Kitcat12. 16dpo, BFN and Brown spotting. I got my BFP the next day. Definitely go for the beta bloods to put your mind at rest. Hello! I am 14dpo as of today. If your spotting is pinky/brown doesn’t that mean it’s old blood? Reply (1) Report. As far as PG symptoms, besides the spotting, my bb's have been sore, and tingly. I am sure you will be receiving confirmation on your BFP … BFP then BFN. BFN then BFP stories thread 2020 (21 Posts) Add message | Report. : Do any of you ladies think it is possible to get a bfp after a bfn on 14dpo. He's now 13m, so yes anythings possible. Cramps and spotting after BFP UPDATE. : Tested twice in past week and both BFN currently CD 39, approx 18DPO, had brown spotting over weekend but that's gone and AF hasn't came, have read that some women don't get BFP till after 20DPO just wondering how common this is? With the spotting I thought for sure it was implantation bleeding, since like I said, I have never spotted between AF's. BFP later than 14DPO, after BFN? I was very emotional on 13 DPO which is unlike me. Hi guys so I took a test because I’ve been feeling so rough last week or so and have had weird spotting last week too for 5 days or so. I had heard of implantation bleeding, but this was nothing like I'd read about, the spotting, dark brown stuff. Hope it all went ok for you Sophia xx. So it's possible but I also had 4 days of spotting and then full AF a few months ago. MrsTwentySeven Fri 07-Feb-20 12:37:41. I still haven't started bleeding (period was due last Wednesday) so I am hoping that is a good sign. MissyR. Good luck to you. It went back to spotting in the afternoon then stopped altogether. Now completel Oh lovely please try not to be scared! I usually always have spotting beginning on less than or on 8dpo. I had 4 days of pink/brown spotting starting 4 days before the earliest my AF has shown up, and then a morning of what was complete AF in my mind. ! I'm so confused by the BFP and then the subsequent BFN's. Reply (1) Report. Typically my lp is anywhere from 12-13dpo (at times 14). (We have been trying 11 months) This is like clockwork every month and very annoying. Bfp then bfn now really faint bfp: Implantation bleeding: Positive, then negative, then positive, then negative again? Mine was almost like a full blown AF that lasted about 45 minutes and then completely dissapeared and have had nothing ever since. I haven't experienced this but just wanted to … With DS2 I tested early....something told me to tested 4 days faint positive, then tested again the next day and day after that got BFN, very confused, then got BFP again 5 days after original faint BFP, had light spotting bit red, and bit brown over all this testing, sorry TMI !! - BabyCenter Australia That was a week ago. ShellyC ... (I guess this is why we are told not to test early!). Anyone had BFN then had BFP 20+DPO? I ovulated on day 15 this cycle. ... I’ve had some mild cramps at the beginning of this week and brown spotting for the past 3 or 4 days although since yesterday it is only noticeable when I use the toilet, in a very small amount. AF was due 3 days ago, high temps, BFN, light spotting. ... After my BFP I experience lots of cramps I believe is good thing my princess is now 18 months old xx.