Lucius shields the team while Raine and Estrilda boost the numbers. Lucius in [1] because he’s the tankiest; gains more energy from being hit more after level 141; Belinda should almost always be behind Estrilda; Estrilda’s Ridicule knocks enemies back to allow Belinda’s Divine Retribution to hit multiple enemies; also to ensure that Estrilda’s Inspire lands on Belinda. Taking a look at the new AFK Arena summer skins for Lucius and Belinda, the giving my graveborn account a look. Lucius is better long term, really wish I could pull more copies. Complete Artifact List in AFK Arena. ... AFK Arena … ... A Community-run subreddit dedicated to AFK Arena, a Mobile RPG. Patch Notes des Updates 1.57 (06.02.2021) Neue Helden. From overpowered to the most useless of heroes. In der AFK-Arena gibt es keine „Trefferchance“ usw. Also, there is one thing that we would like to clear before you proceed to the tier list; some heroes do well in the early game, but as you proceed further, their glory fades away. In AFK Arena, Artifacts are the unique gears that can only be found in the Peaks of Time.Artifacts can be equipped on any hero to boost their stats and gain Heroes some special perks. There are, however, certain things magic can accomplish that technology will never be able to tackle, regardless of how far it may advance in the decades and centuries to come. 18. Unlock new Belinda, Lucius and Dolly Skin! Quick Index. Belinda is a buffer/debuffer first and damager second at higher levels. SunniiCool ... AFK Arena Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Log In Sign Up. We have no info on this, except some assets for it. In der AFK Arena kannst du auch VIP-Erfahrung sammeln, indem du höhere Spielerstufen erreichst, ohne Echtgeld auszugeben. Posted by 1 year ago. Team: Front-line: Back-line: Core: Alternative: Multi-Fight: Level Deficit: 100-120. Belinda is a buffer/debuffer first and damager second at higher levels. Belinda's Signature Item screen. otherwise you can choose belinda. save hide report. level 2. Watch Queue Queue. Dominate all enemies and ruined ships to become the master, and move to the next stage. They are for Belinda & Lucius and seem to be to summer themed. 2.5k. Artifacts are unique gear items that will boost your hero a lot more than any other equipt with certain special benefits. Archived. ... Lucius - The Winged Protector. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. 1 year ago. Ascending him won't make him nearly as strong as ascending Belinda and Lucius, and there are still others I would pick too. He’s all about surviving as long as possible, and he is very good at it! Derzeit gibt es insgesamt 20 Level. Good heroes are Shemira and Belinda. Brutus also emerges as a very strong option. This video is unavailable. This thread is archived. This game is very slow. Mythic Belinda carried me through mid chapter 13. Belinda & Lucius Summer Skins - AFK Arena Belinda & Lucius Skins Two new skins have been found in the game files! Lucius – Fawkes to remove the shield, rosa mini-stun interrupts his shield. AFK Arena Ascension Lucius to Legendary + Belinda Khasos Nara to Legendary. TURTLE den ganzen Tag . 241k members in the afkarena community. Lucius is the best pure tank in AFK Arena. Our Signature Item tier list below only considers the strengths of the SI in generals, not based on your teams or … AFK Adventurers. It also appears that they will coincide with some kind of summer event. What are Artifacts? A Community-run subreddit dedicated to AFK Arena, a Mobile RPG. If you are wondering which hero you should get SI +30 for next, this is the ultimate guide for you, free players or low spenders!. If you lack damage then Belinda, if your tanks are fragile then Lucius. Lucius is easier to use at your level of progression but both are important for their roles. He can heal his injured teammates, he can conjure a shield to make himself even more survivable for a brief period of time, has access to a nice CC spell in Divine Strike, and his ultimate, Heaven’s Protection, is the best defensive spell in the game, allowing Lucius … Daimon is pretty much your one-man army in this comp. Best Campaign Team (PvE) In AFK Arena *UPDATED* Here you will have the best-working current teams for campaign that will work. AFK Arena Faction Tower Guide. Lastly your final Hero of the day of course is everyone's favroite Lucius. Es spielt also keine Rolle, ob er niedrig ist, wenn Sie ihn nur für CC verwenden. Artifacts are not used in Legend Championships, Abyssal Expedition, or HoE. Belinda is a strong burst hero with one of the highest crit rates in the game. I made this page to give you an idea of what works in AFK Arena's … Shemira, Brutus or Lucius (pick two) as frontliners and Nemora, Arden, Lyca or Tasi (pick three) as supports is one of the best lineups in the game. View Entire Discussion (11 Comments) ... A Community-run subreddit dedicated to AFK Arena, a Mobile RPG. Arcane Labyrinth Hard Mode: The player unlocks hard-mode Labyrinth after clearing stage 9-24. Best Campaign Team (PvE) In AFK Arena *UPDATED* ... Lucius does the shield and Rowan the healing while Fawkes take out one of the enemy heroes and helps breaking through a shield when you face a lineup with another Lucius. share. Please do note that this guide is targeted for campaign and guild hunts. One such application is among those practiced … Brutus | Lucius | Nemora | Lyca | Tasi. A team comp that's effective against enemy teams that heavily rely on their warrior and agility type heroes (Ankhira, Golus, Grezhul, Brutus, Baden).Rosaline will soak up a little bit of damage while dragging the enemy frontline hero to Lucius where a cluster of enemies forms that'll be taken out by Belinda's enormous aoe damage. Jedes Level hat bestimmte Vorteile, die freigeschaltet werden. !Add me in game: JSpartan YTOn snapchat : JSpartanYTOn Instagram: Jake.ryan_x There’s a total of 7 different artifacts in AFK Arena and you can equip on any hero plus 8 class-specific artifacts:. With new technologies and various other discoveries, magic no longer constitute the sole means of improving people's lives. He also has skills which can heal allied members as well as give himself a strong shield to boost his defense. This is where true battles begin. 1 year ago. Fewer and fewer people are willing to devote the vast amounts of time and energy required for becoming a proficient magic user. AFK Arena was made by. I had the same choice and went with Lucius and have no regrets. share. Queer AFK Arena. ... Belinda deals also great damage and you shouldn’t have problems dealing with Wrizz special abilities here. With a total of 90 unique Legendary and Ascended heroes in the game, each with a unique set of skills, and many factors to consider, building the best team can quickly become a complex job. Picking her up equates to trading off 80 faction emblems which is like 213 days worth from AFK re-wards. Once you do your dailies, your arena attacks, guild hunts and … A guide by Shizzam. It's all about doing some adjustments every now and then, leveling up the units, then it's all down to AFK-ing. By chapter 27-28 you should have a very good idea of how to deal with most enemies, but getting there, I […] Guide For Wrizz & Best Heroes To Use. The best formation team in AFK Arena. Currently being the best tank in the game, a Light bearer and having even more cc with the signature ability of slowing down your opponents energy levels he will make that final link in the chain to the Belinda meta. ... Belinda. It's important to AFK Arena Tier List for Mid Game (Level 61 → 160) The Mid Game starts from level 61 because this is where Legendary Heroes get their Ultimate lvl.2 and Mythic Heroes get their 4th skill, making them a lot more viable than at the early game. Finally, be patient. No exclusion zone, MOGAI welcome. Place Lucius in front of Brutus. D&D Beyond It's all about doing some adjustments every now and then, leveling up the units, then it's all down to AFK-ing. Then I got my Mythic Tasi and she has helped as well. AFK Arena is the ideal game if you want to play something great but have little to no time. Chaos Bringer. Welcome to Borderpolar's AFK Arena hero tier list in 2021. Her ultimate ability can deal a huge amount of damage in a very short window, which synergies well with heroes such as Raine. Kill Khasos first, and as much as possible put less damage on enemy Brutus. Mythic Belinda or Mythic Lucius? Below is a list of all information about AFK Arena Belinda, including skill, signature item, Furniture Set Bonuses, Voice Lines, and etc. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Immer wenn Lilith Games AFK Arena updated bekommt ihr hier die aktuellen Patch Notes zum Nachlesen. Create your own AFK Arena tier list Build your own tier list for AFK Arena using our Tiermaker in a matter of minutes. Finally, be patient. is not endorsed or affiliated with Lilith Games. To help you build your team in AFK Arena, we’ve created this guide giving you guidance on important factors to consider and the best team-building strategy for the early/mid, and late/end game. Also, Hemora charm works. All Artifacts & How To Get Them. AFK Arena Tier List 2021: Heroes Tier List February 2021⇓ This AFK Arena Tier List 2021 ranks all the AFK Arena heroes in five major tiers; Tier 1(OP/Best Tier), Tier, 2(Excellent Tier), Tier 3(Good To Average), Tier 4(Average To Below Average), and Tier 5(Weak). I would make Belinda Mythic :) people definitely underestimate to power of stacking one unit haha and Belinda has the potential to one shot the enemy heroes, if you dont have enough support heros, go for lucius. Warden of the Arcane is the second mage class artifact and will deal additional damage every 12 seconds.The damage is not that crazy and compared to the other mage class artifact this is for sure not that powerful. This should be useful for all players, from beginners to ones approaching the endgame. If you want to form a team that is very effective and useful in the late game, then choosing Lucius, Belinda, Estrilda, and Fawkes are the best line up for your team. Im Moment ist das höchste VIP-Level, was du kostenlos erhalten kannst, VIP 10 und erfordert Spielerlevel 200. Now, as you can see in the below picture, we have activated the first buff by adding Lucius and Belinda to the slots. - Created with TierlistGG's Tier Maker All Artwork by Aric Athesis-Just pride icons and pics and shit for the AFK Arena characters cause they're all queer, I take requests. Join. 234k. AFK Arena Belinda has high damage ans raise the attack rating of other heroes or herself. The world of Esperia awaits you. All pics are allowed to be used without credit. I made this page to give you an idea of what works in AFK Arena's long run. Er wird jedoch anfangen, gegen bestimmte Teams auf hohem Niveau einen einzigen Schuss zu erzielen. 162.9k Views. This AFK Arena Tier List 2021 ranks all the AFK Arena heroes in five major tiers; Tier 1(OP/Best Tier), Tier, 2(Excellent Tier), Tier 3(Good To Average), Tier 4(Average To Below Average), and Tier 5(Weak). Report Save. He sits purple, with great gear. save. He’s a relatively new hero to the game, but he has quickly become one of the best picks for both early and late game. "Belinda is an intelligence-based mage hero of the Lightbearers faction with a high damage output. Test Server. Wait for more Food! New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Blighted Highlands is a brand new adventure in the Voyage of Wonders. Series of outstanding AFK Arena events for this summer: Summer Delights, Treasure Hunters. While playing in Chapter 8, choose Save as, Arden, Belinda, Hogan, and Lucius heroes with 120 levels would help defeat a force of villain. The first infographic is a top heroes list I made on Tiermaker, a great site for creating tier lists!The second one is based on's endgame tier list. Roaming Esperia. 1.6k. A Community-run subreddit dedicated to AFK Arena, a Mobile RPG. AFK Adventurers. The go-to AFK Arena Tier List. Estrilda – Use Brutus or dodge to deal with his charge. in AFK Arena, Guides. AFK Adventurers. Press J to jump to the feed. 241k. This is a huge level up the achievement for all Heroes in AFK Arena. Unfortunately for Hogan, it seems that Belinda will have a new warrior to protect her. Lucius' ultimate ability "Heaven's Protection" casts a shield around his allies, mitigating damage briefly. One of the things I, jabu69, realized when playing AFK Arena was that a lot of people ask for how to counter stages/comps, and have no clue how to figure it out by themselves. Please look at the rules. Lucius: My love, you look as beautiful now as you did this morning. Lucius is the best pure tank in AFK Arena. 18. Rules + Instructions FAQ Tags “The Frozen Terror” Khazard is 懶 Agender 懶 Requested by Anon. Shemira, Brutus or Lucius (pick two) as frontliners and Nemora, Arden, Lyca or Tasi (pick three) as supports is one of the best lineups in the game. Press J to jump to the feed. Brutus/Rosa can stall him, CC like Nemora and Ferael is also good. His main role is to protect allies with healing and powerful shields that can absorb enemy damage. Use three hard nukes on enemy Khasos's side. Created Jun 27, 2018. Welcome to Borderpolar's AFK Arena hero tier list in 2021. Lucius is a healer and tank all in one and he'll only get better the more passives he unlocks for his skills. hide. 22. share. Overall decent for collectors/completionists (especially if you have all the other hero skins) but personally I don’t use Belinda anymore and the trade-off is too significant. User account menu. Skills; Signature Item; Furniture Set Bonuses; Voice Lines ; Skills. in AFK Arena, Guides. The only good disabler here is Fawkes. Use or fuse episode 4 starring Lucius!! Belinda (AFK Arena) Estrilda (AFK Arena) Golus (AFK Arena) Brutus (AFK Arena) Lucius (Afk Arena) AU; Basically having fun with my headcannons; Mauler Society focused mainly; but will branch off to other factions; I'm just mainly focused on Maulers tho lol; tw slavery; viva la revolution! by XapySlenderman. Best AFK Arena Team Compositions for Current Meta (Updated) Start creating now See what others have made "May the light protect us. Roaming Esperia. There are a few replacements for Lyca in the core comp such as Belinda (for crit), Safiya/Rhazard (for more damage) or even Talene to soak more damage. You should always prioritize to level up and invest in these heroes. This does not cover Twisted Realm. Roaming Esperia. Der neue Wildvolk-Held wurde hinzugefügt: Respen - Das Windkind ; Der neue Respen - Das Windkind kann ab 2021/2/7 00:00 UTC getestet werden. 2. Wrizz is a special enemy that you will fight on a daily base in Guild Hunting but also in the Arcane Labyrinth in the 3rd floor if you choose Hard Mode.. Created Jun 27, 2018. As the name implies, you don't even have to be active in the game to have a (somewhat) steady progress. Uh hi, I need some advice on whether I should wait to get an Elite Lucius for a mythic one or straight away make Belinda Mythic. Roaming Esperia. He’s all about surviving as long as possible, and he is very good at it! The Lightbringers: Lucius and Belinda. Map Guide Here's a visual guide to completing 100% of the map. He’s a tank/support hero. For the endgame I'd suggest something along the lines of Warek or Raine, Shemira, Rosaline, the twins (Elijah & Lailah) and Baden. All of these teams work right now, they are not in any particular ranking! Join. It is essentially a harder Floor 3 with better overall rewards (excluding Lab Tokens) and the boss Wrizz who drops one of 3 rewards at random. 238k. Thoran Cheese. Use Lucius and Belinda. AFK Arena was made by Lilith Games. Now, let’s learn with an example; AFK Arena Library & Union buffs: – Activating & Checking The Buffs⇓ As you can see in the below picture, Belinda’s total HP is 13405. Belinda Skin: Purely cosmetic reward (skin for Belinda) that has no tangible benefits. Daimon Comp . As someone with ascended Belinda and E+ Lucius, go lucius unless you need DPS. Mythic Belinda or Mythic Lucius? "Breathe the free air again, my friend. » AFK Arena » AFK Arena Faction Tower Guide. Going after Athalia is a better use of arena tokens from what I hear. Signature Item Upgrade Priority. As the name implies, you don't even have to be active in the game to have a (somewhat) steady progress. AFK Adventurers. This team focuses on synergy between Belinda and Raine. Awaken both! This will allow your team to get more energy from being hit more after level 14. (Click for larger image) Notes Line up the Cannons to ignite the Firecrackers. Lucios should be included in the formation because he us considered as the tankiest in AFK Arena. The first infographic is a top heroes list I made on Tiermaker, a great site for creating tier lists!The second one is based on's endgame tier list. BOTH! ... A Community-run subreddit dedicated to AFK Arena, a Mobile RPG. In order to strengthen Artifacts and unlock new perks, players can use the Artifact Fragments, which can be obtained from the Campaign AFK Rewards and other events in AFK Arena. Even if you’re not even close to Campaign 30, make sure to keep those formations in mind to already start priritizing these heroes to have them ready when you need them. This list will cover all the heroes you should use from mid to end game. Created Jun 27, 2018. Lucius is easier to use at your level of progression but both are important for their roles. AFK Arena is very well-balanced around a variety of Heroes who are strong in different game stages and content, so every character has somewhere to shine. Enjoy a multitude of unique heroes, seven unique factions, and earn rewards effortlessly! AFK Arena is the ideal game if you want to play something great but have little to no time. Play AFK Arena on PC/Mac to enjoy the game any time! Tasi, Shemira, Kaz, Belinda, Lyca, Athalia, Ezizh and Khasos aren't high on this list, but are safe to build for mid and late game. Powerful area damage and good critics, in addition to the ideal reinforcement for the team’s strongest character. Wrizz is a special enemy that you will fight on a daily base in Guild Hunting but also in the Arcane Labyrinth in the 3rd floor if you choose Hard Mode. "Lucius is a strength-based tank hero of the Lightbearer faction. 1.9k. 18 comments. ... A Community-run subreddit dedicated to AFK Arena, a Mobile RPG. She can buff up to 2 allies with attack rating and crit, making her a decent support as well. 87% Upvoted. Lucius is a healer and tank all in one and he'll only get better the more passives he unlocks for his skills. ... Lucius. A classic RPG with stunning artistic beauty. This game is very slow. (Spotlight on Lucius and Belinda and darken elsewhere) Lucius scoops Belinda up from the ground and gallantly hoists her up onto his shoulder. 1.9k. Two new skins have been found in the game files! report. His name is Lucius and will be representing the Lightbearer faction. One of the best supports of the game thanks to its shields and healing. Watch Queue Queue. If they are not available, then recruit Lucius in one of the recruitment camps. She's also one of the easiest Lightbearers to obtain, as you get an elite+ hero of her on Day 7 of the login event. Fawkes – Use Brutus so Fawkes will banish him at low hp. Guide by br33ze12. Belinda is part of The Lightbringers union. 237k. Once you do your dailies, your arena attacks, guild hunts and so, you don’t have much more to do. Watch Queue Queue Shemira can replace Belinda. A Community-run subreddit dedicated to AFK Arena, a Mobile RPG. A new hero is entering the arena! 131 comments. Uh hi, I need some advice on whether I should wait to get an Elite Lucius for a mythic one or straight away make Belinda Mythic. She can also raise the attack rating of other heroes or herself. Thane – Put all your DPS on thane’s side and hope to kill him quickly. This is an unofficial fan site. Let me know what you guys think of him! Both! Lucius is a noble paladin of the Lightbearers faction. Close . ... let me check out afk arena" ... New event & Belinda's skin. However I shall go in depth with most heroes to explain why and how they are used and the same logic could be used to use them in campaign etc. Check AFK Arena Tier List for those who want to win AFK Arena Game. This video is unavailable. 13 best team formation! 1.5k. Full Hero Artifact List For AFK Arena (February 2021) – What Hero To Put Them On . Now faction towers is something that people that are in late game don’t require much help. I still have only recieved one Lucius my entire playtime. Furthermore, we’ve gathered examples of real AFK Arena teams created by top players of the late/end game for both Guild Hunt, PvP, PvE; Campaign, Twisted Realm, and Abyssal Expedition. Watch Queue Queue AFK Arena Belinda Guide & Wiki. 26.4k Views. -Lucius L-Belinda L+-Silvina L+-Estrilda/Nemora L-Brutus L+. His skills are focused on stalling the enemies in front of him. They are for Belinda & Lucius and seem to be to summer themed. AFK Arena Tier List Ranking Explanation: S+ Tier – These heroes are literally very OP (overpowered), in every sense of the imagination.They have great abilities that can single-handedly change the outcome of a fight. Contact Us | Submit Guides | Contributors | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy | Gacha Games, This is an unofficial fan site. Tap on the Artifact icon to go to its section. Building the ultimate team is the single most important task in AFK Arena, a task you’ll be undertaking throughout your entire journey. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Enemy heroes have their energy recovery effects reduced by 30% for 4 seconds when they are struck by the ability "Divine Strike" or if a normal attack becomes a critical strike. I know that many people struggle and ask how to get a better setup for a higher damage output against Wrizz so I decided to write this guide to cover the mechanics of Wrizz and give you some tips on the heroes that work great against … Use best different heroes for formation your team and fight in Campagne and PVP Arena. Thanks.