Questions & Answers. 8 of cups + Queen of wands: Teaching something you are passionate about. 8 of cups + Knight of wands: Moving to a place where your dreams can come true. The Knight of Cups points you towards a path of exploring your role as a romantic dreamer while you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth. In a health oriented spread, the Knight of Cups is a good omen. The Knight of Cups in a reading tells of receiving tempting offers, invitations and propositions and indicates that new ideas, opportunities and proposals are in the winds. Your willing participation can make the difference between a marginal performance and a great one. By their demeanor, they also mark the type of message they carry and the speed by which they will deliver it. Even as he moves through a desire-laden landscape of mansions, resorts, beaches and clubs, Rick grapples over complicated relationships with his brother (Wes Bentley) and father (Brian Dennehy). The Three of Cups brings celebration, friendship, and financial gains to a reading. You should not focus on it at the expense of other considerations in your life. The Knight of Cups loves to bring gifts. General: In general the Knight of Cups would tell you that things are going to be going well. The card can also represent a female in some interpretations, though it’s usually treated as a man; pages or princesses more often represent women. The Knight can be a sign that a proposal is awaiting you ahead. The Chariot is generally viewed favorably in any spread. The Six of Cups shows a young boy smelling a white, five-pointed flower inside a tall cup. Knight of Cups in a time-based position. As a piece of advice, the King of Pentacles and the Knight of Cups indicate you are currently on the right path to achieve your highest goals and dreams, but urges you to remember your inner values and hold them close to you at all times. Three of Cups and Knight of Swords. 8 of cups + Eight of swords: Special needs expert. As a person, the interpretation of the Knight of Cups can go a few ways. The Knight of Cups; The Knight of Pentacles; The Knight of Swords; This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Keywords: fiery aspect of water, surrender to loved one, ability to give, reaching higher emotional levels, spiritual relationships, family of choice. Would it always be something different? Traits of the Knight of Cups. If someone were to meditate on the Knight of Cups for a week or so by placing the card under their pillow every night, whispering 'sweet nothing's to it, what would Prince Charming, then, be saying? The Knight of Cups Tarot card is deeply connected to the emotional state of the querent. Knight of Cups Tarot and Love. Meaning of the Knight of Cups in Health. In his hand is a large golden pentacle, that he examines with content. He can be insanely jealous and unable to maintain a relationship at all. He is offering it to the young girl. And would the … The Knight of Cups is also a good indication of a pending promotion, so long as you ask for it. If you’re single and looking for the perfect man, the Knight of Cups is a positive tiding that love is arriving at your doorstep soon. 8 of cups + Five of swords: Finding the truth about a dark secret. When he appears in a reading, commitment to a cause or relationship is in question. Learn the Meanings of the Suit of Wands Tarot Cards Here. The Knight of Swords reversed may also suggest that you or someone around you is acting superior, being a know it all or has inferiority complex when it appears.