ark ragnarok redwoods base locations

Fallen Redwood Cave: 36.0 77.0 yes Snow Crystal Cave: 40.0 62.7 yes Central cave I: 36.2 49.2 yes Central Cave II 37.4 39.4 yes Central Cave III 41.5 42.3 yes Central Cave IV 36.0 36.8 yes Hidana Cave ... Ragnarok - ARK:Survival Evolved Map Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Steam Community: ARK: Survival Evolved. Maps For locations of explorer notes, caves, artifacts, and beacons, see Explorer Map (Ragnarok) . So I am asking here, on what seems to be the most active form of, "Community outreach", there is for ARK. The Center Part 2 Base Locations The first base location is located at Lat 87.0 lon 49.5 This area has beavers which allows for beaver dam resource colection, Large trees to build tree bases on, plenty of water to drink and to irrigate crops and also it has a large amount of flat land to build on if you can`t make tree platforms yet. Ragnarok has loads of great building locations, I just haven’t played it enough to have tested then all out. Island to the northeast of the blue obelisk. I personally love my location. I've done research, and watched several YouTube videos on, "Best/Good Rag Base Locations". Ragnarok base location, recommendations? First I want to point out that, I am not one of the people who you would lable, "Lazy", when it comes to searching for information on things prior to, asking. Between Blue Obelisk and Viking bay, coastal region of the highlands up to the edge of redwoods, South East of the swamp along the coast etc etc. Highlands Lookout or Abandoned Lighthouse is a withered tower on the northeast corner of The Highlands on the Ragnarok map in ARK: Survival Evolved near the ocean. Rag is one of if not the most base building friendly maps out at the moment, imo. This location is on the original map, the island, as far as base locations go this is on the top 10 because it is near all of the major resources. It's located around 40 50 on top of the waterfall by the plateaus in the sliver of redwood area. The lighthouse over looks an … I show you all the best Ragnarok base locations of where I would build. Top 10 Base Locations in Ark: Survival Evolved 10. Flat, oceanfront, ovis everywhere right up the hill. This abandoned Lighthouse stands in the north east corner of the Highlands, below it lies the entry to a water-accessible Hidden Cavern which is perfect for docking rafts and sea creatures. It's a bit cold but it's rather dino free and very good location once you get fliers. Mobile App users need to view this page in a browser to use the map fully. For locations on other maps, please see The Island, The Center, Scorched Earth, Aberration, Extinction, Valguero, Genesis: Part 1, Crystal Isles, or Genesis: Part 2. Entrance lat lon x y z Waterfall 34.2 78.8 378195 -206875 18785 Redwood 34.6 77.8 364956 -201707 21442 River 36.0 77.0 353990 -182421 20214 For locations on other maps, please see The Island, The Center, Scorched Earth, Aberration, Extinction, Valguero, Genesis: Part 1, Crystal Isles, or Genesis: Part 2. I built my base in the large cave in the highlands (the wierd lighting drove me crazy, but otherwise it’s good), but pretty much anywhere in the highlands is good. This article is about locations of resource nodes on Ragnarok. e Locations in the DLC: Ragnarok; Displayed are the locations for Ragnarok.