Go to the tab WAN -> Select INTERNET_B_xxx -> in WAN mode Select Bridge WAN -> At the option of binding options select the LAN port ... Quite so first Mikrotik Tutorial on How to Set Bridge Modem Indihome ZTE F660 and F609, Setting Bridge Modem Huawei Indihome HG8245A, and Setting Mikrotik Speedy Bridge Indihome. ทำมา 2 วัน แล้วยังไม่ได้เลย ตั้งเสร็จกลับมาเป็นเหมือนเดิมตลอดใครพอมีวิธีบ้างครับ ต่อกับ tp-link archer d7 . When the corresponding indicators on the front panel are On, you can enjoy various services provided by the service provider. Mode ini yang nantinya akan memfungsikan wireless interface akan jadi apa, apakah access point (pemancar), Station (penerima), Repeater, dll. Jika kamu sudah memilihi mode bridge namun tidak berubah maka kamu harus mengembalikan software modem ZTE F609 tersebut. Jual beli online aman dan nyaman hanya di Tokopedia. Je suis chez la Sonatel (Orange Sénégal) avec une fibre à 60 méga et un routeur/modem bien pourri qui ne fait même pas du wifi ac (ZTE F660). Run the interface gpon command to enter the GPON mode. Kutip Balas. Took them just a couple of minutes. Y. Cara Setting Modem Indiehome Fiber Mode Bridge Untuk PPPoE Mikrotik Modem Indihome Huawei HG8245A ZTE F660 dan F609 ... Cara Setting Bridge Modem Indihome ZTE F660 dan F609. If you want to manually change the Converge modem to bridge mode, you’ll need the username password to login to the modem’s web settings. Atur Port Bidding. I put it in bridge mode so it has public IP. V6.0 Original ZTE ZXHN F660 GPON ONT 1GE+3FE+1POTS+WIFI+USB English Firmware SIP … NOTE: An auto-find ONT is in the auto-find state. Press Enter sendcmd 1 DB P ( press enter) sendcmd 1 DB P DevAuth info ( press enter) EVERYTHING IN RED TEXT YOU NEED TO ENTER IN CMD AND PRESS ENTER EACH TIME COMMAND IS TYPED if you follow all correct then … Informatii ZTE F660 si F660RV1 la Digi Cele doua modele de echipamente de retea ZTE ZXHN (F660 si F660RV1) sunt doua dintre cele mai cunoscute modele oferite de Digi (RCS – RDS), in acest articol vom detalia informatii despre aceste echipamente. Yg ane bingung konfigurasi setting mna aja yg … All this should do is disable dhcp. ขอวิธีการทำ Bridge Mode ของ TOT - ONU ZTE F660 . homelybore; Aug 16, 2020; Hathway Broadband H Fiber FTTH; Replies 9 Views 3,231. gauravpachar; Sep 7, 2020; … Il m'a fallu 1 mois, juste pour faire passer l'ONT en Bridge mode et m'affranchir de son routeur intégré. Page 11 Figure 7-1 Entire Connection After the devices are connected to the ZXHN F660 device, press the power button. Sujet normal Sujet populaire (plus de 15 interventions) Sujet très populaire (plus de 25 interventions) b. Please, you try and apply on your Speedy Indihome Modem. 0 szavazat. 5. yihoyok965; May 9, 2020; Hathway Broadband; Replies 7 Views 2,290. Dupa ce am trecut echipamentul de la Digi in modul bridge si am ales portul corect, introducem celalalt capat al cablului in routerul personal in portul WAN. 1-1 1.2 Packing List. To switch to bridge mode TOT technicians came to my house but they didn't configure the ZTE themselves. Oct 10, 2020. rnav93. Lapor Hansip. ท่านใด มี ZTE F660 ลองตั้ง Bridge ตามนี้ดูครับ ปล. Saya pribadi hanya terbiasa menggunakan mode ap-bridge, station, dan station-bridge, selain mode itu saya tidak begitu paham fungsinya. B. Zte F660 Bridge Mode; Zte Zxa10 F660 User Manual; Zte F660 Port Forwarding; Contents Preface.I Chapter 1 Overview.1-1 1.1 Product Introduction. dudung219 . 17., cs - 16:01 ) Válasz AiRLAC Bridge mode és saját üzenetére. zte f660 ของผม ตั้งbridge mode แล้ว มีเราเตอร์ humax ตั้งเป็น ppoe แล้วใช้เน็ต ได้ปกติทุกอย่าง อยากทราบว่า ทำใมเข้าดูหน้าเซตอัพเราเตอร์ ของ zte ไม่ได้อ่ะครับ ทั . Remplacer la box SFR par un routeur. Wifi Zte | Zte F660 V6.0 Gpon Ont | Router Wifi | Modem Zte F660 | Bridge Mode Gpon Onu . Cari produk Modem Wifi lainnya di Tokopedia. By default, the ONT auto-find function of a GPON port is disabled. วิธีเซ็ต Bridge Mode Router AIS Fibre AKC System - Collaborative Learning Center ศูนย์กลางการเรียนรู้ร่วมกัน Question; how to configure zte zxhn f660 net+ modem so that it can be used with bsnl ftth . I heard that in order to do this I have to change the current ZTE mode into bridge mode. I am using Indihome at my home and i planing to replace the provided ZTE F660 with my own ASUS router so that i can have greater control for my traffic. 27-06-2018 21:22 . 01. ZTE F660 – portul LAN4, are 4 porturi; Huawei EchoLife HG8245H – portul LAN1, are 4 porturi ; Huawei 8143A5 – portul LAN1; Configurare router personal (TP-Link, DLink, Tenda, etc.) Ada yg tau cara setting modem ZTE ZXA10 F660? Nyalakan Notifikasi . Ane pake koneksi Speedy udah punya username dan password. ผมไม่เคยลองนะครับ เพราะผมไม่ได้อยู่หน้าเครื่อง ONU นี้อยู่ต่างจังหวัด แล้วผม remote ไป capture screen มาไห้ดูครับ Sebelumnya, perlu kita ketahui bahwa Modem GPON ZTE F660 dan F609 indihome ini default nya tidak bisa diseting bridge karena belum ada konfigurasi di sisi Optical Network Terminal (ONT) nya. Kalau cara Backup config modem zte f660 gimana mas? I have a TOT supplied ZTE F660 and that is in bridge mode. Pour les infos techniques tu devines la suite. Under Interface Settings, there is a radio button choice whether to activate or deactivate Bridge Mode Setting it up is a bit more complicated than just changing that, I think. En l'activant, votre box OVH n'agira plus en tant que routeur. Langkah selanjutnya adalah menghubungkan satu router ke router lainya menggunakan port bidding, masuk ke menu Network >> WAN >> Port Binding. Indihome ZTE F660 Bridge Mode Question . Close. Retrouvez pour Sagemcom - Livebox 5 la liste des caractéristiques techniques, le mode d'emploi, la fiche technique, les services compatibles ou encore le contenu du coffret. Jual Modem Wifi Router ZTE ZXA10 F660 V1 ONT GPON ONU Antena Internal dengan harga Rp100.000 dari toko online DEFIFA, Kab. How to set up bridge mode on ZTE F660? Indihome ZTE F660 Bridge Mode Question. After the function is enabled, you can add EG8145V5 according to the information reported by the system. Step 1: Access the web-based setup page. 23-07-2018 16:13 . ทำมา 2 วัน แล้วยังไม่ได้เลย ตั้งเสร็จกลับมาเป็นเหมือนเดิมตลอดใครพอมีวิธีบ้างครับ ต่อกับ tp-link archer d7 . Hack the Username and Password of all modem ZTE (F660 and F609) Open cmd Type the commends Telnet your ip ( Press Enter Login = root. Desi aceste modele sunt oferite deja de cativa ani buni, inca sunt multi abonati care le detin. dupa trecerea ONT-ului in modul bridge. 1-2 1.3 Features and Specifications.1-2 1.4 Product Appearance. Archived. views … Mode wireless kita jumpai di properties interface wireless. … Apakah teman-teman memiliki koneksi internet dari Modem ZTE F609/F660 dengan konfigurasi mode Bridge dan Mikrotik sebagai PPPoE Client, dan ingin memanfaatkan Wifi dari Modem ZTE F609/F660 … 1-6 Chapter 2 Configuration Preparation.2-1 2.1 Preliminary Setup. Bogor. La seule solution qui reste et qui marche ici, est de faire passer le ZTE F660, en mode bridge (désactivation de sa fonction routeur) et le coller à un routeur comme l'Asus dont vous parlez, mais cela est une autre histoire. Question. Bridge mode és saját router?-- "After successfully ignoring Google, FAQ's, the board search and leaving a undecipherable post in the wrong sub-forum don't expect an intelligent reply." Cara Mengatasi Zte F609 tidak ada Mode Bridge Connection. Question. Posted by 7 months ago. Shenzhen Phifo Technology Co., Limited. Step 2: On the Basic Setup sub-tab, set Encapsulation to Bridged Mode Only. Untuk setting bridge … A hozzászóláshoz be kell jelentkezni ( Mikee | 2019. Activer le mode bridge: permet d'activer ou de désactiver le mode bridge de votre box. Run the port portid ont-auto-find command to enable the auto-find function of the ONT. Jan 10, 2021. balaji345. Pour gérer ce mode, vous devez cocher ou décocher la case à côté Mode bridge activé. Favorites Compare. Contact Supplier. Au Maroc, par exemple, la fonction bridge est désactivée par défaut chez Orange, alors qu'elle peut être activée chez Maroc Télécom. 94.0% Response Rate. Press Enter Pass = Zte521. Même le login et le mot de passe de connexion pppoe semblent être des secrets d'états que l'opérateur refuse de nous fournir alors que c'est un droit contractuel. 150Mbps plan : Router Provided. Newbie Posts: 1 #8. New Ftth Router ZTE F660 V5.2 4GE+2 Phone+Wifi+USB GPON ONU ZXHN F660 V5.2 External Antenna. Put the device in bridged mode and do not use the connection labeled "WAN". ขอวิธีการทำ Bridge Mode ของ TOT - ONU ZTE F660 . 1-3 1.5 System Requirements.1-6 1.6 System Application Environment. Contact Details. Le problème est que quand je suis sur l'interface du Edgerouter, le port eth0/45 ne reçoit pas d'adresse IP et je ne peux donc pas me connecter à internet. Well, first I check modem cable bridge mode with a PC and It´s OK, the PC has a external IP 85.136.x.x The problem is when I connect modem cable (port 1) … Ubah WAN Connection Menjadi Bridge. They made a call to the network centre and it was done from there. 1. You might need to adjust other settings, as well.