved per command. If you are in redis 4.0 or above, you can use the unlink command instead to delete keys in the background: $ redis-cli --scan --pattern users:* | xargs redis-cli unlink How does the Script Work? Also each command will have its own Round Trip Time. Redis 2.8 added the SCAN command to incrementally iterate through the keys in the database. raphaelstolt Or you could run the more simple redis-cli flushall; though it responds even with OK when no keys were flushed. Code for finding the keys by pattern and deleting them in a non blocking fashion : The above code is scanning for all keys having “user:” pattern in them and returning the found keys in a single scan which may not be full set. The key word here, oddly enough, is the last one: database. First, we use redis-cli --scan --pattern to get a list of keys, one key per line. Note: throughout this post, I am using ioredis module in nodejs environment, but the same concepts can be used with any other library. Note: If you need to send a lot of commands with pipelining, it is better to send them as batches having a reasonable number, for instance 10k commands, read the replies, and then send another 10k commands again, and so forth., Sponsored by #native_company# — Learn More, Copy files to clipboard using command line on OSX. Testing Async Redux Actions: Moxios + Redux-mock-store. EDIT: more info I would like to convert the command below to a format that is accept by Redis Console in Azure Portal: I just published a command line interface utility to npm and github that allows you to delete keys that match a given pattern (even *) from a Redis database. Passionate about web performance and optimizations. Because StackExchange.Redis aims to target scenarios such as cluster, it is important to know which commands target the database (the logical database that could be distributed over … var stream = redis.scanStream({ match: 'user:*',count: 100 }); How to Implement Refresh-Token Functionality (Front-End). However, there is a trick to do this action. So Googling this question show a common approach using KEYS command and then pipe them to DEL command, which looks something like this in Lua script. This code will print all the keys which have “user:” pattern in their name. So it's better to get used to not using it in development either. Learn more, Follow the writers, publications, and topics that matter to you, and you’ll see them on your homepage and in your inbox. */"&"/' | xargs redis-cli del. The most straightforward way to delete keys by pattern is using keys command to get the keys matching the pattern and then deleting … When the count of found keys reaches 100(will differ for other apps), then only we are executing all the delete commands queued earlier. The pattern should follow the same pattern used by the KEYS command. When the number of keys in redis (use DBSIZE to know the count) is less, this method can be used but when redis size grows, using keys cmd is extremely dangerous for performance and highly discouraged in production environment since redis is single threaded, keys cmd will block all other operations on redis and all the clients will have to wait for its completion. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. Medium is an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. In the above code, keys cmd is searching for all the keys which have “key” string in name. Thanks to OYO Engineering & Data Science. We’ll get into the code to achieve this in a moment, but first lets introduce another feature, Pipeline. In order to delete useless data, we found that there were problems in the process of using redis. redis-cli --raw keys "$PATTERN" | sed 's/. Soon I’ll be uploading the code on github which you can use directly in any of your environments. It means when the server restarts, all the data will be gone unless you use Redis Persistence. When a key to remove holds a value other than a string, the individual complexity for this key is O (M) where M is the number of elements in the list, set, sorted set or hash. I know how to delete a single key by key_name using "del key_name". Here's how you can quickly delete all keys that match a certain pattern $PATTERN. ;), Thanks @davidann. May 9, 2019 • permalink • Redis. Delete Redis keys matching a pattern I recently found myself in a situation where I had to delete millions of keys in Redis that all started with the letters soulmate-index:. Basics of Redux. SCAN 0 MATCH {pattern} and then iterate over the results. Delete array of keys in redis using node-redis, node index.js string key hash key aaa ccc bbb string key hash key Redis DB client, I.e. KEYS and SCAN *are* inherently slow on large keyspaces (although SCAN at … We are storing the found keys in localKeys array and pushing the command to delete those keys in pipeline. But storing a huge amount of data in memory has a little drawback: memory is … redis-cli -u redis:// to get into the redis-cli and run auth with a password to get into the db:> auth MYPASSWORD OK Is it possible then to run the KEYS patter*n command and pipe it through to a DEL inside of redis-cli … $ redis-cli -h -a --scan --pattern * We’re now going to pipe the results to the delete command, this will execute the delete command for each result returned by the scan command. It's easy to do right from the command line with the redis-cli program. Fetching data from redis is very fast only if we use it correctly, understand how it works and what will break it. Finally when stream ends, we’ve to execute the remaining del commands if left in pipeline queue. When working with redis or any cache store, we often need to clear some keys which have a common pattern or to find all the keys with a pattern. scanStream accepts two options : match which defines the pattern to search for and count which limits the no of keys returned in a single scan. Read about “How web will compete with native apps in playstore” which also got featured in Chrome Dev Summit’19: Get the latest updates from the OYO Tech Community. redis.auth(pass, function() { It's also useful to be able to keep only some keys that match a certain pattern, and then delete the rest. A few posts online suggested using the KEYS command in combination with the DEL command to delete keys in Redis that match a pattern. Available since 1.0.0. redis.del("aaa","bbb","ccc") will remove multiple items. Since this uses scan, redis server is not blocked. It's easy to do right from the command line with the redis-cli program. The key will be deleted if it expires, and it is returned as usual if the key does not expire. Skip to content. :), For those keys that have space: Here, expert and undiscovered voices alike dive into the heart of any topic and bring new ideas to the surface. For example, Redis running on an entry level laptop can scan a 1 million key database in 40 milliseconds. When the key has expiry time, it’ll be deleted automatically. They're available as and Get code examples like "redis delete keys that match pattern" instantly right from your google search results with the Grepper Chrome Extension.