chapter 9 sociology quizlet
The ability to control the behavior of others, with or without their consent. sociology chapter 9. Chapter 9 Study Guide 1. Holt Sociology Chapter 9 Test Holt Sociology - Chapter 9 - Stratification Flashcards | Quizlet Social Stratification is a necessary feature of the social structure. Chapter 9 Sociology DRAFT. Individuals are asked to determine their own social rank. -The Burakumin are treated as a distinct group, unrelated to other Japanese. This eventually led the Supreme Court to reverse itself: in 1954, __________made school segregation illegal on the grounds that "separate educational facilities are _____ unequal.". The Unequal sharing of social rewards and resources. Identify the examples of collective resistance. Refers to the average number of years a person born in a particular year can be expected to live. Related Topics. What did Myrdal find was most important to these whites? involuntary separation of groups by legal or social means, based on race or ethnicity, engaged coexistence of distinct racial or ethnic groups, merging into the larger culture and shedding one's separate identity. 2/17/2020 Sociology quiz 4, chapters 9 and 10 Flashcards | Quizlet 2/19 Terms in this set (34) Upgrade to remove ads Only $1/month ISO 14001 EMS Training Online Visit Site Ad 1. -Higher penalties associated with crack cocaine than with the powdered form. Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. Cards In This Set. They are very diverse in their racial identifications. They experience the highest rates of incarceration of all racial-ethnic groups. The respect, honor, recognition or courtesy an individual recieves from other members of society. You will have only a certain amount of time to take this test. Certain roles in society must be performed if the system is to be maintained. c. Most have been outlawed. They comprise the fastest-growing racial group in the United States. Being a democratic group, you Place in chronological order the events that lead to the 1994 Rwandan genocide, in which at least 500,000 members of the Tutsi tribe were massacred by members of the Hutu tribe. 5.5% of Hispanic Americans come from ___________. -It removes the assumption that whiteness is normal and nonwhiteness is deviant. Identify the reasons why residential segregation is such a serious social problem. Identify the reasons why the stereotype of Asian Americans as a "model minority" is not accurate. The new racism, called _________ racism, uses _______ rhetoric; it blames the troubles of minority groups on their different _______. Create a timeline of Cuban immigration history by placing the following events in order according to when they happened. Front: Back: Social stratification . Holt Sociology 11 Chapter Review Activities MULTIPLE CHOICEIn each blank, write the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. However, this seemingly "neutral" technology can also lead to __________ unequal outcomes. Choose from 500 different sets of sociology 1010 chapter 9 flashcards on Quizlet. SOCI 1311 Chapter 9 Quiz.pdf. –A minority has distinctive physical or cultural characteristics which can be used to separate it from the majority. Identify the consequences of making everyone (whites and others) more aware of whiteness as a racial category. The childhood anecdote from the beginning of the chapter shows that racial prejudices and differences are not inborn and they are a result of the way that society shaped a persons image of the different races. Symbolic ethnicity today is a matter of choice for white middle-class Americans, but not for black middle-class Americans. -Social media brings attention to police violence. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The word race comes from a Latin word meaning "________." Identify each quality as characteristic of either race or ethnicity. Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. Holt Sociology Chapter 9 Review Answers - Minorities •What are the characteristics of a minority? - Comminist revolutionaries led by Fidel Castro overthrow the regime Fulgencio Batista. Get Started Study 25 Chapter 9 flashcards from Dave H. on StudyBlue. The Naim are descendants of a large population of immigrants who moved to the United States several generations before. Old-fashioned racism is based on the idea of _______ traits that make some people better than others. An 1851 article in Harper's Weekly described a certain racial group as having a "small and somewhat upturned nose" and skin with a "black tint." .When, during World War II, Japanese American families were given notice of their mandatory relocation to internment camps, how much time were they given to dispose of their lands and other property. -Hutus and Tutsis are living together in relative harmony. Study Flashcards On Sociology Chapter 9 at View stratification as a necessary feature of social structure. Identify the true statements about Arabs in the United States. makes it easy to get the grade you want! Imagine an ethnicity called Naim. Social Stratification is a necessary feature of the social structure. Start studying Sociology Chapter 9. Start studying Sociology chapter 9 section 1. Ranking of groups or categories of people into social positions according to their access to desirables . Place the events in chronological order. makes it easy to get the grade you want! Identify the factors behind this difference. Please raise your hand when you are finished so Miss Eilers can record your grade. View Notes - Chapter 9 notes from SOCIOLOGY 101 at West Virginia University. What is the single largest ethnic group in the United States today? Place in chronological order the events that lead to the formation of black ghettos in the first part of the twentieth century. The movement between or within social classes or strata, Refers to the movement between social classes or strata. What factor makes caste systems closed? -Not all Asian American groups fit the stereotype equally well. 19 times. b. In the 1940s, Gunnar Myrdal studied white Americans who had reservations about full equality and integration for blacks. Identify the stereotypes seen on U.S. television that perpetuate widespread misunderstanding of Middle Easterners and Middle Eastern culture. Maintaining distance between the races in personal relationship, especially marriage. Social Studies. 11th grade. What, according to Nell Irvine Painter, is the foundation of white identity? In 1896, _________ established the doctrine that "_________" services for blacks and whites were permissible. Identify the main problems with the label "African American" for part of the U.S. population. Made up of his or her assets- the value of everything a person owns. :) They are run by secretive governments. Identify the beliefs that characterize racism. 1. In practice, blacks consistently received inferior services. Officer Bryant made a routine traffic stop when he clocked a vehicle doing 60 mph in a 45 mph zone. Identify the ways in which the Burakumin in Japan demonstrate the process of racialization. Media. The Naim are white, but have developed their own distinctive cultural traits. 16 pages. 4 pages. -The U.S. Supreme Court decides Plessy v. Ferguson. Identify the examples of institutional racism. In American law, a rule once widely used declared that "one drop" of black blood makes one black. makes it easy to get the grade you want! Which line does Lee say is replacing the white-black divide? The movement within a social class or strata. Identify the effects of the one-drop rule. Wealth . Identify the false statements about Arabs in the United States. Certain roles in society must be performed if the system is to be maintained. Start studying Holt Sociology Chapter 9. Chapter Overview Visit the Sociology and YouWeb site at and click on Chapter 9— Chapter Overviewsto preview chapter information. The owners of the means of production are, Workers who sell their labor in exchange for wages, a grouping of people with similar levels of wealth, power, and prestige. Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. 9.3 Explaining Global Stratification; 9.4 End-of-Chapter Material; Chapter 10: Race and Ethnicity. They choose to wear it as a sign of their Muslim identity, often despite opposition from family. People cannot change their social standings. Today, members of this group often arrive in the United States seeking refuge from tumultuous political situations. 9. -They are united by a common geographic origin. Work based on the Marxist theory. This quiz covers chapter 8 sections 1-4. -Eugenicists contended that mental, physical, and psychological traits were passed down within racial groups. Study Flashcards On Sociology, chapter 9 & 10 at Our modern concept of race has evolved in conjunction with _________, as a rationale for a group of people with one common _________ to ___________ other people. 84% average accuracy. Holt Sociology Section 3 Review Questions. Start studying Sociology Chapter 9. Play this game to review Sociology. People who lived on the slopes of mountains in country of Georgia. Identify the roles of social media in the #BlackLivesMatter movement. A similar saying today would be that "race is only _________.". Good luck and do not cheat. Chapter 9 Inequalities of Race & Ethnicity. The ranking of individuals or categories of people on the basis of unequal access to scarce resources and social rewards. -that bloodlines or physical characteristics are linked to distinct cultures, behaviors, and intellectual abilities. Which racial group was the article referring to? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. d. They exist only in rural areas B. Institutional racism occurs when a seemingly race-neutral policy or social dynamic disadvantages minority groups. Holt Sociology - Chapter 9 - Stratification Flashcards | Quizlet. Technique used to rank people according to social class on the basis of reports by community members. When he died in 2008, Ted Rogers Jr., then CEO of Rogers Communications, was the fifth-wealthiest individual in Canada, holding assets worth $5.7 billion. They have the lowest average socioeconomic status of all racial-ethnic groups. CHAPTER 4 Social Structure - Review Worksheet Review Answers For Holt Sociology Ch 3 Sociology chapter 4 review answers 8. Designed to enable the government to redistribute money among various segments of society. Quickly memorize the terms, phrases and much more. -An oppressed group engages in a campaign of nonviolent protest. What is the origin of the word Caucasian? MINORITY, RACE, AND ETHNICITY Section 1. Based on this assumption, it is safe to believe that a non-white three year old would be likely to bring home a white “baby sister” because the three year old wouldn’t realize that … Tools, buildings and materials needed to produce goods and services. Social Science. Identify the major human population types, according to Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (1752-1788). -Demographic change trends and structural changes in the economy increased competition for jobs. Reverend Minister Samuel Stanhope Smith's argument that dark skin was a(n) ________ conveyed his belief in ________. See competition over scarse resources as the cause of social inequality. In sociological terminology, a minority group is a category of people who a. have less social status in society, because they are smaller in number. Study Flashcards On Sociology Exam 3 Chapter 9 at What factor partially explains the comparatively long period of time that Asian Americans remain unemployed after losing a job? Study Flashcards On Sociology Chapters 8 - 11 at In his autobiography (2008) he credited his success to a willingness to take risks, work hard, bend the rules, be on the constant look-out for opportunities, and be dedicated to building the business. Start studying Sociology chapter 9. Philosophy. Sociology Chapter Four Terms. Identify the problems that Native American communities still struggle with today. Holt Sociology Chapter 9 Flashcards | Quizlet. 64.1% of Hispanic Americans come from ___________, 1.4% of Hispanic Americans come from ___________, 16.5% of Hispanic Americans come from ___________, 8.3% of Hispanic Americans come from ___________. The distribution of scarce resources and rewards is determined on the basis of achieved statuses. -For a black person, in the eyes of society, skin color is a defining characteristic. -The individual otherwise identifies as white. makes it easy to get the grade you want! Start studying Chapter 9 Sociology. Learn sociology 1010 chapter 9 with free interactive flashcards. First proposed by Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore. b. have unequal access to positions of power, prestige, and wealth and tend to be targets of prejudice and discrimination. A rating that combines social factors such as educational level, occupational prestige and place of residence with the economic factor of income. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Social Stratification Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. Identify the factors that contributed to the decline and near-disintegration of Native American cultures in North America, following the arrival of European explorers in the late fifteenth century. The use of DNA technology has been helpful to groups such as the _______, which have used this technology to _________ previously convicted individuals. a. Identify the examples of ancient beliefs about race that associated skin color with geographic or environmental factors. Our current concept of race is the product of a series of historical developments. Scarce resources and rewards are distributed on the basis of ascribed statuses, Marriage outside of one's own social category, Marriage within one's own social category. What was the racial atmosphere in the housing project where Dalton Conley grew up in the 1970s? Gender & Society Chapter Nine Sex and Gender Complex interaction between biology and culture shapes behavioral differences -Many newly arrived immigrants from Africa do not want to be grouped with the blacks already here. Identify the correct statements about the eugenics movement. SOCI 1311 Chapter 2 Quiz.pdf University of Texas, Arlington SOCI 1311 - Fall 2019 ... Sociology Ch 1 Intro to Sociology with review quiz.docx. -Middle Easterners are portrayed as sex-crazed. Sociologists define social class in terms of factors such as income occupation and education. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. How, according to Read, do Muslim American women often feel about the hijab, the Muslim headscarf? 276 Unit 3 Social Inequality Minorities I magine that one evening, you and eight friends are unable to decide whether to go bowling or to the movies. Status differences between generations in the same family- considered a special type of vertical mobility, A standard of living that is below the minimum level considered decent and reasonable by society, the likelihood individuals have of sharing in the oppertunities and benefits of society. Place the historical events in chronological order. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Identify the correct statements about race. c. comprise the small elite at the top of society who have most of the power, prestige, and wealth. -Skin color and other physical traits were attributed to environmental factors.