kettlebell long cycle rules

• Informs spectators and participants of competition results. • Prepares the necessary technical documents and is responsible for their accuracy. Representatives, coaches and participants are forbidden from the lifting area during the competition. Lifters may be disqualified from competition due to hand injury, if the Head Judge deems them a danger to other lifters. In the event of a tie, the winner should be determined by: • The participant having a lighter body weight before performance. Staying with the weights for 10 minutes is a mental and physical challenge. Participants are required to follow these guidelines regarding uniform and equipment: • The uniform can consist of one or two parts: shorts / tights (showing the knee), weightlifting suit, a t-shirt, or a sleeveless shirt, • Sleeves of the t-shirt should not cover elbow joints. Wednesday: Long cycle 4 sets of 5 minutes @ 24kg, 26kg and 2 sets @ 20kg. The hosting organization shall be in charge of the selection of judges for competitions. The JERK is carried out from the following starting position: kettlebells are fixed on the chest, arms are pressed to the trunk, legs are straightened. Best overall lifter will be designated by male 24 kg 28 and 32. The performance of the SNATCH is carried out in one step from the starting position between the legs. The warm-up and preparation shall be near the competition platforms. The rule of the kettlebell sports workout are quite simple, and these are usually separated into either the biathlon or the long cycle. Blech... Powerlifting rules are much more the same, IMHO. 5.3. • Together with one of members of the Main Judiciary Board prior to the beginning of competitions, confirms the weighing and measurement of parameters of kettlebells and makes the official certificate about their conformity with the rules and regulations. 4.6. You have two variables to manipulate here: weight and pace. 7. There will be best overall lifter for 16, for 20, 24 and 28 and 32. You start the long cycle by holding the kettlebell to your chest and then complete the jerk overhead, repeatedly a number of times. The winner is defined in each weight category by greatest sum of rises (successful reps overhead). There are multiple events in various Kettlebell sport organizations. • To supervise the competition and to resolve any matters or complications. Each properly executed repetition is accompanied by a signal of the platform judge. EXTREME KETTLEBELL MARATHON RULES “SUPER MARATHON”, FROM 2 TO 4 HOURS. There are three types of competitions in kettlebell lifting: In individual only events, the individual’s score determines his/her place in the competition. In smaller, regional events, if the number of participants is small, some weight categories may be combined. I can only do intervals with them for jerk, and maybe snatch for 40 reps on a side currently. • Gives participants sufficient warning before they are called onto the platform. 5.18. 5.1. LONG CYCLE (TALC) 5 MIN. If so, do 2-3 C&Js per repeat with this heavier weight than your target weight (alactic), and rest about a minute between repeats (aerobic). Any subsequent violation will earn instant removal from the venue. Lifters are not permitted to use hand bandages/tape of any kind on the platform except by special advance considera- tion of the Head Judge. I compete in 10 minute long cycle, and do 5+ minute sets several times a week. Sea state will determine some of my practice. 1.1. Stick to … In the case of any part of the competitor’s body coming in contact with the platform, or in the case that the competitor leaves the platform, a “stop” command is given. 4.3. Weigh-ins are conducted by an authorized member of the hosting organization. Since long cycle involves cleaning the kettlebells for each rep, here are few points to help "clean up" your cleans. The participant should swing the kettlebell in a continuous movement upward into the overhead position and fixate. The age of the participant is defined by year of birth (on 1st of January of current year). Different comps seem to have their own spin on things. No verbal count is required unless there is failure with electronic equipment. 5.3. • There is additional push (with legs) or additional press (with arms) of kettlebells (the kettlebell must ascend in a continuous manner without stopping). A beginner shouldn't attempt anywhere near 10 minutes straight on the long cycle and even an intermediate kettlebell trainee may want to start with a shorter timeframe. So there it is — within these three powerful exercises, you have cyclic, fast-eccentric strength work that will blur the line between strength and strength endurance: That go-all-day stamina that is often a sales pitch for kettlebells all comes from the long cycle. Distributed by Tubemogul. The 10 Minute Long Cycle: My First. 5 seconds prior to start the control time is announced in one-second increments: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 then the command “Start” is given to partici- pants in the first leg. Weigh-ins are conducted at a location designated by the host organization. 5.17. The participant is forbidden to use any equipment which provides an advantage in kettlebell lifting (acceptable equipment is listed in this document). The Two Kettlebell Long Cycle Clean-and-Jerk. • Before the beginning of the relay race participants are line up in teams in order of the relay legs they will participate in. Let the kettlebells swing far back between the legs and use a strong hip snap to get them moving. The jury has the right to make changes to the schedule of competitions if deemed necessary. As regards multiple events and organizations, this has been great for the sport. • In case of an occurrence of an extreme emergency takes measures to evacuate participants and spectators and to notify the appropriate authorities. It is common for men to use 2 kettlebells to complete this, … The list of events is as follows: ... Rules of competition. I was just looking at the rules yesterday. The “modern” incarnation of the sport was inaugurated in 1988, at the First Cup of Girevoy Sport, where both the long cycle event and the ten-minute time limit were introduced. 4.12. The participant is forbidden to talk to and approach the judge during competition. The assistant of the head judge is guided by the head judge. The kettlebell 1-arm long cycle with front and side views. An area shall be designated for competitor warm-up and preparation. The participant is expected to follow all rules and regulations set forth by IUKL and the hosting organization. In individual and team events, the individual score determines the placing of that individual. 1.2. 1.6. Long cycle, 2 X 24 kg: 10 X 10 (rest 1:00 to 1:30 between sets), total 100 reps 3. • 5 seconds prior to the termination of the leg, the control time is announced in one-second increments: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. The jury is responsible for hearing appeals and making final decisions on these appeals. Team placing is determined by the results of individual participants based on the rules and regulation of the hosting organization. The chairman of the jury, his assistants, or the head judge of the competition will oversee the work of the jury. In general, lifters are expected to show up to competition with healthy hands: Hand condition is con- sidered part of overall lifter preparation. Single kettlebell is performed in the same manner with allowing one time to switch arms. After 9 minutes have passed, control time will be announced at 50 seconds, 30 seconds, 10 seconds, 5 seconds, and every second until time runs out. • Suspends the competition in the case of emergency until the cause of the emergency situation has been eliminated. Basically, you are doing 2 exercises in 1, you’re cleaning the bells, then jerking them up overhead in a full lockout position. The start position is the same with two kettlebells on the chest. • Assembles competition participants in accordance with their assigned flights. Long cycle 20kg 2 sets of 5 minutes 9-11 reps per minute. The sequence of flights and assignment of platforms for the competition will be made by the hosting organization after weigh-ins. The medical personnel of competitions: • Checks doctors’ notes about admission of participants to competitions when necessary. Beate Kaarstad 2 x 24 kg 60 points 70.s b/w / KETA Rank MSIC / 2016 KBA Melb Open WGP / Norway. The athlete may rest in a static hang position, perform low amplitudes swings... “ULTIMATE MARATHON”, FROM 5 TO 8 HOURS. • Informs the secretary in cases where a participant is absent from competition or decides not to participate in the competition. The participant will prepare and compete with the kettlebells and on a platform designated by the hosting organization. 5.2. Long jerk is similar to the short (classical) jerk. Good sportsmanship is expected in relation to other participants, and also spectators and judges. In cases of improper conduct or behavior, the participant will be warned. Before the beginning of a competition, the conformity of the equipment and supplies shall be made public to participants. • Documents the meetings of the judiciary board and prepares the orders and decisions of the head judge. Good sportsmanship is required of all athletes. Kettlebell Sport lifting (Russian: гиревой спорт, girevoy sport "GS") is a repetitive weight lifting sport performed with kettlebells in a given period of time. At the start of the flight the command “start” is given. One lift = 1 point Event Weight Category (kg) 32kg Kettlebell 28kg Kettlebell 24kg Kettlebell 20kg Kettlebell 16kg Kettlebell s le n ly ly International Kettlebell & Fitness Federation (IKFF) Kettlebell Sport Ranking Table Men's 10 Minute Events Event Weight Category (kg) The “No Count” command is issued when:*. December 10, 2003 12:02 PM. Kettlebell Weight 2 x 20 kg. You are using an out of date browser. Long cycle is more about work capacity than anything else, and doing lots of work with lighter weights can really pay off. If a participant of a team does not have an official representative, the participant may represent himself/herself. • Ensures sanitary and hygienic conditions at the location of the competition and in areas where participants reside and eat during competitions. LONG CYCLE (TALC) 10 MIN. Representatives should remain in the designated area as assigned by the hosting organization. The bells move through a wide range of motion. Long Cycle. Events and rules of each competition will be determined by the regulations of IUKL and organizer of said competition. If the kettlebell touches the shoulder or trunk during the performance of the first hand, this will be considered the transition to switch the kettlebell to the 2nd hand, and a command to “switch” hands will be issued by the platform judge.