It's one option for people who can't build LineageOS 15.1 for themselves like Captain_Throwback. @Captain_Throwback, I did try and build 16.0 and am stuck at boot animation like you, but haven't tried in probably the last 2 months or so. In today's video I will be showing you all the step by step guide on how to flash Lineage OS 14.1 to your Google Nexus 9 by HTC. Time has not been too kind for the Google Nexus 9 tablet. There's one bug I already found. Join us and breathe new life in your device, be it old or new. SU File (optional): If you want root access, you’ll need to flash this. Lineage OS 16 Pie 9.0 comes with awesome features like long-lasting battery life, Adaptive Brightness, Slices, Gesture-based navigation, Digital Wellbeing etc. Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 9.7 Wi-Fi (2016) (gts210vewifi) Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e (LTE) (gts4lv) Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e (Wi-Fi) (gts4lvwifi) We’ll talk more about that below. today. But now you can enjoy Android Oreo on Nexus 9 and major features including Picture-In-Picture mode, Notification Channels, Adaptive icons, Autofill framework, and a few WiFi related goodies , etc. Is it wise for me to continue with eOS oreo or to go back to Lineage … Lineage os 16 for Google Nexus 9 is out now and now you enjoy Android 9.0 pie on Google Nexus 9 that is packed will lot of new features. Official LineageOS 14.1 Builds for the Google Nexus 9. I won't be using banking apps on the S9. The Nexus 9 has seen it’s last major update with Nougat 7.1.1 and it has all ended there for users operating stock firmware. Lineage-15.1-20200313-UNOFFICIAL Changes: - fix sepolicy - selinux = enforcing Download Lineage Builds: (03/13/2020) Lineage-15.1-20200725-UNOFFICIAL Changes: - Google security updates Download Lineage Builds: (07/25/2020) Download and Install Lineage OS 15.1 On Nexus 9 (Android 8.1 Oreo): Google Nexus 9 has received Resurrection Remix Oreo ROM and now the device has started getting the Lineage OS 15.1 Custom ROM.This new update is based on the source code of Android 8.1 Oreo firmware and it comes with not only the features of Oreo firmware but it also has some amazing additional features. I downloaded the Nexus 9 build. LineageOS 17.1 now supports the Nextbit Robin, more Moto devices; drops Galaxy S9 and Note 9 Official LineageOS 17.1 support comes to Nexus … Lineage OS: The actual operating system. LineageOS, an open-source Android distribution, is available for several devices, with more being continuously added thanks to the biggest, yet ever growing, Android open-source community. I would then like to root the phone and, at the OS level, use some form of hosts file or connection blocking to block the trackers/adverts built in to the closed source apps. GApps (optional): If you want all the Googleyness that comes along with Android, you’ll need to have a GApps (Google Apps) package ready to roll. LineageOS is live now as we all know CyanogenMod is now dead officially and it will be replaced by linegaeOS according to their official blog.That means there will no CyanogenMod rom support for any device in future so Cm14.1 i.e CyanogenMod 14/14.1 is the last CyanogenMod rom.