Fizz TF is an aggressively slanted combo deck that is focused on 2 different powerful win conditions. Once you’ve built a wide board, you can overwhelm your opponent with Cithria the Bold or Relentless Pursuit for lethals. The first is flipping Twisted Fate incredibly quickly and the second is just killing your opponent with a massive swarm of Elusives. I played this deck from Diamond 4 to Master in one day, so it’s definitely solid in the current meta. Legends of Runeterra Budget Decks for Monuments of Power. Greedy Ramp decks. The deck landscape is dominated by a holy trinity of aggro and midrange decks, led by the S/I Mistwraiths, the I/F Elusives, and the S/N Spiders.. The ideal spells are Thermo Beam, Vile Feast, and Go Hard. You are looking to play 4 copies of Go Hard and get a Pack Your Bags which gives you lethal a very high percentage of the time. Cithria the Bold, Garen, and any buffed units that survive until the late-game are usually enough to defeat an already weakened opponent. Against Feel the Rush decks, you can tech in Passage Unearned if you are running into these a lot. Fearsomes is a deck that utilizes cheap threats with the Fearsome keyword to attack through a wide variety of boards and then looks to finish out games with Frenzied Skitterer to make their board unblockable, Doombeast to drain the opponent out, or a big The Harrowing for lethal. lor meta tier list Discover the best Legends of Runeterra decks and archetypes that the top players are using to climb. This was the deck that I used to get Masters with and I wanted to recommend it to others as well. League of Legends™ and Riot Games are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Feel the Rush is an easier to use and more immediate payoff version of Warmother’s Call. Thermo Beam for Miss Fortune is often critical. Against removal heavy Piltover decks, keeping Jinx until she’s leveled will go a long way to keeping her alive with 4 health. This list has access to a lot of obliterates as well as Hush which makes Ledros less effective. Keep in mind that they’re not in a special order yet, because even the best decks will have counters and which decks really depend on the popularity of which decks are played. Following the LoR 0.9.0 balance patch earlier this week, Control decks … Ledros is the other finisher in the deck which halves the Nexus Health each time it is played. Feel the Rush doesn’t provide as much value over time the Warmother’s Call but it provides a big enough impact to end the game on the turn or 2 after you play it. It uses strong early starts that dump their hand early then finishes their opponents off with burn damage. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Thermo Beam is also important to deal with the more beefy units. 5h. This deck requires a lot of decision making on when to use your burn for removal or face as well as when and what cards to discard. A library of the best Legends of Runeterra decks, created and rated by players like you! This deck is one of the beefiest decks in the game. This is a deck that you’ll want to curve out on with the hardest decisions being when to leave mana open for spells and when to drop Trifarian Assessor for card draw. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. They are looking to deal with damage to your creatures to level up Swain and Ezreal, so you can get away with not playing any creatures and simply reacting to the creature that they play. Here are twelve decks (6 meta decks and 6 budget decks) that we recommend trying the best shot on the competitive ladder during LoR’s Open Beta launch. The deck plays a ton of self-damage cards such as Boxtapus which when healed up, does an amazing job of controlling the board. After the Aphelios Expansion, Gluttony Anivia is one of the last surviving Control decks. This is the update to the old Lee Sin Zed deck but it has gotten some great new tools with the new set including Zoe and Sparklefly. In general, you want to keep your champions in this deck, other than that you can keep Lunari Duskbringer, and Solari Soldier. These two cards can win the game by themselves even if they are your only units in play whether it be through Fiora getting 4 kills or Sparklefly killing them with massive Elusive damage. The deck also plays Tahm Kench which can kill a unit every turn as long as you can keep it healthy. Legends of Runeterra Card Basics Guide. You must be mindful of Deny at times, but if you are able to pull off a Ruination – you most likely win the game on the spot. Ledros is used to close out the game which you may have noticed is a common them against every control list this deck might play against. I would highly recommend playing this deck if you like having the ability to answer any unit while still having a fairly proactive deck. In the mulligan, you want to keep Vengeance and Ruination. In it, players can choose their regions and champions and construct unique decks in order to battle their opponents. Your goal with this deck should be to build up a powerful board by either setting up a leveled Twisted Fate or an Aphelios that’s generating a gun every turn. While we’ve already covered the Best Decks in Legends of Runeterra, we wanted to break it down into your favorite Regions. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Copyright © 2016-2021 All rights reserved by Gamers Net, Inc. Mobalytics isn’t endorsed by Riot Games and doesn’t reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing League of Legends. This deck is a control deck from the Freljord and Shadow Isles region. If you are seeing this deck a lot on the ladder, then it is probably best to change decks. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Noxian Fervor is great as a counter to drain spells like Grasp or general removal since you can use it in response. Utilized regions Targon Ionia. If you are seeing a lot of decks using Noxus, Piltover and Zaun, Bilgewater, and Demacia then this deck will generally do well against those regions. Cards like Pale Cascade and Stalking Shadows help ensure that you don’t run out of cards in the midgame. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Yasuo Leona. HF. To explore all the cards in LoR, check out our Card Gallery or jump straight into our Deck Builder if you already got some ideas from our article. Control. Against Ezreal Swain, you want to pass as much as possible. Having 1 Catalyst of Aeons is pretty good to keep especially in slower matchups because it can allow you to execute your otherwise incredibly slow win condition much faster. Featured Guides Guides. If they are a small creature deck you want your small removals like Avalanche, Withering Wail, and Vile feast, and if they are a big creature deck you want cards like Ruination and Vengeance. Please verify that you are not a bot to cast your vote. As always, these deck recommendations will be provided by our Glimpse Beyond experts, Swim and Precipic, and TL Alanzq. They also have multiple combat tricks such as Sharpsight which make dealing with their creatures even harder. I would look to keep Diana, Lunari Duskbringer, and Solari Soldier in your opening hand most of the time. By consenting to this enhanced ad experience, you'll see ads that are more relevant to you. RuneterraFire's decks are frequently updated by our friendly deck building community, so you can keep up with Legends of Runeterra meta decks and stay on top! You may also have additional Sea Creatures that were created from Jaull Hunters or Slaughter Docks. They are either used aggressively against slower decks or as tools to slow down aggressive decks until you reach the late game for Corina and Ledros. I would also recommend keeping early plays such as House Spider in basically every matchup because it lets you block vs aggro and beat down vs control. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The Rekindler can be used to revive Teemo if he dies and cards like The Ruination and Trueshot Barrage can be used to control the battlefield and quickly clear it of enemy units if the need to do so arises. I highly recommend playing this deck if you enjoy setting up the most powerful attacks you’ve ever seen. Your removal is strong enough to deal with Scouts efficiently. You have so much heal and removal that it is hard for this deck to get past it. House Spider is probably the best swarm card in the game, while Crowd Favourite is a big threat if it can be played on turn 4 or turn 5 with a wide board to increase its potency. Culling Strike can be an amazing card that punches above its mana cost while also having great interactions when combined with Frostbite reducing attack power to 0. If you are against a controlling deck you can consider keeping Stalking Shadows. In your mulligan you need some way of getting Anivia whether it be Entreat or Anivia herself, beyond that you want the tool that most effectively shuts down the opponent’s gameplan. This is a new deck that looks to use Sparklefly and Fiora as its entire win con. All three of the decks will contain only one champion (Elise and Ashe are already available in the starter decks), and one or two Epic cards at most. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Other than that, notable power cards that you really want to draw include Wraithcaller, The Harrowing, and Pale Cascade. If you are able to get them to use a Ranger’s Resolve on a singular unit rather than multiple you are satisfied. See the latest Empires of the Ascended card reveals every morning at our New Cards page! This can be a tough match up, but it is another matchup where Ruination can easily decide the game. Play this if you want to play a deck chock full of removal and ways to Plunder your opponent’s cards. Late game the deck aims to drop Anivia or Tryndamere with Ruination on the following turn to create a one sided board wipe. Based on your game collection, we can show decks which are available to play: Show me decks which I … It can also perform well against control lists on the back of Ledros. You don’t have very effective ways of punishing Ramp. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This deck includes Ancient Yeti which if you keep in your opening hand it can cost 4 by turn 4 and just gets cheaper from there which can give you some really powerful swing turns. I highly recommend playing this board if you enjoy completely dominating board combat with Challengers. This is very difficult to play however, so only play this if you want to commit to learning how to effectively utilize the Nightfall mechanic and the Invoke mechanic. If you’re a new player, check out our best LoR budget decks article. Although Ramp can be a tough matchup for this deck, Anivia is not as spooky as Trundle. Your pings that are used for removal are not effective against a deck that loves to heal its own units. If you are playing against a lot of Feel the Rush, then Passage Unearned is a great tech choice that will help your Freljord matches out a lot. Please note that meta builds are likely to change, and we’ll regularly update this list based on that. The deck also has a ton of consistency in finding its win conditions with 3 Entreats for Anivia and 3 Gluttony to find The Rekindler off of Anivia. See this deck's card breakdown, regions, rarity breakdown, and mana curve on RuneterraFire. Note that it has a tough match up with Tahm Soraka due to not being able to remove units with pings due to all the heals in the decklist, but other than that, you have a pretty decent shot in a lot of matchups. You can use your Ruination to respond to Harrowing. 3. Welcome back to our Meta Decks Report for Legends of Runeterra’s Cosmic Creation set. A deck that pushes for fast wins giving you short game times. I highly recommend this deck if you enjoy playing a fairly consistent aggro deck with a super cool finisher. legends of Runeterra Decks, Tips and Guides. If you want to play a Targon deck with an aggressive slant I’d highly recommend trying this out. Swim will be creating and curating competitive decks for our site and content so be sure to bookmark his Mobalytics Deck Library and follow him on Twitch, Youtube, or Swim’s LoR website. clear. While we’ve already covered the Best Decks in Legends of Runeterra, we wanted to break it down into your favorite Regions.In this guide, we walk you through our favorite – and the best Shadow Isle Decks.. LOR decks created by the community and Tempo Storm content providers. Empires of the Ascended Impressions: Nasus . We personalize your advertising experience. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. However, against more aggressive decks or decks with a lot of creatures, oftentimes, Corina will need to be played to stabilize the board especially if Ruination had not been played earlier in the game. You also hold Ruination and try to force them to hold their units back due to fear of Ruination. If that sounds appealing then this deck is for you. You don’t have very effective ways of punishing Ramp. In this deck, you pretty much only keep hands that have The Grand Plaza and Lucian. Beyond that, the deck gets to generate a ton of card draw off of Soraka which is also super fun. You also have pings to deal with their early game. Here are the best decks that our experts recommend for climbing in the current meta. In your mulligan you should be looking to keep your cheap cards and your powerful cards. It’s in a fairly good spot and not many people play it. For your mulligan, you should be looking to keep Twisted Fate, Go Hard, Zap Sprayfin, Jagged Butcher, and Elise.