best pokemon fire red team

By now the rival has given his Pokemon some decent moves and gotten the starter, Pidgeot, and Alakazam to their final forms. Venusaur is the best starter because it can do super effective damage or tank hits from 6 out of the 8 gyms and does pretty good against your rival and the elite 4. Click the "Copy" button to copy your team's URL to your clipboard and share it with your friends and neighbors! Hope this helps. Since you can get the three Legendary birds before battling the Elite Four, I recommend training them as best you can. This means we will not include Generation I data because those haven’t been updated. I'm starting over, & i want an unstoppable team for Fire Red. First, the soundtrack – even though most of the music is taken from the original games (Fire Red and Ruby), some new outstanding tracks have been added as well. Also train your Pokemon until around level 60 and tge Elite Four will be pretty easy. All Legal Legendary Pokemon Legendary Pokemon in Series 8. Best Pokemon fire red team? Obtain: Obtained at level 5 as a Bulbasaur. You can now use Legendary Pokemon in Ranked Battles Series 8! For example, the Elder Knights’ battle theme, the region’s evil team, sounds better than … The best possible Pokémon for an in-game team are the ones that are obtained at the start of the game, can OHKO enemies easily, take little damage from nearly any enemy, can learn many HMs, can heal themselves, can learn useful moves upon level up, don't need excessive TMs, and have a useful ability. 6 pokemon that will help you the most in a Playthrough of a specific game. Normal Psychic Fighting Ghost Dragon Flying Poison Grass Water Fire Ground Rock Related: The 10 Best New Fire Pokémon Of The Past Decade, Ranked Venusaur has appeared in most iterations of Red’s team. Ranked Battle Series 8 | Rules and Legal Pokemon. A team planner tool for Pokémon games. Best Team for Pokemon Fire Red and Leafgreen! Which starter Pokemon is the best in FireRed or LeafGreen for you The Rules. There is really no best team to beat the E4 with. I usually recommend a mixed type team. I have A Charizard, Manetric, and Mewtwo in my team now And I'm trying to decide what my last three should be. Keep in mind that in Pokemon Red, Blue, and Green that Ice, Dark, and Steel-types were not included yet. I have all of these and I want to know what will be the best. I would prefer three of the following: Dragonite, groudon, Rayquaza, kyroge, tyranitar, gengar. Starter. Venusaur. A good idea is to have an Electric-type on your team if you chose Bulbasaur at the start; the majority of his team will fall to a fast Thunderbolt. It is the final evolution of the grass starter for generation 1. However, these are some Pokemon who might help make things easier for you: Magneton: Its Electric typing helps take down a good number of Lorelie's team, and some on your Rival's team. I like having a variety of types so i would like to know which are the best pokemon for each type with just the pokemon that can be caught on FR. Like Meganium it has a base stat of 525, but Venusaur has an edge in that it is a grass/poison. Although players are restricted to just using 1 Legendary per Team, the introduction of these powerful Pokemon is sure to shake up the metagame!. Steel gives it a great number of resistances. First of all, we will base our information on FireRed and LeafGreen alone.