colorado state penitentiary visiting

The Department strives to make these visits comfortable and pleasant. ... Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison 3,625 Corcoran, Calif. ... visit the individual state pages listed at the bottom of this page. Staff medical practitioners will render final decisions in such matters. Other special visiting restrictions may be imposed in consideration of facility scheduling, space availability, security, and/or DOC employee constraints. Visiting arrangements can be made by calling or emailing the facility. Sheer/see through clothing is not allowed. -. How to quickly locate your transferred inmate? If a pull over, zipper, or button up sweater is worn, it shall be worn at all times inside the visiting area. Are there different rules based on the level of an inmate’s custody? Visit "Where can I get vaccinated" or call 1-877-COVAXCO (1-877-268-2926) for vaccine information. When a special visit is determined by the Administrative Head or designee to be in the best interest of the offender's rehabilitative needs or correctional goals. Where can I get a visitation application for CO DOC - Colorado State Penitentiary - (CSP)? Except at minimum security facilities, as described by or when restricted by facility Implementation/Adjustment forms, no food may be brought into a visiting area with the exception of baby food. Times will be posted as well as reflected in the facility Operational Memorandum. A short embrace and appropriate closed mouth kiss may be permitted at the beginning and at the end of each visit. Sanctions that will be Imposed for Violations A visitor who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity of the DOC, should contact the facility/office ADA coordinator as soon as possible but no later than seven business days before the scheduled visit. Any physical discipline of such minor children deemed necessary cannot occur on correctional facility property. The visitor must re-apply and have a background clearance completed prior to being reactivated as a visitor. Dermal jewelry implants that cannot be removed by the visitor will be allowed. Visiting Notes: Appointments are required for all visits. The Colorado Department of Corrections is committed to ensuring equal access to and full participation in services and programs for qualified individuals with disabilities, including visitors. Example: An approved visitor wanting to visit on Friday, Dec. 25, 2020 (Christmas Day), would be allowed to request a video visit on Friday, Dec. 18, 2020, between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Short Skits, Shorts, Dresses are not allowed if they come above the knee. The prison has over 984 prisoners. Fremont County. Visiting email: Verified possession will be by accepted testing procedures such as Narkit field testing and/or urinalysis screening. Modifications to Policies and Procedures: The DOC will make all reasonable modifications to policies and procedures to ensure that visitors have an equal opportunity to enjoy all of its services, programs, and activities. No hooded garments will be allowed in the visiting area. Visitors and offenders are required to obey all staff instructions and to comply with all Administrative Regulations. Visitor personal items authorized by facility Operational Memoranda to enter the facility must be carefully inspected for contraband. If you possess any items that are not allowed in the institution, this includes weapons, drugs, cell phones, cameras, etc. An approval to visit an offender may be revoked when information which would have resulted in denial of visits becomes known after an approval to visit has been granted. The DOC publishes the names of their current inmates and identifies which of their locations the inmate is being held. Cell phones, pagers, cameras, credit cards, prescriptions, books, cosmetics are all prohibited from being brought into the facility. Tight clothing, or clothing that is meant to accentuate the body such as spandex, and leggings, tube tops, and tank tops are not allowed. No life is beyond His reach. The offender or visitor attempts to damage or damages State property; The visitor attempts to smuggle any item into or out of the facility. The Administrative Head is the assigned authority to approve, deny, or delete names of visitors on visiting lists. If you have a wheelchair, cane or other device you may be required to exchange it temporarily for a prison issued device for the duration of your visit. Read a Short History of the Colorado State Penitentiary. In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), the Colorado Department of Corrections (hereafter referred to as “DOC”) will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs, or activities. Suspension and/or revocation from visiting privileges from one facility shall automatically include all other DOC facilities. Wrap-around clothing will not be allowed. One-time or infrequent visitors (i.e., one to two times per year): Appointments are required for all visits. Clothing Standards. Visitation by family and friends is encouraged and can be a positive influence during an inmate’s time in prison, as well as after the inmate’s release. Pat searches will be conducted on as many visitors as time permits upon visitor entry. Plan your Colorado vacation now and find out if you're Colo-Ready! Minor children must be named on the Visitor Application, but will not be counted toward the twelve (12) approved visitors.