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Jeffrey Epstein’s sordid pedo island in photos: Look at these new pics. After we learned what happened on Little St. James, the nicknames made sense. Little St. James is also accessible from St. Thomas by a 15-minute boat ride. The media has been left scrambling to understand what exactly went on in Little St. James, billionaire Jeffrey Epstein's 70-acre private island in the Caribbean, ever since he was arrested on July 6 on charges of sex trafficking. Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change and Jeff Berwick sneaked onto Epstein’s private island, Little St James, three months after FBI agents raided the luxury Caribbean hideaway. He paid $7.95 million for the island, but its price has risen steeply since then. The 66-year … Water Island is a 500-acre spit of land in the U.S. Virgin Islands. AP. An anonymous source recently leaked new photos to The New … 8 of 15 Enlarge Image A security guard stands watch in a gazebo on Little St. James Island. Child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein owned the island for over twenty years, allegedly bringing underage girls with his plane named the Lolita Express. Disturbing footage stills from a survey camera has allegedly captured children trapped in underground rooms at billionaire Jeffrey Epstein's private island (Little Saint James) in the Caribbean. Facilities at Little St. James Island Reuters. The island, which can be found on Google Maps, is officially named ‘Little St. James Island’: Located on the southwest portion of the island is a strange temple-like structure and opening to a possible nefarious underground facility. Houses at Little St. James Island Reuters He also said he briefly saw the “very secluded” massage area where Epstein is accused of tricking young girls into sex acts. Since Epstein’s arrest in August 2019, people have been trying to get a glimpse of Little St. James. As we slowly get more information & photos of Epstein’s Little St. James estate, the island just gets creepier & creepier. In 1998, Epstein purchased Little St. James for $7.95 million. Little Saint James is known as 'paedo island' Credit: Reuters. After the land deal, Joe Biden vacationed elsewhere on the tiny island, which once protected a nearby submarine base before it became a tropical getaway, on at least three occasions. While nearby, Little St. James is not visible from most vistas on St. Thomas, per a 2019 article in the L.A. Times. The Department of Defense purchased the island from a Danish company during World War II, using it to protect a submarine base on nearby St… The revelation comes as Little St. James Island in St. Thomas is going under the microscope in the wake of Epstein’s recent arrest.