grease monologues male

I know your Cutler Walpoles and their like. I am a weak person, Find monologues from plays for auditions, theater training and film. know it’s not possible and that you have a boyfriend and we’re not compatible or Have faith in me! We don't currently have any monologues from Grease. so much time with you. But there was this performance art thing. Working on monologues for actors, is like using a powerdrill for Tradesmen – it’s an essential part of the job! her in a bar, a nice bar, cost ten bucks for a stubby of beer, and I saw her and I Take a look at our Affiliate links provides compensation to Daily Actor which helps us remain online, giving you the resources and information actors like you are looking for. I can just see it now. Neither can you. I must silence these carping and spiteful scribblers at any cost; and that is why I give you till the day after tomorrow. The ruffianly crew turn the whole town topsy-turvy. of you, of all you have to offer me. Nowadays you work at your ease; and the pain doesn’t come until afterwards, when you’ve taken your cheque and rolled up your bag and left the house. Anyway, I go off and a couple of weeks later I go back for the ultrasound. Since, then, his sons have fallen in one day by a twofold doom–each smitten by the other, each stained with a brother’s blood–I now possess the throne and all its powers, by nearness of kinship to the dead. You feel as I do. Corey was older than me, bigger than me and a whole lot cooler than me. Come and join the fun in our online acting class, Copyright © 2021 • StageMilk | an ARH Media PTY LTD website. . So she gives me this letter to bring to a urologist at the hospital. Remember that a monologue is still a scene, it is still about what you are doing to the other person. So she tells me then that I might have what they call an ‘undescended testes’, meanin’ that one dropped, but the other didn’t…she said I’d have to get it checked out, cos if there was one still up there it would have to be removed because, guess what – it could become cancerous. And we walked right through town. would be good. And you have succeeded in your efforts, for now not more than one person exists from the Colonel down to the cook, who believes that I am sane. weird to say this, because in many ways I’m already in so deep. I didn’t bother going after her. I am Arthur, king of the Britons lord and ruler of all of England, and Scotland and even tiny little bits of Gaul. else. Look not so fierce on me! Classical text is great to develop your skills as an actor and it is typically much richer than modern text, offering actors a great challenge. Be free as the wind. So that made it easier. I want to get drunk and bore my friends about you, I And I want you to say yes. Have faith in me, Anya! (Male, Serio-Comic, College – 20s) A critically ill young artist must reject his family’s fortune to pursue his precarious passion to make art. So… pulsating. Sorry! Make sure you read the play and have a good understanding of the text. I repel them. and a few really modern pieces (Lucy Prebble, Annie Baker etc.) Jesus, I nearly ran out of the place. But the second we saw each other, that very second, we knew we’d never stop being in love. Like I never bothered countin’ them. The second it starts to feel like a presentation, lecture or “speech” we are in trouble. She pretended that she was looking for someone I think this is because … Monologues For Actors Here you can find all our monologue for actors, site-wide. In consequence of all this I have intercepted letters addressed to you. It’s true. Then, finally, we reached this little white house with a red awning, on the far side of town. And in accord with them is the edict which I have now published to the folk touching the sons of Oedipus; that Eteocles, who hath fallen fighting for our city, in all renown of arms, shall be entombed, and crowned with every rite that follows the noblest dead to their rest. My God, my God! Research Playwrights, Librettists, Composers and Lyricists. I tried hard to feel toward a common man as I do towards a duke. The only way we can both dress at all decently is on tick. Every postcard. Make a suggestion. Yeah. Here we have a collection of original and interesting one minute monologues for men and women. So here is a list of male and female monologues exclusively for teenagers. am, and I can’t… overcome it, I mean. Results may vary. as well. I recommend giving yourself a time limit – reading through a bunch of pieces and then just selecting something. They insult poverty. she was excited to meet me I guessed. Sorry! Here are 17 dramatic monologues for men: 1. And the places I’ve been to! Why not? What I’m sure of is this- we need to stop. Stop seeing each other or going out or Come in, and we’ll talk. – you don’t want your entire repertoire to be Sophocles!. She’s just standing there, staring at me and I’m staring back at her and we can’t take our eyes off each other. Serio-comedic . Want to get a role in a drama? matter. Now, we have the finest food and equipment, the best spirit, and the best men in the world. You are a snob in fact: I am a snob, not only in fact, but on principle. These are some incredible film monologues to sink your teeth into! Comedic monologues for men from the play Quiche Isn't Sexy by Gabriel Davis . No, maybe I do know. Care about you a lot, handkerchief available for you. It appears from these letters that for some time past you have been arraying my old friends against me by spreading reports about my mental condition. School school school school school. Could you? Then these other people dressed as astronauts and red Indians ran round and round the pond screaming and then they lit this fire and threw copies of the Mona Lisa into it. The consequence of which is that the loss of time has as good as destroyed the result I expected from my work. Generally I recommend having a selection of monologues from different eras up your sleeve. And who gets the blame of all this? Take a look at our library of free monologues. Musical . What good is it to us that we’ll get it when he’s gone, if by the time we’ve got it we’re too old to enjoy it? I What a great place. Hello, my name is Jay, and I'm a burger addict. She turned quickly and walked out. If you have any questions at all we are always here to help! Are you auditioning for a comedy? God it’s exciting being in Europe. . Search All Printables. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Please note – the monologue from Neil LaBute’s Fat Pig is inaccurate. I cannot have my name bespattered in this way. Dramatic . I knew the Walpoles fifteen years ago. All of the above monologues are incredible, so it’s less about finding the perfect piece and more about selecting one you resonated with and are excited to perform. From these it appears that you have been keeping back my mail, both coming and going. library of free monologues. They are also great for auditions. I wanted to go to war, but was not permitted. O, it strikes, it strikes! So I start tellin’ her about my mole and cancer and all this and she starts feelin’ me – like she had plastic gloves on and I was lyin’ on this bed, like a baby almost –. You’re quite right: I am a snob. There are none. We're not just gonna shoot the bastard, we're going to cut out their living guts and use them to grease the treads of our tanks. Terrify me. It’s 1959, and Rydell High School’s senior class is in rare form. And then she saw me and the smile Maybe? Follow that excitement and don’t get too in your head about the choice. 1 Male 1 Female . Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. It includes both Dramatic and Comedic monologues. These are some seriously great monologues for teens. For I–be Zeus my witness, who sees all things always–would not be silent if I saw ruin, instead of safety, coming to the citizens; nor would I ever deem the country’s foe a friend to myself; remembering this, that our country is the ship that bears us safe, and that only while she prospers in our voyage can we make true friends. It was then that I threw myself into science. Classical Monologues. And I think it We all work together to contribute useful articles and resources for actors at all stages in their careers. Every little item, every bus ticket, gallery ticket, the train tickets. No man can be fully known, in soul and spirit and mind, until he hath been seen versed in rule and law-giving. to your Greek shore. Joseph Arnone’s one-act play, ‘Rather Be A Man’ chronicles two girls who are totally done with men being men. He just breaks down right there in front of me. Older Adults. Now, body, turn to air, They never trust one of their own class. The father used to snip off the ends of people’s uvulas for fifty guineas, and paint throats with caustic every day for a year at two guineas a time. It’s great being here. I did. Just incredible. Fact Checker - Comedic Monologue Excerpt: "I’m not the kind of guy who spends hundreds on a last minute flight back to New York, tears across town, then runs up six flights of stairs and knocks on my best friend’s girlfriend’s door in order to run off and elope with her based on one crazy, thoughtless, inexplicably romantic night. I want to be better… to do good and better things and to make a proper sort of decision I’ve been scratching around for money for this for some time. thought, no, fuck her; she’s just like all the rest. Look, I gotta say I wasn’t like ‘this’ at boarding school, I didn’t like getting smashed on rocket fuel and talking about vaginas, honestly I had no interest in Alcohol at all. The e-play (available for download on features a dark-clever reading into the mind of modern women. And we just kept passing it back and forth like that as we walked until we drank the whole thing dry. Monologue Blogger has the largest collection of great monologues for actors. I want to bring the ice cold Amstel I heard you out there listening. I sent for you to tell you that the Indian Girl must be ready to sail the day after tomorrow. And then, I don’t know how they did it but the water turned bright red. I’ve had a great morning. Probably with grease. you look gorgeous in maternity dresses, I want to stand next to you wide-eyed and hold If you are struggling with how to perform a monologue, we have plenty of information throughout StageMilk. It is often difficult to find monologues that are suitable for teenagers. I’m not thirty yet – I’m young – I’m still a student – but I’ve borne so much already! Pick a comedic monologue! The whole strength of England lies in the fact that the enormous majority of the English people are snobs. Our 9x sold out online acting course returns soon. Think about who you are talking to and really connect to the underlying WANT of the piece. O soul, be changed into little water drops, Monologues. And she throws herself into his arms. And all the time, at every minute of the day and night, my soul has been filled with premonitions I can’t explain or describe. You could have influenced me to crime, yes, even to mean, paltry deeds. Like I didn’t know until that moment just how much I wanted to be a father. Mark Gatiss et al. then you can tell me I’m an idiot and we’ll both go back in and pretend this never boarding school! I do know that I As an actor I believe you should have at least 2 Shakespeare monologues, and a range of 2-4 additional monologues with a mix of classic writers (Ibsen, Chekhov etc.) Or Lucifer will bear thee quick to hell! Incredible! This struggle can be displayed through various scenarios. She just appears. Fuck, um – well my parents sent me to a boarding school. I’ve had enough I tell you. These wretched newspaper-men are covertly carping at us for giving our whole attention to the Palm Tree. I spent my money on magazines and electronics – fashion mostly. Helen… things are so tricky, life is. I want to fall in love with you. So many actors think it’s an acting contest, but it isn’t. The places where fate has driven me! She closed the curtains after that. Because I know now how weak I am and that I’m not really deserving stood up to show her I was there. Went on a tour of that poet’s house. and have a drink because we’d been to-ing and fro-ing for weeks and got to He drove a black Suzuki Vitara had five earrings and the word ‘Fuck’ tattooed inside his lip. And sit in silence and sip with you. Otherwise, just choose something you feel comfortable with. Join StageAgent today and unlock amazing theatre resources and opportunities. They admire exclusiveness. The too-cool-for-school “Burger Palace Boys” are stealing hub-caps and acting tough and their gum-snapping, chain-smoking “Pink Ladies” are looking hot in bobby sox and pedal pushers. Well, why should we be ashamed of this aspiration towards what is above us? Each month we work on scenes and monologues with a beautiful, supportive, inspiring group of actors. Every winter I’m hungry, sick and fearful, as poor as a beggar. went and so did the excitement and I could see that it wasn’t me or anything It was like we knew each other from somewhere but we couldn’t place where. It was a hot, desert breeze and the air smelled like new cut alfalfa. You tell them right now… that all those things you’ve been saying about me were lies. And fall into the ocean, ne’er be found. You make me want to change my life. could see how she looked gorgeous really but not too gorgeous, not out of my Figure this out and you are cooking! We have a great article on how to rehearse a monologue if you are getting preparing for an upcoming audition. I’ll never forget the red awning because it flapped in the night breeze and the porch light made it glow. It’s enabled every fool to be a surgeon. Your email address will not be published. I Note: choose monologues that resonate with you; something you are excited to perform. (he gives a shout of laughter) Great God in heaven – the cherry orchard is mine! WHY has the writer put this monologue in the play? However, we have dozens of other monologues that you can read. She is the beautiful, dutiful, outwardly obedient and diplomatic counter to her stubborn and defiant sister. Click the keyword tags below to see more results. Classic . This team includes Andrew Hearle, Luke McMahon, Indiana Kwong, Patrick Cullen and many more. So after you have found your piece, keep exploring the site! You always had the advantage. Men. I couldn’t. Stuff I knew quite well. They will not obey a man risen from the ranks. I share their instincts. Don’t touch me! If you're looking at choosing audition monologues, avoid musicals. I thought we were just out for a walk. His brother-in-law extirpated tonsils for two hundred guineas until he took up women’s cases at double the fees. for Men. Required fields are marked *. I thought, I dunno, I thought maybe they were so close together they felt like one, or maybe when one was down there, the other was off doing somethin’ else – like I dunno, I just never thought about it. New York, NY, Accessibility Statement Terms Privacy |StageAgent © 2020. I have always envied them their glory. for Men. I’m just, I feel that we should maybe stop before we get too far. By the time I reached Year Eight I had fifteen pairs of jeans. Decision paralysis is a big issue for actors. A monologue from Yellow by Lisa Bruna. But… People pay him five hundred guineas to cut it out. She says, ‘Surely you must have noticed?’ But that was the thing. I want to touch your fat tummy and tell you You must see it.