when my son was five, he wanted to keep a pup. The story gain a place in Islam teachings because the animal was a dog (God knows that it will be an issue) and it shows that all animals should be treated equally with kindness only then will God look kindly to us as well. 69777. Share List For a long while, there has been a great debate within Islam as to the cleanliness of animals and, more specifically, dogs as house pets and companions for humans. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog.” But what is it that sparks such debate within the Islamic community while many other communities the world over enjoy the company of dogs […] Dar al-Ifta al Misriyyah is considered among the pioneering foundations for fatwa in the Islamic world.It has been the premier institute to represent Islam and the international flagship for Islamic legal research. This has been explained in the answer to question no. Since I live with my parents, he had to ask their permission. But in all cases, scholars of usul (jurisprudence) know that this typology of hadith, ie. Islamic Dream Interpretation Dogfight. Dealing in dogs on the other hand is strictly forbidden (al-Bukhari, Buyu’ bab 25). The animal that is kept should not be a dog, because Islam has forbidden keeping dogs except guard dogs and hunting dogs. ... Keeping a dog inside the house. Source: Ibn Sirin. Yet many Muslims all over the world have dogs, and dogs figure prominently is some Islamic countries, such as Turkey, famous for its Kangal and Akbash breeds. Hot Network Questions Now, my father is a conservative Muslim. But most compelling is the Qur'anic description of a dog who kept company with righteous youths escaping religious persecution. The Qur'an allows the use of hunting dogs, which is one of the reasons the Maliki school makes a distinction between domestic and wild dogs - since we can eat game that has been in a retriever's mouth. 1) Disturbing the electricity: Muhammad (saw) said, “The jinn will play with the flame.” 2) Seeing small stones being thrown inside the house and the doors are closed 3) Moving objects 4) When plates are dropped from the hands of people or doors slamming: Muhammad (saw) said, “If you hear the dog … Source: Ibn Sirin. Dogfight in a dream means love for the world. Posted Mar 23, 2010 Many years ago. There are some hadith (word of prophet Muhammad) stating that “angels of God’s mercy and grace do not enter the house with a dog in it, some rewards of that home owner that he won for his good deeds decrease everyday, but it is permissible raising a dog for the purpose of hunting, for the sheep, and as a … But in spite of its impurity and dangerousness the Arabs are able to appreciate the good qualities and services of the dog. Islamic Dream Interpretation Expedition of Hounds With that out of the way, let's talk dogs. Dogs and Islam: The Devil and the Seeing-Eye Dog A recent story reveals the interesting history of dogs in Islamic tradition. If one sees a sick house dog in a dream means financial losses, losses of appetite, illness or losing the pleasure of living. Talmud Shabbath, fol 63: "whoever possesses a dangerous dog keeps good fortune away from his house"). Islamic Dream Interpretation Sick House Dog. I am a Muslim.