can i go back to university in lockdown

During lockdown, I could not wait to get back into education, but things have changed since I was here last. It also sets out guidance on how students can claim university refunds. How to get a refund for online teaching during lockdown. The single most important action we can all take is … Students and staff can help control coronavirus (COVID-19), and travel safely, by walking and cycling if they can. Private halls companies are telling students to break lockdown and clear out their rooms or continue paying thousands in rent for rooms they can’t use. "As a final year student, the lessons are important, but I can't justify staying in uni accommodation on my own to go into the university twice a week. You must stay at home. The Government has U-turned on it's "go back to work" advice as the number of new infections has jumped. Just in the same way you may take notes whilst studying, sit in a comfortable place, listen or watch your lecture, have a notebook handy and treat it as you would for any normal learning time. In local lockdown areas, pubs and restaurants have mostly been able to stay open. I’ve been back at university over a week and lectures officially began on Monday. Summary: what you can and cannot do during the national lockdown. Go … As I don’t have a car, if I wish to walk alone I can go about 200 yards to the right of my house and 300 yards to the left. Students who return under the scaled back lockdown level will be given a two to three-week window to return to classes once they have been recalled by the institution. Otago University student Georgina Hassell-Hopkinson said the lockdown announcement left her unable to get back to Wellington to be with her mother, a head nurse at Wellington Hospital. If you can, try to get a space which doesn’t have too much footfall in the house. Number 10 about co parenting can someone advice if one of the parents partner is a key worker is it wise for the children to go back and forth to their parents.thank you 0 Johnny c Back in London, you are always in the heart of everything. "The … She said that that universities are "not really taking into account student's mental health at all" by implementing this lockdown with many saying they are struggling to cope. Engage your learning. You don’t have to be at the epicentre of a pandemic for your life to turn upside down, as 20-year-old Samantha Rooke recently discovered. She told LBC that she had left her campus days before it was locked down, and couldn't work out how universities are justifying keeping students locked in their halls.