6. name and signature of requester. If you have a question regarding access to police records, please contact the Records Supervisor. If you are submitting a Colorado Criminal Justice Records Act (CCJRA) request, please use the button below labeled "CCJRA Open Records Request" and email the completed form to APD-ORR@AuroraGov.Org. Please note, pursuant to section 552.301(c) of the Government Code, the City of Austin has designated public.information@austintexas.gov as the email address for public information requests sent by electronic mail. You may submit your request in writing to: Amarillo Police Department, Attn: Open Records, 200 SE 3rd St, Amarillo, Texas, 79101, by fax to (806) 378-9371, by e-mail to apdrecords@amarillo.gov, or in person.Visit our Open Records page for more information on … for use of this form, see ar 25-400-2; the proponent agency is aasa. APD is not responsible for transmissions users receive from linked websites. 13. date returned. The Public Records Detail will then be in touch to discuss payment options. Records requests can be emailed using the Records Request Form. please read the following before completing this form. If you have any questions, you can call 303.739.6267. City of Albany Policy F-05-08, Public Record Requests, outlines the City’s procedures. A form is provided for your convenience to submit your request in writing. section i - to be completed by the requester. Users must request such authorization from the sponsor of the linked website. Click the link, print the form, fill it out and submit it to Albany Police Department Lobby or mail it to the Albany Police Department at the address on the right. Police records can be requested by filling out a Public Records Request Form. Contact APD (non-emergency) The Albany Police Department serves over 53,000 residents and employs 60 sworn officers and 32 civilian staff who carry on a rich tradition of professional public safety service. section iii - to be completed by the office of record . APD cannot authorize the use of copyrighted materials contained in linked websites. mation contained in the school records of the student named below who is an applicant for appointment to this Department. Paper form used to request a background check for subject individuals in APD adult foster homes. request for records. MSC 0301QEi Provides instructions for Qualified Entity Designees and Qualified Entity Initiators to request background checks on subject individuals using the MSC 0301 QED form. See quick reference guide here publication and blank form stock record card (vertical file) aasa: da form 479-1: active: 03/01/2015: publication and blank form stock record card (visible file) aasa: da form 543: active: 08/01/2010: request for records: aasa: da form 581: active: 07/01/1999: request for issue and turn-in of ammunition: g-4: da form 581-1: active: 07/01/1999 The Amarillo Police Department has a designated recipient for Open Records requests. Obtaining information through open records Access the Public Records Center to submit a public information reques t as well as retrieve documents regarding your public information request. Please direct requests for public records to: Public Records Office 2727 Mahan Drive, Mail Stop #3 Tallahassee, FL 32308-5403 (850)412-3688 Phone (850)921-0158 Fax PublicRecordsReq@ahca.myflorida.com PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST FORM Albany Police Department Notice: Public records laws are addressed in ORS Sections 192.311 through 192.345. You may request public records online by clicking here, or you may email your request to public.information@austintexas.gov. Public Information Requests. You may also submit your request in writing to: Amarillo Police Department, Attn: Open Records, 200 SE 3rd St, Amarillo, Texas, 79101, by fax to (806) 378-9371, by e-mail to apdrecords@amarillo.gov, or in person.. Specifically, it is requested that the information requested on the reverse side of this letter, including any pertinent commen ts from former teachers or other school personnel, be furnished as it appears on your records.