Welcome to our Macros guide for Hunters where you will find out what the best macros are for your Hunter in WoW Classic. Most recent; Most viewed; Highest rated; Search: Search. In this post I will give you a list of useful Hunter macros and give you the basic tools to write your own! I. Specially macros that do 2-3 spells/abilities at once. 10. General Macros. Full Macro List: https://github.com/vayd-dev/classic-hunter-macros Addons can provide you with information that ⦠The guide includes Talents, Glyphs, Gems, Enchantments, Add-ons, Gameplay & ⦠Here you'll learn more about the best Hunter PvP races, best Hunter PvP Professions, all Hunter important PvP abilities, best Hunter PvP builds, stats, and best Hunter PvP Gear. Whether you want to optimize your PvP play or your raiding experience, macros are super simple to create. like us on Facebook get email updates share your macros follow on twitter. Thanks. This up-to-date guide aims to help you improve as a Beast Mastery Hunter in all aspects of arena PvP. Very useful for PvE & PvP! Guide originally from TKA Something. Donorbashed's Hunter Emporium I have had the help of two hunters during ⦠General; Death Knight; Demon Hunter; Druid; Hunter; Mage; Monk; Paladin; Priest; Rogue; Shaman; Warlock; Warrior; Macros; Forums; Skill Capped > Macros > Choose Macros Category Choose Macros Category. Why hunter macros are so useful. This macro will set a friendly target as your focus, assist your focus if you have one, and cast hunter's mark on an enemy target. Class: Hunter. i got a good hunter macro /cast bestial wrath /cast kill command . You can link spells, cast different abilities depending on the target, create custom targeting conditions, and so much more. [Hunter's Mark] This macro will set a friendly target as your focus, assist your focus if you have one, and cast hunter's mark on an enemy target. Use the same thing for Tranquilizing Shot, Concussive Shot, any of the PvP stings, etc. The fix is very simple and works in pvp on my hunter also for my paladins healing is by changing your (SpellQueueWindow)⦠So since i smash buttons fast i want things to register as i press them fast so i set my Window near my Ping! High quality Wow hunter pvp macros, tested and verified! Check the Macros section to see how you add 18 BM Macros instantly to your character. 2017-03-19, 05:31 PM #2. This page is part of our Havoc Demon Hunter PvP Guide. Filed Under: Hunter Macros, Hunter PvP Tagged With: arena, battlegrounds, macros, pets, pvp. The melee macro doesn't work at all. Get the macro here! 1 Votes. Basic mouseover/focus/target macro for Counter Shot. High quality Wow hunter pvp macros, tested and verified! In this section of the guide, we will cover every useful macro for Survival Hunters in PvP, including pet macros. About the Author Ssds has achieved Rank 1 12 times. Since your spells are sent in batches due to spell batching. [Avatar & Signature Guidelines] Reply With Quote. Improved Stable Frame Revamps the Hunter stable frame to show all of your pet stable slots on a single page rather than 6 pages. Petattack Macros It is a good idea to include a command to force your pet to switch to your current important target. They can make use of conditions to be situational, like only firing off in combat or when your enemy is a certain class, which saves you more time and thought. Hey everyone, I'm really happy to present my first official PvP video of Classic WoW. Home; Why Skill Capped; Contributors; Videos; Class Guides. As stated, macros can reduce the number of keybinds you need, which can help to keep all your abilities within reach on a class that has a lot of abilities, like a hunter. PvP material, and even some MoP related topics once Warmane decides to make the change. They can make use of conditions to be situational, like only firing off in combat or when your enemy is a certain class, which saves you more time and thought. Classic Hunter Macro ⦠We will also cover the best PvP addons for Survival Hunters, and for PvP in general. diablosdaddy says. view . The macro window can be accessed by typing /macro or by opening the Game Menu and selecting Macros. The following list is the ten best hunter macros to use in the Battle for Azeroth expansion. in the macros). Log in. Deleted. The majority of the macros you will see in this guide are essential, there's just a few ones that are optionals. Foreword; 2. It also includes advice on talent builds and PvP talent builds for Beast Mastery Hunters, as well as recommended gear, essences, macros, and addons for PvP. Guide Type: Classes. Wow macro tip: You can simulate a button click with /click - has interesting, but limited uses. 1 Posts. uber power macro if used right ð Reply. see all macro tips read macro guides. I made this to help Warmane's hunters. It is a hole created by the toggle on Autoshot (the same reason we use the ! see all macro tips read macro guides. TABLE OF CONTENTS OF THIS PAGE. content video guide pve new pvp hunter macro ⢠⢠muhshuh 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS OF ⦠In this guide, I will show you some hunter macros that I use myself, too. This did not work BEFORE Patch 2.3 when the macro command for Auto Shot was changed. It will never be modified, or otherwise adapted to fit other Private Servers. These macros are made for the 1.12.1 client version of World of Warcraft. Hey, I play a Survival Hunter and was wondering if there were macros to auto drop my Caltrops and Explosive trap at my feet. Taunt pets author: Mystic | last updated: May 2, 20 This macro allows you to taunt pets to potentially break crowd control on yourself. 6 Posts. No one has replied Hunter Macros & Tips content guide pve leveling written pvp hunter macro ⢠⢠WatchYourSixx 6. ; Zorlen is a function library that provides tons of benefits and they are used throughout all the macros. Unlike Macros, managing Addons is done outside of the game, but our How to Install and Maintain Addons Guide will take you step-by-step through the process. Personally, I take this as a bug, but even so, this is the BEST DPS MACRO FOR A BM HUNTER. 23262 Views. https://pastebin.com/raw/7Gbx49YRHave questions about GSE macros? If you are close to the character limit /use. Player Master's Call author: Mystic | last updated: May 1, 20 This macro uses master's call on yourself without having to target yourself #showtooltip /cast [target=player] Master's Call #showtooltip Hunter's Mark /assist [@focus, exists] /cast [harm] Hunter's Mark; /focus [help] Aspect of the Cheetah / Pack by mouse click. Classic Macros Guides . The previous patch on the beta fixed pet A.I. As stated, macros can reduce the number of keybinds you need, which can help to keep all your abilities within reach on a class that has a lot of abilities, like a hunter. Especially as a hunter, macros can save you a lot of time and effort, since you have to manage your pet and yourself at the same time. #show /cast [talent:1/3] Felblade /cast ⦠like us on Facebook get email updates share your macros follow on twitter. High quality Wow hunter pvp macros, tested and verified! Have a few macros that are just: #showtooltip /cast Smoke Bomb /cast Dismantle /cast Thorns /cast Overgrowth /cast [any ability for any spec youâre using the macro for] Then in the scrip you just set up a frame that listens to PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD and PLAYER_PVP_TALENT_UPDATE and runs that G"ability" code right inside the script. Welcome to our Macros guide for Hunters where you will find out what the best macros are for your Hunter in WoW Classic. Skill Capped is the leading World of Warcraft PVP instructional videos, articles . Hey Just started playing some BM for the first time here in BfA, played a bit of MM in Legion etc. 52125 views ; 22 up votes; Hunter dps 5.1 macro. Most recent; Most viewed; Highest rated; Search: Search. Note that Counter Shot inherently includes /stopcasting, while none of the other targeted utility I mentioned has that. They allow players to use abilities on enemies without having to target them. BM Hunter macros. Wow macro tip: The commands /cast and /use are identical. There will be occasions where I try to place the trap down at my feet but will end up clicking on a friendly player which briefly stops my auto attacks. When pursuing a mob far away they will use it, but they WONT use it if it comes off of cooldown and they are in melee range of whatever they are fighting (like on many private servers). In this guide, you will learn about playing a Marksmanship Hunter in the arena or a battleground. 1. 1 Druid Macro Guide 2 Hunter Macro Guide 3 Mage Macro Guide 4 Paladin Macro Guide 5 Rogue Macro Guide 6 Shaman Macro Guide 7 Warlock Macro Guide 8 Warrior Macro Guide. Our Hunter guides are always updated with the latest information from in-game experience, theorycrafting, and logs; make sure to check our changelog to this page, by clicking on View Changelog at the top of the page. Previous Post: « SV Talents Overview: Tier 4. like us on Facebook get email updates share your macros follow on twitter. diablosdaddy says. so now pets will use dash and dive intelligently. Reading the icy-veins guide for BM, there is some stuff about macros, and I would like to make sure I understand this correct: 1.1.4. Next Post: Oozeworm » Comments. #showtooltip Hunter's Mark /assist [@focus, exists] /cast [harm] Hunter's Mark; /focus [help] This one will switch to Aspect of the Hawk (or keep Aspect of the Hawk if active already) before placing a Hunter's Mark. Macros are crucial to be successful in PvP. 1 Druid Addons Guide 2 Hunter Addons Guide 3 Mage Addons Guide 4 Paladin Addons Guide 5 Priest Addons & Macro Guide 6 Rogue Addons Guide 7 Shaman Addons Guide 8 Warlock Addons Guide 9 Warrior Addons Guide. Combat initiation for hunters #showtooltip Auto Shot /cast !Auto Shot /petattack /cast Hunter's Mark . I make use of these addons very heavily: SuperMacro allows the creation of longer macros than the default and the ability to run one macro from another, which is used in several macros below. July 15, 2012 at 5:21 am. This helps increase overall damage/healing and general awareness in the arena. Use this macro to easily swap to and from the felblade + demon blades build without having to rebind demon's bite. Vanilla WoW Lazy Hunter Macros Vanilla WoW Guides. Hunter's Mark. You no longer need to macro stuff like dash and dive into these macros. For example when a hunter is about to freezing trap you, if you taunt the pet just before it you'll be able to break the trap by taking damage from the hunters pet. Macro Basics . Pet Attack Macros 139867 Views. Classic Addons Guides . Check out the FAQ! Arena macros make gameplay feel more fluid and make it easier to make quick decisions. Welcome to the Marksmanship Hunter PVP guide for World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5a. Most recent; Most viewed; Highest rated; Search: Search. To play any hunter spec you will need macros, so here is how you do it. 0 Votes. Welcome to Wowhead's Survival Hunter Arena PvP Guide! Wow macro tip: Use /run to perform powerful addon-like functionality in the LUA syntax. While other servers are more than welcome to use these resources, all of this information is Warmane-specific. 13920 views; 0 up votes; All in one Bullheaded arena macro. see all macro tips read macro guides. The fact that I am a lazy, lazy, LAZY player means I set these up the bomb, requiring minimal effort to use. view. view . July 15, 2012 at 5:22 am. Here are a few macros that all Havoc Demon Hunters can benefit from.