level 80 gunzerker build

The build I'm posting is an amazing Gunzerker solo build (I think it's the Best Salvador Build). https://bl2skills.com/gunzerker.html#505050501515055010515105500055000. Here are my own favorite builds for Salvator: This build is centered on using the action skill of the Gunzerker as often and as efficiently as possible. I'm mainly going to be using pistols on him so I figure Divergent Likeness is better. It also fully heals you and increases your damage resistance for a short while. I am a video game fanatic with over six years experience as an online writer. While Gunzerking you Instantly Regain 50% of Your Total Health, gain Damage Reduction against enemy attacks, and constantly Regenerate Health and Ammo. As per usual, if you have any builds you think are better, then please comment below! Isn't it possible to be a real good tank as the gunzerker? Two guns! Endorsements. hide. Not a big fan of having to switch depending on what I'm doing. Yes we've seen him actually help noobs so we know he can be nearly human when inspired unless you know more about BL series than him … 165,675. Posted by 1 year ago. P.S. This is vana lucuma back for the board aliens to build build video and today. Uploaded by RiotsRevenge . 0. The Borderlands 2 Reddit. With "Anarchy" you will be getting a large damage buff and "blood soaked shields" giving you the ability to shield tank. This build uses Gunzerking as a secondary compliment to pure weapon damage. Build 1: Pure Damage. Grants a % chance per level to add an extra round of ammunition when firing instead of expending ammunition. You'll always have health regen, great damage, and be really difficult to put down. Gundropper90 (500+ guns at level 90) Save 1009 Gundropper80 (500+ guns at level 80) Save 1010 Gundropper72 (500+ guns at level 72) Save 1011. This build concentrates on weapon damage and using Phaselock offensively. Effervescent Rarity Gear Gibbed Codes. People have been asking, and while I won't take monetary donations, I do accept leftover gems and other steam gifts. The build is very good all around for mobbing activities. Inconceivable 1/5: Chance of Free ammo up to 10%, less health = more chance, 5 Shots or 6 1/5: Killing an enemy causes a +5% chance to add a bullet insteading of expending one when firing, Yippee Ki Yay 1/5: Gunzerking Duration per kill +0.6 seconds. Post and discuss anything related to Borderlands 2. Cookies help us deliver our Services. [Discussion] Close. Each character has the same inventory, except Maya has the Breakneck Banshee. To pay you all back, I have uploaded additional build screenshots for the other characters at the end of the guide. At the same time! This build concentrates on weapon damage and using Phaselock offensively. Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information. Booster (Maya Level 9001) Save 1008 Gundropper90 (500+ guns at level 90) Save 1009 Gundropper80 (500+ guns at level 80) Save 1010 Gundropper72 (500+ guns at level 72) Save 1011. Borderlands 2 | Galaxy's Salvador - Level 80 Gunzerker Build Enjoy! in game it is a 5 point skill not a 1 point, and ends up doing 100% shield recovery and 5% health lost, but since every kill = full shield and 700% … Original upload 12 June 2019 6:52AM. User Info: Robbyat. But never delivered - an irritating trait in my book. 100% Upvoted. 2. They are: Just go for gunzerking as long and frequently as possible. There are a lot fewer weapon specific skills in this game compared to Borderlands 1, so I’m Your Huckleberry (TIER 2) is a good choice for pistol and revolver advantage compared to other classes.The bonus isn’t spectacular, but combining it with the Gunzerker ability and skills like Divergent Likeness (TIER 3) means tons and tons and tons … The new patch made it so i was just one shotting everything with level 80 gear. What is a good build and weapon loadout for lvl 80 gunzerker to kill Voracidous? In your build 2 blood soaked shields is completely worth it, and in fact makes this build. Whether you're a newcomer to Borderlands 2, playing the assassin character, Zero, for the first time, or just looking for some better builds to get the most out of combat, this article will help.I've listed my four favorite builds for Zero, each focused on a particular skill. If you take a few skills on the right, the ones for health regen, and then go down the center skill set, you'll be well off. This is almost a port from my last Gaige build for OP8, except i used the new skill points and got a few more options. Build 1: Pure Damage. Hey and say --- please tell the cheapskate he still owes me one perfect lvl 80 OP8 Ogre from two years ago when he promised it in here most graciously in front of 1,000's of our fellow Steamers. I'm thinking about an Explosive build, but I can't find a viable guide. And his best class mods dont seem to buff that skill, but I suppose I could wear the Legendary Gunzerker mod for mobbing purposes where this skill is likely to do the most good. Salvador. Archived. - BL2 General . 2. This is most useful when playing with others, as it lets you draw fire away from the vulnerable Siren and Assassin characters. Does not regenerate rockets. share. Keep Firing... 1/1: While Gunzerking, the longer your guns fire, Fire Rate up to +88% and Reload Speed up to 25%. So I'm leveling a Gunzerker right now and having a hell of a time. Last updated 28 June 2019 3:39AM. Invest in a good shield, and you'll be sitting right around 14,000 by level 35. - BL2 General . 509. There are a lot fewer weapon specific skills in this game compared to Borderlands 1, so I’m Your Huckleberry (TIER 2) is a good choice for pistol and revolver advantage compared to other classes.The bonus isn’t spectacular, but combining it with the Gunzerker ability and skills like Divergent Likeness (TIER 3) means tons and tons and tons of additional damage.